
Extra -The Workings of Bone Spirit Demons

"You sure know how to torture those poor little Pandarens, eh?" Pei commented as she watched Kraft furiously type on his tablet and keyboard from his throne. It was quite rare of him to work so hard out in the open for people to see. And yet he somehow had the time to display the expression of a bored sloth, as his hands typed in speeds that made it hard to follow their movements.

"Sure, but half the credit should go to Jin. It was his initial idea, I just improved on it. Since I placed one stupid Loompa Oompa monster in the sea, I had to make sure that the underlings are sea to land compatible…or at least sea compatible. Otherwise, they would have just drowned or become easy pickings for Jin's customers to kill. Where is the fun in that?" Kraft argued and Pei corrected him.