
NTR Prevention : God's Apostle in an NTR Game world

[' Paradise of Lust ' ] [ A world where everyone is bound by the system ] [ A world where money can buy anything you want] [ You are guilty for a crime , just pay enough money and you will be free of all charges ] [ If you want to fuck someone's wife , just pay enough money and she would be laying on your bed ] [ Cheating .... what's that ..? , As long as it is under the system it will be just considered as a service ] [ A world that is full of beauties whose lust is insatiable ] [ Welcome to ' Paradise of Lust ' world's first Virtual reality RPG with virtual intercourse ] [ So what are you waiting , buy now only for 4999$ ] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Note :- For those who are worried about this book being a NTR , you shouldn't worry about such things as neither I and nor MC likes it . For those who want a cold and ruthless MC well sorry to disappoint you . MC is someone who is kind and caring to the people he loves and usually doesn't get angry at small thing but there is one thing that absolutely makes his blood boil that is someone trying to steal his loved ones .

Perv3rted_Demon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Starter Package

" So what do I get for the starter package "

[ The system hasn't chosen anything for host ]

[ Host is free to choose between any of the Talent , Physique , bloodline , skill weapon artifact or any miscellaneous item present inside the store ]

Hearing this Ray was actually quite surprised .For the system to allow him to choose any thing from the system shop , he felt that the system was being way to generous . Even if it's just a single item it could already give him a head start in his journey .

" Lizzy open the system Shop "

Just than a blue screen popped infront of him .

He started going through all the items present in the system shop .

" Hum... well Weapons and artifacts are strict no "

Weapon and artifacts were of the least value to him . If he bought really powerful weapons or artifacts it was very unlikely that he would be able to use it and even if he is able to use he probably wouldn't be able to unleash it's full strength.

The best option for him was getting either a bloodline or a physique but he wasn't exactly sure of what he wanted .

" Should I go for the Incubus bloodline "

From what Lizzy told him about this world Ray was sure that more than strength what he needed was something that would help him conquer these hungry women .

" No.no.no.....that won't do "

" Even though it probably would be the best bloodline to have in this world but being a demonic bloodline it is very likely that I will get killed as soon as it is exposed "

In this life Ray was prince of some kingdom . Even though he didn't know anything about this kingdom but he was sure that he would be surrounded by strong people and if anyone of them detects demonic energy in him that would probably be his end .

" Lizzy how likely is it that any of my bloodline , Physique or talent is detected by people around "

[ Sorry Host ]

[ Lizzy isn't allowed to reveal anything other than general information provided by the System ]

Ray wasn't even surprised by this reply . He was quite aware of this thing about Lizzy . She was mostly aware of everything around him but would never say anything unless otherwise stated by the System .

" Lizzy please "

He tried convince Lizzy to tell him about it . Truthfully even bits of information was enough for him to decide on what to choose .

[ Lizzy can just say this that host is going to be surrounded by a lot of immensely strong people ]

" Thank you Lizzy "

Even though it may seem very vague but it was more than enough for Ray.

[ Host is welcome ]

Just this bit of information was more than enough for Ray to decide on what he was going to choose.

" I guess no physique , blood or talent "

" Even though I actually have no idea about the situation I am going to be in after birth "

" But just the fact of me being prince makes it very likely that I am surrounded by enemies "

" As long as I don't seem like a threat they will probably leave me alive but the movement they see me as a threat it is very likely that they will try kill me "

Physique bloodline or talent were things that could be easily detected by other people .

Until he gets very strong there was really no way for him to actually hide them .

So unless and until he had a way to hide them or someone to rely on to make sure of his safety he planned to keep himself away from things .

" Wait that leaves me with only skills "

" Huh.... really "

As soon as he opened the skill window he saw very basic skill that actually gave him a nostalgia.

" Stamina recovery , Mana recovery , Fire arrow , bubble blast , water bullet "

" huh..... there was a time when I actually had to work hard to earn enough money to buy these "

" Well for now they are not needed "

He started looking for good skill but he soon realised that most of the skills here were pretty bad considering their long term worth .

