
Chapter 95 You are also called understanding scientific and technological civilization?


The door to the battle room slammed shut.

in the war room.

Everyone looked at the big screen again.

Zhao Qiao is fighting against a supernatural civilization this time.

In this different civilization, there is a ninth-order power king.

Under the leadership of the ninth-order power king...

Hundreds of power users rushed into the battlefield of the two worlds.

Most of their strengths are in the seventh order.



Zhao Qiao gave an order.

In the passage of the wizard world.

There were densely packed, thousands of elves.

Under the leadership of the eighth-order elf king,

Each of them has an elven bow and arrow in their hands.

Holding a shield made of an ancient elf tree.

for a short time.

One hundred thousand spirits appeared!

in these spirits.

The sixth-order elves accounted for the largest proportion.

Seventh-order is not a minority.

The mighty army..

It shocked the hundreds of power users on the opposite side.

"Seven-three-seven" followed.

Under the leadership of the six elf kings...

War is imminent.

in the war room.

Everyone saw Zhao Qiao's style of play

I finally understood what he meant by what he said earlier.

"Elves are different from other creatures. As long as their spirituality is not completely wiped out, even if they die, they can still be resurrected through the ancient elf tree."

Chu Tiange looked at the screen with a surprised expression.

This way of fighting...

Very innovative.

Through this multi-person fighting method.

The elves can completely adopt the method of exchanging injury for injury and exchanging life for life.


The total number of elves in Zhao Qiao is 10 million.


It can be completely consumed from the fight.

But the other side is not necessarily.


In this frenzied play.

Zhao Qiao's opponent's mentality completely collapsed.

Even if there is a ninth-order superpower king

The battle is also collapsing.

The ninth-order superpower king frantically launched supernatural powers to destroy the elves in front of him.

But the elves seem to kill more than just the same.


Under the attack of several elf kings, the ninth-order power king began to be injured.

The injury is getting worse.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhao Qiao's opponent resolutely chose to surrender and admit defeat.

The door to the battle room opened.

Zhao Qiao walked out from inside.

Looking at the crowd: "How about it, is the multi-player style I'm studying at the crushing level?"

Chu Tiange showed a satisfied smile.

Because of Qin Mu's presence and stimulation.

This year's students...

It was the strongest class he had brought over the years.

"Good job.

He patted Zhao Qiao on the shoulder to show his encouragement.


He looked at Qin Mu behind him with a worried face.

He sighed: "Qin Mu, the next battle is yours, this is the world's restraint, you can only blame bad luck, you can do your best in the future.

to be honest.

He had given up hope.

In the battle of civilization, luck is also a kind of strength.

The restraint of world attributes and cultivation direction....

The impact on the war situation is very large.

But fortunately...

Even if Qin Mu was eliminated.

With the three of Lin Ge, there is still a chance to win the top eight for Jiangcheng University.

Qin Mu: "..

He glanced at the four people, including Chu Tiange.

Actually no one looked at him.


He didn't say anything.

Went straight into the battle room.


Zheng Yao from Aoki University also came to the battle room.


Look at the back of Qin Mu entering.

He frowned slightly: "Where have I seen this back?"

But for a while.

She couldn't remember where she had seen it.

He could only put this matter aside for the time being, and followed into the battle room.

Came to the crystal ball of the two worlds.

Standing on the opposite side of Qin Mu.

Showing contempt, he asked casually, "Are you Qin Mu who has evolved a technological civilization and came to participate in the battle of extraordinary civilizations?"

This time.

She was divided into nine groups.

I thought that the first round was very likely to draw lots and draw those powerful opponents.

But she was lucky.

I actually got an ordinary civilization.

It is also the only ordinary civilization that participated in the Battle of Hundred School Civilizations this time!

"I understand scientific and technological civilization. This ordinary civilization is indeed exquisitely constructed, but its combat power is limited, and it is still unable to attack the void."


She went on to say: "You were placed in the group of death, and you met me in the first round. Your luck is too unfortunate. It's better to abstain now and admit defeat earlier.

Not finished yet.

It was interrupted by Qin Mu.

Qin Mu raised his eyebrows and looked at her, the corners of his mouth twitched: "Do you understand technological civilization?"

He didn't expect it.

No war yet.

This Zheng Yao was trying to persuade him to admit defeat.

Also claim that technological civilization cannot attack the void life?

A more high-end soul particle weapon, a stellar thought bomb...

Each of them can blast the void life into slag.

At the end of the day.

The technological civilization that the world understands is still too limited.

"Of course I do!"

Zheng Yao snorted coldly: "Science and technology civilization uses technology to create things, how can it attack the soul without substance? This is a well-known truth!

Qin Mu smiled. …

No more arguing with her.

Instead, he stretched out his hand directly and pressed it on the crystal balls of the two realms.

Replacing answers with actions.

Zheng Yao saw that Qin Mu ignored her directly.

His expression turned cold: "Since you are courting death, don't blame me for being rude.


She also put her hand on the crystal ball of the two realms.


Her spirit world and Qin Mu's tech world...

Connect in an instant.


A huge battlefield is quickly generated.

One hundred thousand kilometers in diameter.

And on the side of the passage of the soul world.

Zheng Yao plans to make a quick decision this time.

Directly summoned a mighty army of 100,000 spirits!

Endless divine souls poured out from the divine soul world and stepped into the battlefield of the two realms.

The scene is horrific.

A steady stream.

Densely packed.


A total of 100,000 gods and souls are arranged on the battlefields of the two worlds!

at the same time.

in the war room.

The battlefield between the two worlds has just been generated.

The three Lin Ge who were watching the battle were shocked by the scene in front of them.

"Damn it! This Zheng Yao is too defiant, isn't it? He'll be bombed directly when he comes up?"

"The lion fights the rabbit and uses all his strength, this Zheng Yao is a little scary.

"100,000 spirits? How can we fight this? Spirits without entities are born to be invincible!"

"It's over, it's not going to be eliminated in a few seconds, right?"

Lin Ge, Li Mingyi, and Zhao Qiao stared blankly at the synchronized live broadcast on the screen.

Silently 0.1 swallowed his saliva.

It can only be said that it is indeed the nine groups of death!

Only Zheng Yao came out, her strength is so terrifying!

In the army of one hundred thousand spirits.

The top combat power has reached the tenth order!

Dozens of ninth-order gods are mixed in it.

Eighth-order and seventh-order spirits are countless.

Flying dragon riding a face, there is almost no possibility of losing!

And behind the three.

Chu Tiange carried his hands on his back and his face became more and more ugly.

"This is bad, Qin Mu's Thirty-Three Heavens seems to be specifically for physical creatures

Looking at the live screen.

He let out a long sigh.

Completely surrendered.

Zheng Yao used all her strength as soon as she came up.

An army of 100,000 spirits rides on their faces.

Even if Qin Mu sacrificed the 33rd Heaven..

It is also difficult to restore the situation.

technological civilization.

Both in attack and defense, they are all restrained by Divine Soul Civilization!,