
Novice Forensic Doctor

Forensic Doctor Zhou Ning will take you into a series of thrilling, stimulating, cruel, and perverse crime scenes! Seeking the truth of the facts, challenging the psychological threshold, exposing the ugliness of human nature. Conspiracy! Mysteries! Doubts! One after another, bizarre and eerie cases continue to unfold.

Princess Xue'er · Urban
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296 Chs

Chapter 239 Temporary Impulse_1

Translator: 549690339

Zhou Ning nodded, tore off the clothes on his body, and tossed the gloves and mask aside. It was only then that he realized his clothes were completely soaked through.

"Before the victim fell from the building, someone twisted her neck from left to right, causing cervical dislocation. After our analysis, we determined that this injury was not caused at the same time as the fall. Later, I will have someone analyze the bone grinding slices of the legs.

Additionally, we found three subcutaneous hemorrhages shaped like finger imprints just above the hairline on the back of the victim's neck. I have already scraped off the epidermis to see if we can find any extracts, but don't hold out too much hope for that."

Xu Dayuan was stunned.

"What do you mean? We've found the fingerprints, so why shouldn't we be too hopeful?"

Liu Yongxin's eyebrows were tightly furrowed as he sighed.