
Chapter 75: Three Questions for Gods, Dayan Research Institute


As the sun rises and sets, winter turns to spring.

The Explorer seemed to disappear into the vast sea.

Yan never waited for the relevant news of the Explorer.

The twenty-fourth year of the Great Yan Calendar.

in the palace.

Yan went to court as usual, after dealing with political affairs.

Looking at the messenger returning from the east coast, he frowned: "Is there still no news?"

The messenger respectfully said: "Back to your Majesty, I have not heard any news from the Explorer.

Yan sighed.

It's been a full year.

Sometimes he even doubts...

Did the Explorer encounter a shipwreck?


To ensure smooth exploration.

When he set up the Explorer's expedition fleet, he dispatched twelve ships.

Even if there is a shipwreck, the whole army will not be wiped out.

"Could it be that the extent of the earth is really wider than what is marked on the map?"

Yan turned around.

He looked at the map behind him.

Beyond the land of the Great Flame Kingdom, there is a vast ocean.

If calculated according to the previously proven boundaries...

A year is enough to go back and forth!

Now the Explorer has not returned.

It is clear.

They have crossed the border and are still sailing east!

thought here.

He pondered a little, and ordered the world map behind him...


In the vicinity of the originally determined pentagon boundary, countless unknown areas have been added!

Twenty-five years of the Great Yan Calendar.

At this time, three years have passed since the departure of the Explorer.

But news from the Discovery...

Still haven't sent it back.

How big is the "Earth"?

Yan thinks about this question every day.

So big that the explorer fleet has been sailing for three years, and there is still no news!

To know.

They go in a straight line!

"Is there still no news from the east coast?"

He turned around and looked at the messenger who was turning sideways.

The messenger smiled wryly and replied, "I still haven't. I will scold people to check it three times a day. If the Explorer returns, I will notify Your Majesty immediately."

Yan nodded silently.

these three years.

As he got older, he became less arrogant and arrogant.

More mature and stable.

After being beaten by the gods...

He is no longer blind and arrogant, thinking he knows everything.

At least when it comes to the truth of the earth.

His Explorer expedition fleet has been exploring for three years with no results.

The last day of the twenty-fifth year of the Great Yan Calendar.

Yan is after the next dynasty.

Ask again as usual: "Any news from the east coast?"

The messenger shook his head and said, "I still haven't seen any fleet returning."

Yan once again showed a disappointed expression.


It didn't take long.

From the west of the Great Flame Kingdom, an urgent report of eight hundred miles was sent to the palace along the cement road.

Your Majesty "! Your Majesty is overjoyed! The Explorer is back!"

Just yesterday, they landed on the west coast, and now they are all anchored, and they will be able to return to the palace in two days!"

After listening to Yan.

He was stunned on the spot.

what's the situation?

He ordered the explorer fleet to go east, why did he come back from the opposite direction?

"Could it be that this group of ships went against the will of the Alliance and turned around halfway?"


He frowned, with anger in his brows.result.….

Two days later.

The captain of the Explorer rushed back to the palace.

His expression was full of excitement.

The first sentence of the meeting was: "Your Majesty! Chenchen discovered a shocking secret! It turns out that the world is a ball!



The Captain of the Explorer went on to recount what he saw this time:

"Three years ago, according to His Majesty's will, we should travel all the way to the east. It took half a year to reach the most eastern part of the sea area that was discovered before."

"It turns out that if you keep going east, it is still a vast and endless sea!

"So our twelve voyage ships continued to move forward. During this period, we encountered several shipwrecks and experienced countless hardships...

"But all the way to the east, there is still boundless sea water, and the sea with no end in sight!

"Three years have passed, and all the crew of the original Explorer are despairing, but finally, we have seen a piece of land!"

When Yan heard this, his eyes instantly brightened.

He immediately grabbed the captain's hand and asked, "Land? Besides the Great Yan Kingdom, is there any land in the world?"

If there is land, it means there are areas he needs to conquer!


The captain's next sentence made him stunned on the spot.

