
Ntring My Friends

Have you ever wished to fuck you friends girlfriend or wife? No? Now you do no Yuri, no ntr. just netori

NOTAKING · Realistic
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24 Chs

Chapter 9

He took the drink and slowly drank it as he stared at Chloe while she walked away. Ryan smirked.

*Those girls back in college were all just dumb fucks. My wife is a super genius; if it weren't for her, I wouldn't have the position I have. So you best believe that she's untouchable, with the exception of me, her beloved husband,*

"It's like he's asking for me to cuck him," he thought.

"So Ryan, how did you get so rich? You left for six months, and now you have a nice house and a beautiful wife," Travis asked.

"Oh, well. Well, I started investing in stocks, that's all," he replied.

"You must have lady luck on your side to get such a huge bag in such a short amount of time. How'd you meet Chloe?"

"We met at a bar in New York, you could say it was love at first sight," he said.

Chloe walked back into the room and heard his reply.

*He wishes. I only married you because I didn't want to marry the guy who I was betrothed to*

'Is this some kind of Chinese novel?' he thought.

Before long, the other people who were invited arrived. There were four people; two of them were Ryan's friends, and the others were their partners. Everyone sat in the living room. Travis sat alone on a couch as he stared at the woman he came with. He had already heard these guys' thoughts, and just like Ryan, they planned on humiliating him. The girls, however, didn't know anything. They were simply here to keep their boyfriends company.

"Hey Travis, come sit with us. You seem like you're bored there," this was Liam, the guy with the blonde hair who looked like a thug in those hentais who's bound to NTR the main character.

"Yeah, pull up, bro." This was Kyle. He had black hair and looked presentable, well, a bit.

"Nah, I like sitting alone. I'll just play some games on Ryan's console," he replied with a smile.

*You still think you're some kind of main character. Pussy-ass ngga,*-Kyle

*You'll pay for taking my crush,* -Liam

'Okay,' he thought to himself.

The woman they had come with was very beautiful, on par with Chloe and Serena. Their names were Mia and Victoria. Mia had long blue hair with bright blue eyes and luscious pink lips. She gave Travis a brief glance, which he noticed. They both stared at each other for a moment, then they went back to what they were doing previously.

* He's handsome and looks kind. Wonder if he'd like to be friends* Mia thought

Victoria had short black hair.  She also had bright yellow eyes,  they were very captivating. She did not even give Travis a glance since she was busy with her phone.

*When is my Chanel bag going to get delivered? I've been waiting for a whole week. Fuck, I wonder why I'm dating this middle-class guy. If it were my previous suitors, I would've gotten what I wanted already,*

' A materialistic girl. She's the easiest, I'd say. Should I strike her first? Guess I'll see as time goes,' he thought.

Chloe stared at Travis, she wasn't the slightest bit interested in what anyone was talking about. She was most interested in him and how mysterious he was.

"Hey Ryan, can you show me where the bathroom is?" Travis had a plan boiling in his mind.

"I'm busy," he replied.

Chloe glared at him, which shook him to his core. She got up and walked to Travis.

"Come on, let me show you. Since someone's busy," she said, the last words with hidden malice.

*I'm definitely getting fucked tonight,*

Travis followed Chloe upstairs where their figures disappeared from everyone's vision.

"Hey, do you think it's alright to let Travis go with your girl?" Liam asked in a whisper.

"Don't worry, my girl is a tough nut to crack. Not even Travis can get to her. Only I can since , throughout heaven and earth I am the honored one "


Upstairs, Chloe showed Travis the bathroom where he went in and pulled down his pants slightly. He made sure to leave the door open so that she could see him.

Chloe, who had presumably walked away, silently snuck back and took a peek. Travis stood in an angle that gave her the full view of his cock.

*Wow, I guess I was right about him having a big dick. But can he satisfy me? That's one thing I would like to find out,*

Travis smirked when he heard that. Chloe wasn't going to be a hard person to get to. All he needed to do was give her the best sex she's ever had, which is kind of pressuring since he's sort of lost his touch. But he's sure that after he gets it on with his wonderful Octavia, he'll get his mojo back.

She walked back downstairs and sat where Travis was sitting before. He had left his phone there unlocked.

*Did he leave it here on purpose? No, that's not possible.*

She scrolled through his phone until she got to his emails. There, she saw all the money that entered his account in the past few days.

*Does he sell drugs or something? Wait, no, he does forex, and wow, he runs a small internet shop. I'm honestly impressed, not like my dumb husband who does nothing but suck on me for everything,*

She opened his phone application and put her number inside. She then saved herself as "[Text me]" and went to sit back with Ryan, who tried to put his arm around her shoulder, which she simply pinched, making him wince in pain.

*I hate it when he tries to touch me*

*Why doesn't she want me to touch her? Or maybe she's shy since there are people around. Yeah, that definitely makes sense,*

'I kinda feel bad for him, syke!' he thought as he walked back to his seat. He picked up his phone and saw the newly saved number. He didn't text her at that moment though; he had more important things to do, like answering all ten messages he'd gotten from Serena.

'Man, obsessed girls are to die for,' he thought.