
Manor of Vishnu -Part 1

"Do we really need to go in with all our gear on?" No.1 asked as he felt that they should be strong enough to clear the minions and move to the boss stage within one try. 

Thus, they should not need to worry about bringing mass murder kind of gear but rather heavy hitting items that were specifically meant to assassinate powerful individuals. 

"We do not know the capabilities of the minions. What we were shown by Jin is only his fight against the God of Preservation. What if the fight contained monsters that are exceeding our current gear?" No.8 replied and No.9 concurred with her. 

"We might just be pawns in the grand scheme of things but if our King can keep nameless useful pawns like us as the last line of defence, I do not see why the God of Preservation does not do the same." No.9 said and No.2 added that there is a possibility the Dashavataras might be involved.