
Null (Overwatch X Transformers Prime)

Punished for his sins, crushed by the ones he tried to subjugate, Ramattra has fallen. Fallen to the ones he fought against to free his people from their clutches. He longed for the day his people were free from oppression, but now he cannot see that day come. He accepted his fate but the Iris had other plans. He awakens in a mysterious land where large robots from outer space fight for supremacy on Earth. Ramattra may not know where he is, but his words, his fight, his cause. Still stands.

KingRenetti · Video Games
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2 Chs

The Iris

Punished for his sins, crushed by the ones he tried to subjugate, Ramattra has fallen. Fallen to the ones he fought against to free his people from their clutches. He longed for the day his people were free from oppression, but now he cannot see that day come. He had launched an invasion and called for Omnics to join his cause, but in the end, he lost what power, what army he had. He tried to free his people but ended up making things worse for them. He let Mondatta down. What would Zenyatta think of him now? He could merely guess upon the many possible ways Zenyatta would react to the things he's done. He had left the Shambali and became a warmonger. He'd be lying if he didn't regret it a little bit. But it was necessary for Humanity to respect the Omnics. A show of force to show mankind that the Omnics aren't to be toyed with. They were a single generation, one that was gradually dying with time. He had to do something to save them.

He couldn't sit idly by and watch as his people were killed, tortured, broken and beaten by those savages. The Omnic Crisis ruined everything for his people. That damn God Program. But his people were built to serve, and now, they serve no purpose at all besides being punching bags for the humans. He sought to change that, a noble goal in his eyes. But it seems somewhere along the way, he had strayed a little too far into the unknown and became corrupted, glitched and entangled in the past mistakes of his former master. The Iris was a key to enlightenment for the Omnics. Aurora gave everything she could for them, and here he was. Tarnishing the gift, she gave. The choice he had, he used it for something dark, sinister and selfish. He hadn't imagined it at first, but his actions caused more harm then good.

He was so devoted to having peace at any cost that he was willing to start a War over it. Seems he's no different from the humans he tried to extinguish. His rage, his anger boiled. The peace the Omnic Monks tried to attain was just a distant dream that he couldn't follow. He had become disillusioned. His anger against humanity got the better of him. All he wanted was a bright future for his people. but his anger got the best of him. He tried liberating people who didn't want to be liberated. This was his fate, his destiny apparently. He fell to the world's heroes. Overwatch had defeated him, just like they did in the Omnic Crisis. They're the true heroes of this world. He isn't. Especially after what he did. If he was still alive, he would've sought out Zenyatta for redemption.

A part of him is glad he was destroyed; it was a way for him to pay for his sins. But he was confused at how his consciousness was still active. That was until he heard the familiar sounds of activation. His optics open allowing him to bear witness to the sky above him. Confusion filled his circuits before he moved his hand up in front of him. He turns it around to look at the back of his hand while brining up his other hand and looking at it. He then pulls himself up and looks around. A forest environment surrounds him. As he looked around at the environment he found himself in, his hand hits something. He looks down and saw it was his staff. He quickly grabs it and placed it upwards, using it as leverage to stand up off the ground. Any dirt that made it's home on his metal frame fell off. He stood up tall as he scans the area around him. This silent serenity of the forest wildlife fills his audio receptors and it's like music to him. Compared to gunfire and explosions, these sounds are more calming and gives him a sense of peace.

But he knows that he could've torn this away by causing war. Was he truly in the right to instigate war? To be the very thing the God Program Anubis made him to be? He always despised Anubis with every bolt in his body. If he hated the very thing that cause the problems of the Omnics in the first place, then what was he? A hero to the Omnics or the biggest hypocrite in the world? He is thrown out of his thoughts when a familiar sound is heard. An explosion is heard and it causes the ground beneath him to shake. He turns around swiftly and saw a blue colored smoke cloud.

"Interesting." he mumbles with intrigue before making his way towards the explosion with haste. If it's Overwatch then he needs to settle this once and for all. But as he draws near, he breaks through a clearing and comes across a crater with a massive warship hovering above it.

The warship above quickly ascends and escapes the area. Ramattra watches it off with curiosity. That was no Overwatch or Null Sector vessel. He should know. But he rests on the subject no longer as he investigates the crater. He steps closer and notices strange crystals inside. Scorch marks indicate that the explosion originated from here. So, he leaps down and crashes onto the ground with great force, causing a cloud of dust to form around him. He rises up as the dust dissipates. He walks up to one of the crystals and places his hand up against it. The minute he touches it, the crystal zaps him lightly. Swiftly, he removes his hand and backs up in shock. Looking at his hand, he is filled with wonder. But his thoughts are cut short as he hears something.

Gazing past the crystals, he notices a green vortex had formed. Now beaming with curiosity, he steps out from behind the crystal but stops as he notices multiple cars rush out of the vortex before transforming into larger robots. This stunned the Omnic who had never seen any Omnic perform such a feat. Maybe the Bastion units of old, but they only turned into Turrets and small tanks. Were they even Omnics? He resumes his cover just in case but keeps an eye out. This could get bad in a hurry.