
Jin's Gearbox

The Gearbox system that Jin created for Yang Ling was still saved within the database of the System. Since he had some time to himself in the past few days, Jin had made use of the time to modify it a little more, making it more durable by using higher quality metals. Jin also added more offensive and defensive options that enhanced the current schematic of Yang Ling's prototype Gearbox suit.

A few simple looking boxes flew out from his living armour storage watch and immediately got attached to him. The first box fastened itself to his back, before expanding its metal pieces out from the box, strengthening his back, allowing him to fall to the steppes at ease.

The following boxes attached to his arms and what was left of his legs. Because of the adrenaline he experienced, there was not much pain due to the sudden loss of his leg and the gearbox that attached to it numbed it even more with a mixture of anaesthesia provided by the System.