
Creating The School Again

"Why do I even need to create a school again!" Jin said to himself as he relegated himself back into the Dungeon Maker room. 

"Does the System need to remind you that you did it because you wanted more money and reputation before you got to this stage?" The System said and Jin looked at the screen with a huge sigh. "There is no need to reiterate that there would be costs incurred as the System had mentioned. That amount of money could be used for other things such as buying a store in Shenzhen for your Virtual Reality Simulation Expansion. 

"Fine, fine, fine. All I have to do is to provide the required specifications while ensuring that it is pretty too, correct?" Jin said as he already started using his thought manipulation and created the foundation of the school instance as he had done previously for the old blueprint.

"Yes, and the System had also contacted the four Demon Exorcists that were under your care previously."