
Xia Weibao's Man

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

All eyes fell on that black, golden and translucent crystal card.

That was a card made of pure crystal. There were no patterns or words on it. It was like a smooth piece of black and gold crystal, shining with a low-key yet mysterious aura under the bright lights.

Suddenly, Li Cheng burst out in laughter.

"What card is this? It's so black that it doesn't even have a word on it. Where did you even pick up such trash? And you even dare to take it out? Your brain must be damaged! Hahaha."

The crew of "The Harem" standing behind Li Cheng had initially thought that the card was something remarkable based on Xia Weibao's arrogant posture, and had been afraid. But hearing what Li Cheng just said, they breathed sighs of relief.

Not only that, they joined him in laughing as well.

Li Cheng's face was full of disdain and said smugly, "This can't be your prop from 'Fallen City', can it? If you want to puff yourself up at your own cost, at least find a decent one. One with a logo of a bar on it, or the name of a bar on it. See, like this one. This is clearly a VIP card."

Li Cheng arrogantly dangled the VIP card in front of Xia Weibao, and haughtily threw it onto the front desk.

"VIP clients have priority. We want this room. Hurry, don't spoil my mood."

The receptionist looked puzzledly at Xia Weibao's crystal card, in confusion over what Xia Weibao meant. She was new here and only recognised VIP cards. She looked at Xu Jiayang's team apologetically.

"I'm really sorry everyone. It is in our regulations that VIP clients have priority. We welcome you to visit us next time."

With that, she bowed and prepared to register the other team.

The entire "Fallen City" crew's faces flushed red.

How embarrassing.

It was humiliating enough that they were publicly shamed. And to think that Xia Weibao had rushed up to let them embarrass her again.

What was the use of showing that crystal card? It looked elegant and mysterious, but had no actual use.

Xia Weibao was also confused at the situation.

She put one hand on the keyboard, preventing the receptionist from registering the other crew.

"Go and call your manager over."

This card had been given to her by Lu Hualiang. He had said that as long as she presented this card in China, she could have her way no matter what happened.

He could not have lied to her.

In this situation, there could only be one explanation. That was that the ranks of these people were too low and they had never seen this card before.

The receptionist was in a bit of a quandary. "This…"

Xu Jiayang, who had been in shock, finally regained his senses. With a sombre expression, he said, "Go and call your manager over. If anything happens, you won't be able to take up the responsibility."

The receptionist hesitated for a moment, before calling her manager.

Xu Jiayang looked at Xia Weibao.

That card…

Li Cheng may not have seen it before, but he had seen it once when he was still in his glory days.

It was the most high-class, most powerful limited edition VIP card for all types of businesses in China!

It was the top of the top.

It could be said that this black gold VIP card was the pinnacle symbol of status and position. In the whole of China, there were only three cards!

The CEO of the Lu Corporation, Lu Hualiang.

The young master of the Fang family, Fang Lilin.

President of China, Yan Fei.

The three youngest, most influential and most powerful kings in China.

Only those whose smallest of actions could impact the whole country could own this premium VIP card.

Xu Jiayang felt a surge of fear in his heart. Who was the man behind Xia Weibao?