"We were also very surprised at the time, but when we landed on the coast, we found that this piece of land is actually the wild area to the west where the Great Flame Kingdom is located!"

His brain snapped.

what's the situation?

Going all the way east, ended up returning from the west coast?

The principle, he did not react for a while.

And the captain went on to say: "I can assure you that for the past three years, I have been sailing in the direction of the due east, and there is absolutely no deviation! In the past two days when I returned to the palace, I thought about it and felt that


He pulled out a fist-sized ball.

While comparing, he said: "Going all the way to the east and returning from the west coast, it can only prove that the area we sailed can be drawn into a perfect circle!"

That is to say.

The ground under their feet is actually a sphere!

This conclusion came out.

Yan widened his eyes, showing disbelief.


Breathing was also quickened.


"It's actually a sphere?"

He recalled the question he had in the Shenming exam three years ago.

His answer was...

It looks like a pentagon!

"No! No!"

He suddenly came to his senses and glared at the captain: "If we have a sphere under our feet, then why didn't you fall down when you sailed under the sphere?"

He pointed directly under the ball in the captain's hand.

If the captain is right...

Then when their fleet sails to that position, they will definitely fall!

"Also, you said that everything you saw along the way was the sea. If the earth is a sphere, how does the sea below the sphere stick to the earth?"

Ask these two questions.

The captain's face instantly turned pale with fright.

He hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, I don't know what happened, but what I said is true! Only in this way can we explain that we are going east and returning from the west!"

Yan Que sneered: "Is it true that you lied, Lianzihui will find out, you go down first and have a good rest!"


Nor did he blindly convict the captain.


Call the crew of the Explorer one by one and ask them strictly!

He believed that even if the captain colluded, he would be able to find flaws.


After inquiring one by one.

He found that everyone's answer was the same.

Vice-Captain, Helmsman, and the Great Yan Army who are loyal to him

They all told him that they went all the way east, and when they saw the land again, they returned to Dayan!

Really "...actually true...

a time.

Yan fell into confusion.

Go east, go west!

No yaw on the way.

at the same time.

The crew also provided him with a lot of information.

"They said that when they saw the land of the Great Yan Kingdom, at first, they could only see a line of the coastline, not the whole picture. As they approached, they gradually saw the complete land.

Yan muttered to himself.

"And when they are sailing the ocean, they can only see the sails of other ships, and they can't see the hull of the ship!"


These crew members are unlikely to lie.

That is to say..

Everything is true!

The earth under their feet is really a sphere!

only if.

Can explain all kinds of phenomena!


Yan's breathing became more and more rapid, and his body trembled.

Who could have imagined....

The ground under his feet is actually a sphere?!

Such a subversive truth made his mind set off a storm!

And when I think of this question asked by the gods three years ago...

He was instantly ashamed of himself.

Thanks to his self-proclaimed self-awareness of all things in the world.

But they haven't even discovered the truth of the earth under their feet!

Yan Ku was sitting in the palace.

Looking at the world map drawn before, I instantly felt that it was extremely ridiculous.


He murmured: "If the earth is really a ball, why doesn't the other side fall? The other side of the ball is covered with endless seawater.

The more you think about it.

The more he realizes that his knowledge is not enough.

Just a reason why it wouldn't fall, he couldn't explain.

I don't know how long it took.

Yan smiled wryly, and let out a long sigh, "The current me, I finally know the mood of the gods when I asked to pay respects to the gods in the temple three years ago...

three years ago.

He was familiar with the divine books from the lake and was extremely knowledgeable.

Facing God's Questions.

Answered with the ridiculous answer of the pentagon.

Now think about it, how ignorant you were at the time!


Even now, still ignorant!

The twenty-sixth year of the Great Yan Calendar.

Yan recreated the world map according to the voyage route of the Explorer!

This world map..

It is no longer a huge picture that is tiled.

But a giant ball!

The land where the Great Flame Kingdom is located is located in the center of the world.

Surrounded by an endless ocean.

After doing this...

