

[Texts are automatically translated by machine. The original language is Turkish.] Nox... A man whose background and no information about himself exists. Nox. HIS PERSONALITY IS COMPLETELY UNBALANCED. BUT HE DIRECTS HIS LIFE WITH HIS SOLID IDEALS.AND HE'S ABOUT TO COMPLETELY CHANGE THIS WORLD HE LIVES IN...

Hasan_Bilgin_3459 · Action
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11 Chs


Hanging by their arms from rows and rows of ceilings and mechanical levers, they were passed in turn into another dark room, where their abdomens and rib cages were opened and their internal organs were disposed of. There was a room with thick glass that provided a clear view of these rooms, which were of unimaginable dimensions, worse than a human slaughterhouse. Inside the room there were many buttons and screens, but at the head of them was a pear-headed man in a white apron, with thick lips and thin rectangular glasses. With his slanted eyes, he watched the process carefully, took some notes, and then moved to the far right side of the room to examine the room full of tubes that were filled with eviscerated humans implanted with a yellow symbiotic creature. Then he would finish his notes on the people, sign them and go back to the beginning.

He was busy with his work when the sliding door of the room opened and he turned his head to the side in curiosity and saw someone like himself in a white apron, with thin long black hair, and cloudy eyes. And he swallowed and turned his body towards the person entering the room.

"What are you doing here?"

Chuckling in a shrill voice, he approached the pear-headed man with awkward steps. "This place is mine. Of course I'll be here, pearhead." With a sudden move, he looked at the people hanging in the dark room. "Did you do what I said?"

"Yes," said the pear head, craning his neck slightly forward. "But the result is not encouraging."

"And? Are they dead?"

He shook his head from side to side. "No, but their bodies are skin and bones. And they can't do anything properly. If you don't put food in their mouths, they can't even eat it."

The scientist with the glazed eyes brought his corpse-cold fingers to his chin and rubbed them. "They could still be useful." he clasped his hands behind his back and headed for the door. "Take them upstairs to the Mik Zone, Pay."

"Yes, sir."

He paused just before the dimpled-eyed one walked out the door. "Pay."


He turned around and looked at Pay with dark eyes. "Give Nox a mission. Have him bring me... that young man with you."

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