
NTR Prevention : God's Apostle in an NTR Game world

[' Paradise of Lust ' ] [ A world where everyone is bound by the system ] [ A world where money can buy anything you want] [ You are guilty for a crime , just pay enough money and you will be free of all charges ] [ If you want to fuck someone's wife , just pay enough money and she would be laying on your bed ] [ Cheating .... what's that ..? , As long as it is under the system it will be just considered as a service ] [ A world that is full of beauties whose lust is insatiable ] [ Welcome to ' Paradise of Lust ' world's first Virtual reality RPG with virtual intercourse ] [ So what are you waiting , buy now only for 4999$ ] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Note :- For those who are worried about this book being a NTR , you shouldn't worry about such things as neither I and nor MC likes it . For those who want a cold and ruthless MC well sorry to disappoint you . MC is someone who is kind and caring to the people he loves and usually doesn't get angry at small thing but there is one thing that absolutely makes his blood boil that is someone trying to steal his loved ones .

Perv3rted_Demon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Start of a New Journey - 2

" There are a couple of questions I wanted to ask, if that's okay. "

[You want to know about your past life, right?]

Seeing that he already guessed what he was about to ask, Ray wasn't surprised. After all, she could hear his inner monologue. Not only that, she had knowledge of his past and the present, so it was quite easy to guess.

" Yes "

[Well, I can tell you, but are you sure you want to spend your wish on that?]

[After all, dwelling in the past might not be as important as the future]

" I... "

Listening to his words, even Ray hesitated for a moment, and in the end, she was not wrong.

"I still need to know, it's important."

Although he didn't care much about the past, there was still a lingering feeling of regret that he wanted to get rid of.

[Is that so? Well, how about this?]

[A new quest, if you complete this quest, I will tell you all you want to know.]

" Okay "

Ray quickly agreed, after all he had nothing to lose, he was in any case obliged to follow and do missions for her, and if he can save this wish then, why not.

[I knew you wouldn't turn down this beloved goddess of yours]

" So what is the mission "

Despite accepting it without thinking, he still wanted to know what the mission was. After all, he should be aware of what kind of mess he had to clean.

[ Oh... it's a special missions ]

[ Let's call it ' How not to loose your loved ones - Apostle special ' ]

Ray was suddenly feeling regretful, and he instantly wanted to reject this mission, even though he knew it was probably not going to happen.

" Can I reject it "

[Oh.... from when did slaves started having a choice]

[ hehe... just kidding but no you can't ]

[ After all This is a special missions I made just for ]

[ You can't just destroy my hard work right ]

" What...."

[ Now enough with the talking and time for work ]

[ And be sure to give me a good show ]

" But ..."

[ And I forgot to tell you there is a surprise I prepared for you ]

These were the last words he heard before he vanished from there .


Before he could realise Ray was no longer floating in the Void .

He looked around and saw white walls present at some distance from him , he realised that he was present inside a small room which he was quite familiar with .

" And I got thrown out like last time. "

" That annoying bitch "

" Huh... looks like I am back inside the system space "

Ray look at the screen infront of him .

[ Fussing Body and Soul : Progress - 3% ]

The process of soul fusing with a body is quite complicated and requires some time and if not done properly can cause serious problems in future .

Till the time his soul and body completely fuses his consciousness would be present inside the system space .

" Lizzy are you there "

[ Host , Lizzy is always at your service ]

" Are you still the same system I had in my previous world "

[If you are asking about me than the System AI hasn't changed]

[But the same can't be said about the system itself]

" What..! "

Hearing that he was no longer bound to his previous system made him quite surprised but the system mistook it for Ray being shocked .

[ Host don't worry ]

" Worry ... what worry "

After suffering in that world for 20 years Ray had built up quite a lot of emotions inside him .

Sadness , annoyance , frustration , angry and what not all this burst into words .

" Finally I got rid of that useless system "

" Plot correction system ..... more like trash cleaner system "

" Not only did it put restrictions on how strong I could get but the mission I would get were also about cleaning protagonist's mess "

"Ugh.... I finally got rid of that shitty system "

Ray got too swayed away by emotions his emotions that he didn't realised that even though his system had changed but the AI was still the same .

[ I didn't know host hated me so much ]

" Lizzy I didn't mean you , I was talking about the previous system "

Realising his mistake Ray tried to make up and tried to comfort Lizzy .

" Yeah, how can I bad mouth you, you are such a great assistant, you always helped me when I needed and .... and "

Ray tried to praise her but he soon realised that he wasn't very good at it .

[Thank you Host for trying to comfort me but I get it]

[I might not have been the best system, but I will try to improve myself]

[After all my sole purpose is to serve you]

" Sorry Lizzy "

Ray tried to apologise her , she has been like a good friend to him he didn't want to hurt her even by mistake .

[It's alright host you don't need to apologise after all I am an AI, I don't have emotions]

" When you put it that way I feel even worse "

[Sorry Host, if you want Lizzy can avoid expressing her thoughts from next time]

" No ... it alright "

[If you say so]


" Lizzy can you tell me more about this new system "

[Sure host]

[ The new System is called ' NTR Prevention system ' ]

" Wait ..... for some reason that sounds even worse than the previous system "