

Lamento was a city with towering skyscrapers and glistening spires, but John and the others weren't paying much attention to the architecture. Instead, their eyes were on the incredibly diverse number of races. Humans, Luminars, Nandarians like Mikal and other races with unique features. Some had pointy ears, others had tails or claws.

It was a cacophony of sounds and smells. The streets were filled with shops and stalls. People were selling all sorts of things; produce, gadgets, and weapons.

The good thing was that they could blend in while they looked for their comrades. John glanced down at the radar and the signal pointed north, just 2 kilometres from their current location.

The problem was that the path to the source of the signal was blocked by the massive iron gates leading to the inner district, where the Luminars lived. John knew they would have to break through or find a way to bypass the entrance.