
Murder of Crows

"I know that you are truly eyeing for the two clay statues we have left but trust me. This is not the right time to use them!" Moloch beseeched Qiu Yue to stay calm in her tactician work. She just did not know that there were other types of monsters that would perfectly counter the size and strength of those two clay statues.

Using them now would be a disservice to their powers hidden within those runes that Jespa had specifically created. (Although she was outright complaining why those human idiots at the top of the food chain still had not used them by now.)

"Urgh, fine let's use our V2 rockets to stall the gian-" Qiu Yue was subsequently interrupted by an urgent shout from a Goblin telecoms operator.

"Mdm! Another magical portal appeared right above the safe zone, and unlike the previous time, there are thousands of different signature readings coming out of it right now!" The operator said with much anxiety in his tone.