
Julia's Awake

"John, do you think we can win this war?" Octavia asked as she watched him walk towards the exit of the apartment building.

John glanced back at her, his face twisted in confusion, "Of course. We will get stronger, make allies, and we will defeat the Luminars. You really don't believe that?"

"I hope so, but sometimes, I doubt myself and I can't help but ask: how did we end up like this?"

"Well, no point in dwelling on what we can't or couldn't control."

Octavia stood up, the weariness creeping back into her face, "you're right, John. Let's finish scouting this side of the city and head back. I really need a shower and a nap."

"Fine. Let's do it then."

They gathered their belongings and headed out, their steps echoing off the concrete as they moved.