
NTR: Reincarnated As A Prince In The Body Of A Transmigrator

Reincarnated into the body of a dead transmigrator, Andrew shocked by the incredulous findings in his memory, the taboo acts carried out in the Royal Family. Decided to dive into the chaos, excluding his own family as he promised to have his revenge on those who had their way with them while on his forbidden adventure. "Damn, If this is a dream then I wish to never wake up." "Self control? Moral discipline? High self of conduct?" " Fuck all of you restraining bitches, I can finally live the fantasy of all men!"

Absolute_Solitude · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 25: Fucking my step sister, Amelia**1

Struggling against her will, lust flooding her heart, quickly gnawing her sanity.

Squirming in disgust and anger etched on her face as she struggled to escape from the grip of the group of five,Lark included.

As a prideful royal scion,Amelia couldn't bear the thought of forsaking her first time to the five low level knights who surrounded her, despite the gnawing lust and flooding carnal desires that intruded her thoughts. She just couldn't, but after battling the Aphrodisiac effect in the castle for months, even sneaking out to escape its effect, suppressing the carnal lust, it strained her to the brink of utter madness.

She had tried to avoid seeing any males,not even glimpse as that would simply let her loose. But today, just when she was about to sneak out to take her usual break from the aphrodisiac effect, she,unfortunately, encountered Lark's group. Despite wanting to run as she watched the men's eyes lighten with glee, her body didn't listen to her, standing rooted on the spot as her pussy clenched, dripping wet as uncontrolled excitement passed through her whole system like waves.

Until the five men surrounded her, Amelia was finally able to move, but there was nothing she could do. Even her resilient mental will, able to forge steel, succumbed to the ocean of lust in her heart,now she could only struggle, helpless, unable to escape their grip even as they took off most of her clothes.

But then, just when she was about drowning in despair.

"Found you"

"You little bastard!" an unknown voice and the voice of the man who was clad in knight uniform both exclaimed, revealing their animosity.

Then the next instant,the other person who looked young and familiar disappeared, followed by a Bang!as the ground shattered.

Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! She heard four short lived screams only to see the four disappear, then another bang at the other end of the hallway.

Unfortunately her hazy vision couldn't capture the red mist that sprayed after that.

'Andrew?'overwhelmed by lust, Amelia could only voice out in her heart with unclear clarity as she realized the other person was her elusive step-brother who never associated with any one.

"Arrrr&_-(+&$hhh?" The man clad in knight uniform suddenly released a muffled beastial scream before disappearing, then a similar Bang! like before reverberated from the other end of the hallway.

Feeling her sanity slip from her grasp,her wet whole clenching desperately for a cock with moisture between her legs, Amelia gritted her teeth, turning towards her knight in shining armor, towards Andrew, she decided to willingly let loose her guard , and instead she would accept it.

Choosing to follow the waves and be free from its opposing force.

"Please fuck me." Amelia said, stunning Andrew speechlessly by her bold request as his gaze instantly roamed her stark naked body,but she didn't care.


Realizing how speechless Andrew appeared, Amelia launched forward without hesitation, going on to release hold of his belts as a stiff,veiny, erect dragon popped up like a raging bull.

But before she could capture this image vividly into her brain, she felt her whole body rising upward, effortlessly lifted in Andrew's hand and his next words triggered the welling lust in her heart.

"Calm down lady, I'm the one in charge here." Andrew said with a cool and arrogant tone as he raised her chin upward with his thumb, staring right through her eyes with his trademark smirk popping on his face.

Stealing her first kiss.he pressed his lips against hers, entangling his tongue within her mouth as a mix of chemistry was between them, suppressing her moans in his mouth.

He groped her portable well shaped boobs,

flesh to flesh. Meanwhile the helpless lady who had succumbed to her desire, now a slave to the tormenting lust within her, could only shudder and tremble under his hands as waves of pleasure traveled through her whole body.

'Simply too good' she could barely comment in her head with a hole of clarity she she poked through the boiling lust.

But Andrew wasn't done, he could smell the waffling scent of virginity within her the instant he saw her, which was he had decided not to fuck her directly liked she wished. Instead he decided to reward her with his gentlemanly self.

Shaping her soft plum ass with his handsz he lifted her up, raising her legs crossed around his waist.

A hand on her ass and the other pressing forward her head into his lips.

Step 1 completed.

While Andrew continued his erotic smooching, Amelia simply wasn't getting enough of heat. She was like a starved beast that finally went on rampage,but subdued under Andrew's arms.

Sensing her hungry desires, Andrew smiled with glee.

Pressing her against the wall, he released hold of her ass, effortlessly tearing off what was left of his clothes as she tightly wrapped her arms around his shoulder.

His hand smoothly drifted downward, landing between her legs,at the entrance of her moist home.

"Arrrrhhhgh!" Amelia yelped erotically while tightening her arms around Andrew's shoulder with thrill and pleasure blooming in her eyes.

'Indeed' Andrew thought,the confirmation of his ability to sense the virginity of an aroused lady now verified.

Just like he'd expected Amelia was tight, despite how moist her pussy was, his other finger still struggled to enter.

'This is enough' Andrew thought, confident of his improved fingering skill. After practicing for days he had grown from a newbie to a veteran in this department.

"Arrhh!" Amelia moaned feeling Andrew's finger as he played with her kitty.

A minutes later…

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Amelia moaned,on the edge of her very first orgasm.

And then, Andrew did something unexpected.

Just while she was was about squirming with unrestrained pleasure, Andrew removed his finger, pressing her against the wall. He placed his raging dick between her entrance, sliding the head smoothly due to excess moisture at her entrance. As slowly as he could, patient and ready to strike.

At the peak of her excitement and thrill, while her legs shuddered around his waist. Andrew went forward with a sharp thrust, bursting through her hymen.

And before she could even exhale,her eyes widening,Andrew pressed his lips deeply against hers.

"&&&&___–" acting on natural instinct at this point, Andrew sealed in the loud moan that was about to erupt, attracting the whole castle.

'Damn I almost forgot''