Yan left the palace.

Go to the temple.

this time.…

He did not dare to enter the temple directly.

But outside the temple, he bowed down and bowed down.

"Yan, see the gods.

At this time, he was no longer proud and complacent.

In the presence of an omniscient god...

The knowledge he possessed was extremely small and ridiculous.

"God, Yan is wrong."

He put his head on the ground and said slowly: "Three years ago, Yan was arrogant and ignorant, thinking he knew everything.

"If the gods didn't give some advice, I'm afraid Yan still doesn't know the truth of the world."

His voice was earnest and gradually became calm.

In his eyes, there is a wise light of knowledge.

"The question asked by the gods three years ago has been answered by the previous Yan, and the earth under our feet is a sphere!"

"As for the latter question, what shape is the sky ..


He smiled bitterly: "Yan is ignorant and cannot know the answer."

The sky has always been a restricted area for human beings.

Without wings, it is impossible for humans to explore the sky.

The only one who can know the answer is probably the gods.



After he finished speaking.

The door of the temple slammed open.

He was stunned at first.

Immediately reacted, and happily walked into the temple.

Looking at the shrine.

A line of text appeared: "My life has a limit, but my knowledge has no limit."


The moment I saw this line of words.

Yan's body trembled.

These ten short words seemed to speak to his heart.


Life is boundless, but knowledge is boundless!

And before he...

But he is arrogant, thinking that he has exhausted all things in the world.

Immediately after.

The text on the shrine changed again.

"Do you want to know the answer to the latter question?"

Yan took a deep breath.

His expression suddenly became extremely solemn.

He answered very seriously: "Yan, I really want to know!"

above the statue.

Qin Mu lowered his head and looked at Yan who was full of curiosity.


Think a little.

With a wave of his hand, a line of words appeared on the shrine again.

"By solving these three problems, maybe you will know the truth of the sky."

"Why do apples fall to the ground instead of floating in the sky?"

"When it rains, why do you see lightning first and then hear thunder?"

Directly "drinking river water is easy to breed diseases, but drinking boiling water does not?"

these three questions.

In fact, it is the most basic problem of physics and biology.


What is lacking in today's Yan and Great Yan countries is this scientific knowledge.

under the statue.

Yan saw these three problems on the shrine.

Confused again.

The gods asked three times, and each question seemed extremely simple.

But the principle of...

He couldn't explain it.

It is a natural phenomenon that an apple falls to the ground.

But why did it land?

On rainy days, lightning first, followed by thunder 0.1, is the most common sense.

But why not thunder followed by lightning?

Raw water cannot be easily drunk, and people will know this.

But why is there no problem with boiling water?

"These three questions, all common, are contained in natural things, but they are extremely profound.

After leaving the temple.

Yan has been thinking about these three questions along the way.

The more I think about them, the more I feel that they seem simple, but they contain unimaginable philosophies.

The gods "said, if you understand these questions, you may be able to know the truth of the sky."

Yan murmured, his eyes brighter.

After returning to the palace.

He sat directly in front of the spherical map and pondered.


He thought about it all night, but didn't have a clue.

The more general the problem, the harder it is to find clues.


The 200,000,000 population of the Great Yan Kingdom has long since discovered the truth.

"By the way, one person's strength is short, and everyone's strength is long, I can send people from the Ministry of Engineering to study together.

Yan's eyes suddenly lit up.

I thought of a way.

the next day.

Early morning.

In front of the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, Yan directly announced a new decree.

"From now on, skilled craftsmen from the Ministry of Engineering will be dispatched to establish the Dayan Research Institute, specializing in natural research."

"The first question, why does Apple


With his strong personal prestige, the decree was quickly implemented.

Dayan Research Institute was established.

Not only the Ministry of Industry, but also people from all over the country who are good at research and academia can enter.

At present, the main subject of Dayan Research Institute...

It's God's Three Questions!

ps: Three big chapters today.

From now on, there will be at least three new chapters a day, and if the author writes quickly, it will explode.

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