

"We finally meet face to face, John," the woman said with a confident tone. Her voice was calm, but there was an edge of arrogance to it.

"What did you do with Stephanie? If you have hurt her I swear—"

The woman interrupted John, "oh please, spare me your empty threats. Your threats are as useless as your little harem," the woman said dismissively.

John gritted his teeth and stepped closer, ready to fight.

"John!" Julia ran out of the base and yelled, her expression filled with concern. She was followed by Octavia and Lydia.

The woman's smile disappeared from her lips and a frown appeared in its place, "the slut harem has arrived."

Julia's hand squeezed John's arm and she gasped. "Who is that?"

The woman rolled her eyes.

"My name is Silvera, you hairless apes!" She announced as she glanced at everyone in the crowd.