
Chapter 272 The sensation of Zhongyuan University, the presence of the gods


He evolved a technological civilization.

Take the route of the fifth dimension.

The value of the avenue fragment to him...

It is only used to deduce and find the fifth dimension.

Now the prototype of the fifth dimension has been created, and it has grown into a long river of time.

He doesn't need this avenue fragment at all.

hours later.

He is immersed in the tech universe, obsessed with accelerating the fifth galaxy.

And outside the staff dormitory.

But it was already crowded.

The god-monarch brought hundreds of supreme gods including Jun Tian to the staff dormitory in person.

And those mentors at Chung Yuan University...

They all live in staff dormitories.

After hearing the news...

Many people even nearly fainted on the spot!

Li Ji, the mentor of Immortal Cultivation Civilization, Ji Tianchuan, the mentor of Sword Cultivation Civilization, and others were all respectfully waiting under the staff dormitory building.

Welcome to God.

Everyone has already set off a huge wave in their hearts, and they are wildly guessing the real purpose of the arrival of the gods.

To know.

The people who came to the staff dormitory of Chung Yuan University this time...

Not an ordinary Supreme God!

Rather, he is a well-known god in the five major provinces!

Single-handedly created the legendary civilization association.

In the ranking of the heavens, it is ranked tenth!

That is to say.

His strength, at least among the five major provinces, can be ranked tenth!


He has been missing for so many years, and it is very likely that his strength has skyrocketed.


It has begun to aspire to the legendary great realm!

The Great Dao Realm is the realm that every Supreme God aspires to.

Not to mention their high-level god-level mentors.


"Will the monarch take some time to teach a lesson to our superior god teacher?

"I'm afraid it's not possible, what kind of status is the lord of the gods, how can he condescend to give us lectures?

"I am afraid that only the Supreme God can listen to his lectures?"

"Didn't you see the hundreds of supreme gods behind him? I'm afraid their thoughts are similar to ours.`||.


The upper gods whispered to each other.

Helplessly shook his head.

They guessed for a long time, but they did not guess the real intention of the monarch to come here.

And soon.

Li Qiankun went upstairs and found that Qin Mu was still immersed in an evolving civilization.

I can only go downstairs and report the situation to the god.

With a wry smile, he said, "Shen Jun, Qin Mu Supreme God... is still evolving the world, should I wait a little longer, and then go and invite him down?"

A top-level supreme god is evolving the world.

Give him a hundred courage, and he doesn't dare to break into it rashly.

If the other party is furious, killing him directly is light.

in the five provinces.

Supreme God...

Possess unparalleled power of life and death!

And Qin Mu's strength is far beyond the ordinary supreme god.

Even if he, the president of the Civilization Association, dies...

I'm afraid no one would dare to stand up for him.

What he didn't expect was that the monarch had heard his words.

His brows furrowed slightly.


Actually took the initiative to step forward.

Go to the staff dormitory.

"If he doesn't want to come to see Benjun, then Benjun should go to see him! 35


In a flash, he appeared outside Qin Mu's dormitory.

Then wait patiently.

And outside the staff dormitory.

The supreme gods of hundreds of civilization associations glanced at each other.

Divine Sovereign did not speak, and they also did not dare to follow.



Hundreds of supreme gods waited around the staff dormitory.

Along with them, Li Ji and the others were naturally waiting.

A group of teachers of the upper gods.


Not far from the staff dormitory.

The students of Zhongyuan University were also shocked.

Hundreds of supreme gods appeared at one time, as well as the legendary god of dragons, which was really sensational.

Many students didn't even go to class.

Came here directly to watch the fun.

"Good guy! There are too many people watching the fun here? I'm 2.5 meters long, and I can only see the heads of people?"

"What do you say, the supreme gods of these levels are here?"

"In the staff dormitory, all are tutors of the upper god level. Is there any tutor..."

"Hey hey, you don't know this, right? Who said that all of them are high-level god-level tutors?


Many riddlers began to play dumb riddles.

It has stirred many people's guesses.

And 17 people including Chen Daoquan and Wang Lan majoring in science and technology civilization...

Also attracted by this sensational event.

Watch from a distance.

see this scene.

They looked at each other.

It takes almost no guesswork to know that this group of people is here for their mentor!

Only their mentors...

Such an influence!

at the same time.

In their hearts, the future of scientific and technological civilization is more and more bright.

The tenth-ranked gods in the five major provinces have come in person, which is enough to show the strength of the mentor!

And the instructor doesn't seem to have come downstairs yet!

It was the god who walked upstairs himself!

They feel more and more...

The strength of his mentor is really unfathomable.

Before, they always thought that the mentor was just an ordinary upper god.

But after the teacher retreats...

But suddenly became the supreme god.


And now some time has passed.

It actually directly attracted the tenth-ranked god in the list of the heavens and the world to come to the door!

The speed at which this strength develops is really amazing!

"".Is this the civilization of science and technology?"

In the hearts of Wang Lan and others, an idea emerged.

Feeling more and more excited.

at the same time.

in the staff dormitory.

Qin Mu also sensed the arrival of the gods and withdrew from the tech universe.

open the door.

I saw the god who was waiting patiently.

As soon as the goddess saw him, he gave a wry smile: "Senior, you've pitted me so miserably...

Qin Mu smiled awkwardly.

It seems that God Sovereign has indeed known the cause and effect of the matter (Wang Li Zhao).

know his identity.

"This is your avenue fragment, nothing is damaged, and it is returned to you. 35


He took out an inkstone-like item from the technological universe and handed it to the god.

The goddess was taken aback.

This time he came...

In fact, it is not for this avenue fragment.

But to really get to know Qin Mu.

After all, in the crack world, Qin Mu's alchemy furnace left a great psychological shadow on him.

did not expect...

Qin Mu was so decisive that he returned the avenue fragment to him.

"You... run out of body?"

He swallowed and couldn't help asking.

From the mouths of Li Qiankun, Jun Tian and others, he probably knew Qin Mu's current state.

Far from reaching the great realm.


The real realm may be even lower than him.


At this moment, Qin Mu, facing a treasure such as the avenue fragment, didn't have the slightest nostalgia!