
Chapter 279 The heavens are the first, Wuchenzi



Find Qin Mu this time...

He wasn't too sure.

I just hope I can make it through the first round.



He charged and slammed forward, blasting out his own breath.

Ranked tenth on the All Heavens and Myriad Realms list - aura emerges.

The boulder trembled.

a channel...

It continued to extend from the bottom of the boulder and spread out in front of them.

Seeing this, Qin Mu's eyes lit up again.

The breath on the list of the heavens and the world...

It gave him a very familiar feeling again.

And that bead in the cracked world...

Seems to be from the same source!

The only difference is that the aura of the Dao of the All Heavens and Myriad Realms Ranking is not as strong as the latter!

The latter is the real child of the thousand, the avenue artifact.

And it...

It's only half-baked!

"However... in the future, if the technological universe I evolve can accommodate all the heavens and the world like a thousand worlds, it will be somewhat useful.

Looking at the boulder in front of him, Qin Mu thought silently in his heart.

This boulder stretches across it.

I don't know how many years.

The meaning of its existence...

It is by no means simply recording the heavens and the world and ranking them.

I am afraid there is a deeper meaning.

For example, only the top ten people can enter it, which is extremely unusual.

"Let's go. 35

The Lord of God pointed to the front and said to Qin Mu.

this time...

He was planning to let Qin Mu pretend to be him and enter it.

The channel has been opened.

Naturally, Qin Mu is the main one.

"After entering it, I will pretend to be your servant to prevent the other nine people from seeing the clues.""

Divine Sovereign lowered his voice and whispered.

At the same time, he walked behind Qin Mu, his body suddenly hunched together.



Like an old servant.

Qin Mu nodded.

Without much entanglement, I stepped directly towards the passage.


The two disappeared from the outside world.

Following the passage, he entered the center of the ancient Shenkong.

That is, the interior of the boulder of the list of the heavens and the worlds.

After entering it.

Qin Mu looked around, as if he had come to a small world.

Square diameter...

It is already comparable to the area of ​​the current technology universe!

That's right.

This inner world is extremely huge.

"It is worthy of being the companion spirit of the Great Dao Artifact.

Qin Mu silently commented in his heart.

The inner world is extremely vast.

He followed the passage for an unknown amount of time.


came to the end of the passage.

At the end, a huge mountain peak.

The mountain peaks soar into the sky.

Beneath the mountain peaks, there are nine people with unfathomable breaths that are as vast as the sea.

"God, you are late."

One of the gray-haired old men turned around and stared at Qin Mu.

said slowly.

Qin Mu glanced at the old man, his face was as usual, and he nodded slightly.


No response.

Behind him, Divine Sovereign lowered his head the whole time, hunched his back, and said nothing.

"Huh? Who is this? You actually brought outsiders here?"

And another young man in a white robe suddenly stepped forward, and a murderous intent erupted in his eyes.

For a moment.

The power of the terrifying supreme god emerged and wiped away from the god.

Seeing this, Qin Mu's expression remained the same.

Not moving.

On the other hand, Divine Sovereign felt a pain in his heart, and hurriedly used his physical strength.

He resisted the blow abruptly.


"The old slave came with the master.

Then he hurriedly lowered his head and bent over to explain.

"What a powerful body."

The white-robed youth's eyes flickered.

Seeing that the god is safe, he finally acquiesced to the strength of the god and did not make another move.

Even though it was his tentative strike just now, it was still full of 30% of his power.

And this old slave beside Qin Mu...

But he was able to take this attack from him without making any sound...

It's enough to show his strength.


This central place of the ancient Shenkong.

There was never a rule that outsiders could not be brought in.


No one ever took it.

at the same time.

He took a deep look at Qin Mu, revealing an imperceptible fear.

From Qin Mu's body, he could not feel the slightest realm fluctuation!

at this point...

Never happened before.

It seems that Qin Mu has completed the ultimate state of returning to basics.

To know.

He is now ranked fifth in the list of the heavens and the world.

throughout the five provinces.

stronger than him...

There are only four of them!

And even facing these four people, he has never felt as strange as facing Qin Mu!

"The founder of the Civilization Association, Divine Sovereign really deserves his reputation, even his servants have such strength.

Thinking of this, the young man greeted Qin Mu earnestly: "It's not fair at the downwind.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Qin Mu stared at the white-robed youth in front of him.

Demeanor as usual.

And the god behind him...

Taking this opportunity, the sound transmission explained: "It's like this, this person's name is Feng Buping, who ranks fourth on the list of the heavens and the world, and the evolution of the ancient demon civilization, known as the ancestor of all demons.""

"The strength is unfathomable, it can be said that in the heavens and the world, the civilization related to demons... all originated from him!

Qin Mu finished listening.


No wonder he sensed an imperceptible demonic energy from the youth.

This monster...


There is only a trace, but it exudes an extremely terrifying aura.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start the competition once every 100,000 years."

at this time.

The white-haired old man from before stood up again.

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone else immediately became honest.

They all stood in place.

Did not dare to make a mistake.

"This person's name is Wuchenzi, and he ranks first on the list of the heavens and the world. Over the years, similar competitions have been carried out many times, but he is the only one who still sits firmly in the first place and has never changed."

Behind Qin Mu, the emperor quietly transmitted his voice.

Explain the origin of the white-haired old man.

Such a test...

Once every 100,000 years.

And every time...

Some people will be eliminated because of failure and fall into the top ten ranks.

Almost every time after...

The top ten people will have their faces swapped.

So that's why he dared to let Qin Mu replace him.

Except for the old man, there are not many fixed faces.

"His strength is a bit terrifying.""

Qin Mu nodded and frowned slightly.

in his feeling.

This old man...

It can no longer be described as unfathomable.

It is even very possible that he has already explored the Great Dao Realm.

Step into the distance...

Maybe it was just one of his thoughts.

to be frank.

In this realm, he can transcend this great world at any time and go to other worlds.

But stayed here.

According to what the god said...

for countless years.

The top ten places are constantly changing, but only Wuchenzi remains the same.

Nothing has changed.

fixed in the first place.

"Okay, our competition this time is still the same as before."


Wuchenzi glanced at everyone, and the old voice slowly came out.