
Extra - Goblin Waterlog Ride

"WOOOOW! IT'S A THEME PARK!!! HAHAHAHA!" Yue Han cried out loud as the group of eight entered the instance along with the massive crowd who waited for the opening of the Christmas Instance.

"To think we were so worked up for nothing. Guess you were right." Yue Wen playfully punched Jia Ying on her shoulder for guessing correctly and she returned a smile.

"I am willing to bet that Boss Jin has something else in store for this theme park. If it's like the Raid events, there will be something that will entice people to come for this." Bu Dong was sure, and the Wunder Pandit welcoming the Pandawans acknowledged that Jin had prepared three Cosmetic Inscriptions that could be earned in this WunderPanda theme park instance and they were all stated in the brochure.