
Too Late to Dodge

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The next day, Xia Weibao was awoken by a throng of notifications from her mobile phone.

Looking at the Wechat notifications, she suddenly realised that Xu Jiayang had added her to the Wechat group of the "Fallen City" crew last night.

Have you heard of Wechat? It's something that allows you to chat across space. It's said that it's also a very advanced and powerful thing. You may not have used it. It was also her first time using it.

Looking at the chat records that were constantly being updated, the empress grew slightly excited.

Wow, modern technology was really good. It was so much better than the messenger pigeons that they used back in the day.

While she was still lost in her own thought, someone shared a link to a news article.

Xia Weibao clicked on it and her eyelids twitched violently.

Last night, Li Cheng had become a dog on the streets last night.

That's right. You didn't read wrongly. He was hugging a female dog and ahem.. Then…

And then he got overly excited and collapsed.

It was a big deal and in no time made the headlines.

Xia Weibao covered her face. She had not meant to do it. She had not done it on purpose.

A few days ago, she had gotten bored while recuperating. So she had researched some self-defense drugs. Amongst them was a drug that resembled spring… But this had an aphrodisiac effect. But it also had an undesirable side effect, which was that you would never be able to lift it up again.

Last night, when Li Cheng rushed up to cause trouble, she immediately thought of testing the drug on him.

She had not expected that it would be so intense that it actually…

Xia Weibao silently paid tribute to Li Cheng. That's none of my business. You were so desperate that you could not even let that dog go. It has nothing to do with the strength of my drugs.

After a moment of silence. she opened her Weibo and saw that the charts of the hottest topics had all been swept by Li Cheng.

She felt a sudden sense of relief. It was not easy for the empress to finally not be at the top of the search rankings!

Just as she was looking on in relish, another piece of news popped up. It turned out that Li Cheng could no longer bear the pressure of public opinion, and fled the country to take refuge elsewhere.

But unfortunately, he ran into a reporter at the airport and was then surrounded.

Li Cheng slipped away like a street mouse.

Looking at this made Xia Weibao disdainful.

He could not even withstand such little pressure?

She was on the headlines every day and she had not even run away yet! What a coward!

"What?! What do you mean by Li Cheng running away?"

Lin Mier had just risen from her manager's bed when she heard this explosive news. Her face was twisted with anger.

Brother Wang hung up with a sullen face.

"I heard that he drank too much and got high last night and wanted to find a woman, but found a female dog instead. He couldn't take the pressure so he fled the country."

Lin Mier clenched the blanket tightly. "Then what will happen to the filming of 'The Harem'?"

Brother Wang shrugged. "The director has already fled. What else can happen? It'll probably be left alone now."

"Bast*rd!" Lin Mier was so angry that her bare chest continuously rose up and down.

It was embarrassing enough that she had been replaced as the female lead in "Fallen City". It was not easy for her to get the role in "The Harem" to save some face. But now, even "The Harem" was no more!

She had lost two female lead roles in no time at all. What would people say about her? A jinx? Or a female lead black hole?

Just the thought of the comments that could show up online made her giddy with fury.

Last night, she had bragged about "The Harem" in front of Xia Weibao, mocking her about how low-class "Fallen City" was.

But just hours later, "The Harem" was not to be anymore.

Lin Mier felt as though someone had punched her straight in the face.

"Don't worry." Brother Wang stroked her smooth bare shoulder. "'The Harem' is only a small production. As long as you clinch the championship title of 'Dancing Into The Future' and become Yin Mulan's disciple, even the top-tier artistes won't hold a candle to you! Why bother about these small profits now?"