
Opening Red Wine Bare-Handed, How Suave

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The moment she said that, everyone's excited faces froze.

2.. 20 dollars for a bottle of beer?

The cheapest alcohol you could find in Brilliant Bar started at a five-figure sum. And she ordered a 20-dollar bottle of beer?

Xu Jiayang silently turned away, pretending not to know her.

You are wearing custom-made clothes worth more than six figures, and are driving a luxury car worth upwards of eight figures.

And at the top bar in the country, you order a 20-dollar beer?

The manager face-palmed.

Don't be like that. You're holding a premium VIP card and you order a 20-dollar beer? People will think you're nuts!

"I'm just joking to hype up the atmosphere! Carry on, everyone! Carry on!" Seeing that there was an awkward atmosphere, Xia Weibao laughed it off.

In her heart, however, she was cursing and swearing.

What did they mean by the best beer at 20 dollars, and it being value-for-money? Were they trying to bully her, knowing that she had not yet entirely modernized?

Even though she had kept the memories of the body, her subconsciousness was too strong and the two different parts of her memory would separate here and then.

As for many of the modern things, she could hardly recall anything about that.

So it was a joke. It was only then that they came back to their senses.

Xu Jiayang was in charge of ordering the drinks. "Give us a dozen Vielle Bon Secours, and another two bottles of Rimanee Conti."

Not long after, the alcohol was served.

"My apologies, I forgot to bring the bottle opener."

The beautiful waitress apologised and left to retrieve the bottle opener.

Xia Weibao stood up and took a bottle of Vielle Bon Secours.

Wasn't it just a bottle of wine? These modern-day people are so useless and weak!

"No problem. I'll help you open it."

It was only right that she take care of the weak after all.

And so, the empress took hold of the bottle cap proudly. With a pop, she bit open the bottle cap.

Within half a minute, she had opened the whole dozen bottles of beer!

Not only that, with everyone still staring at her wide-eyed, she took up the two bottles of wine. And with her bare hands, she pulled the cork out…

It ope… ned…

Everyone was so stunned that they could not believe their eyes. They stared at Xia Weibao as though they were staring at the hulk.

What… what a powerful hand!

They had never seen anyone remove a cork with their bare hands.

For some reason, everyone immediately thought about her Bugatti. That hole in the front…

"Baby, where did the logo on your Bugatti go?"

Someone cautiously raised the question.

Xia Weibao broke into a smile. "I tore it off. Eh? How did you know it was a Bugatti?"

Tore it off…

Tore it off…

Tore it off…

These three words played back continuously in everyone's minds. They stared intently at Xia Weibao, as if she was an alien.

That was too terrifying. She looked so skinny but she was so strong!

It was just that she looked so suave!

A domineering tomboy. So handsome!

While everyone was indulging themselves here, those squatting in the corner were disgruntled.

"She's just a b*tch who's being kept as a mistress. Damn it!"

"That's right. How can that b*tch Xia Weibao compare to our Mier?"

"Why not you go up and dance a classical dance, Mier? Show those women who rely on their beauty what a goddess with true beauty and talent is like!"