He realised that choosing skill over something like a bloodline and physique was really unfair.

" Lizzy isn't it unfair to put Talent , bloodline and skill on the same level "

He knew that there was no point in complaining as it was his fault that he was choosing skill over physique or bloodline but just in case he tried.

[ Since Host thinks so ]

[ Than Lizzy will allow host to select three skill instead of one if Host does decided to go for skill instead of Talent or bloodline ]

" Wait really "

Ray was surprised he wasn't really expecting her increase the number of skills he could choose.

" Lizzy you are the best "

[ ...]

[ Lizzy know that she is the best ]

Ray was surprised , he never knew that Lizzy had such narcissistic qualities . Even though he never realised it before but now that he knew it he sure was going to praise her a lot .

Ray went back to look for good skills in the system shop .

While Ray was going through the System Shop he came across something that he found really useful .

[ - Mind's Eye

- Type :- Unique Skill

- Rank :- SS+

- Allow user to check the status of people witthin 50 levels above him .

- Makes host insusceptible to any kind of illusion or mind control magic. ]

" Humm.... A skill to check other people's status "

Ray was quite sure he needed something like this .

" But this 50 level restriction would be really annoying "

" Huh.... let's look for other skills "

Ray than started swiping through the skill very quickly . Even though there were thousands of skills in the shop most of them were useless to him .

Ray started quickly scrolling down and without even realising Ray reached at the end of the skill shop menu .

Ray was disappointed even though there were a lot of powerful skills inside the system shop but most of them were completely useless to him at least for now .

Ray decided to go through the skills once more.

But just then he saw something that made him confused .

[ - Skill Creation Menu ]

" Wait ..... Lizzy what's this "

Looking at the new option infront of him Ray asked .

[ Host that is Skill Creation Menu ]

[ If Host doesn't like any of the skills present inside the system shop or find them insufficient than host can create skills for himself ]

[ Host should take a note that Host can't create skills whose power level is beyond the world itself]

" So can I use this to make skill for myself "

[ Yes , Host can do that ]

" Lizzy don't you think you are being way too generous towards me "

Ray was really confused . Never in his entire life has the system been this generous to him .

He started doubting if this was all a

act and if was going to get shafted at the end .

[ Lizzy was always this generous ]

" Ugh.... sure "

By now Ray was sure that Lizzy was quite a narcissist .

" Well than let's create some skills "

Ray had a general idea about the skills he was going to create .

After spending some time on the skill creation menu he realised how to use it properly.

Ray worked undisturbed for almost half an hour until he created skills that he found fit for himself.

[ Eyes of The Origin

- Type :- Unique Skill ( Evolvable )

- Rank :- Ex

- An Extremely weakened version of the eyes of Goddess of creation herself .

- An Extremely powerful Evolvable skill whose primary function is to allow user to evaluate other people's strengths and weaknesses .

- Since the skill allow user to extract the information from the origin of the world itself so no level restriction is put on the host .

- User can control the the path of skill's evolution to unlock different eye related abilities ]

[ Skill Creation and Fusion

Type :- Unique Skill

Rank :- SSS+

- An extremely powerful skill that allow you to create skills and fuse skills of Rank A+ and below .

- Uses Life-force along with large amount mana.

- Due to it being extremely powerful if used carelessly can cause fatal damage to user's body and potentially death . ]

[ Limitless

Type :- Unique Skill

Rank :- SSS+

- An Extremely powerful skill that helps user upgrade his talent , skills , bloodline significantly .

- Uses Life-force along with large amount of mana .

- Due to it being extremely powerful if used carelessly can cause fatal damage to user's body and potentially death

Note :- Using it on the same talent or skill multiple times increases the effectiveness of limitless skill ]

Looking at the skills Ray was sure that he wouldn't be allowed to take any of them with him.

He himself clearly knew how broken each one of these skills were so he was quite sure that there was no way Lizzy would him to take these skills.

" Lizzy my dear ... I finished creating the skill will you take a look "

* * *

A/N :- I know these few chapters may seem are quite slow paced and boring but please bear with them till the story starts .

And if you do like this novel please support me by voting power stones.