
Chapter 169 Lin Huang's terrifying research results, the ownership of the Dayan Award!

And in the reception hall.

Wang Lan, Chen Daoquan and others also met other "classmates" as they wished.


They are no longer what they used to be.

As traversers, they can only judge each other's identity by the names of other students.


Because of Qin Mu's three bans, no one took the initiative to communicate - greetings.

Everyone pretended not to know each other.

after all....

Now they are still in the competition stage.

Everyone wants to win the final big flame award!


Everyone went back to their quarters and started racking their brains.

Write down the results of your research over the years.

He listed his research results one by one, and after summarizing them, presented them to the Dayan Research Institute and the Ministry of Industry.

palace, hall.

The Dayan Research Institute and the Ministry of Industry are holding a meeting, mainly to discuss

This is the selection and promulgation of the Great Yan Award.

This time is indeed unprecedented.

More than 70 people have made outstanding contributions to the scientific and technological development of the Great Yan Kingdom.


Many of them have pioneered groundbreaking research in some blank areas.

"This Wang Lan's research is very good. It has perfected the field of long-distance communication. If radio waves can be widely used, the world will undergo earth-shaking changes again!"

"Chen Daoquan's information materials analysis and research have also done very well, and made an indelible contribution to the research and development and improvement of materials in this field!"

"and this..

"There are too many people in their research over the years, right? It's too hard to choose."

At last.

Everyone shook their heads, showing a wry smile.

This year's Big Flame Award

completely different from before.

A large number of scientific and technological achievements and research theories have emerged, and it is very difficult to select the best among them.

All said who they supported.

But no one can convince the crowd.

Research by others in other fields...

The impetus for future technology is significant.

At a time when everyone is at a loss.

Someone took stock of the research results submitted by the nominated candidates and frowned.

He couldn't help but said: "Let's see, is there a missing one here?"

Everyone was stunned.

Also checked again.

Indeed, one research finding was missing.

There are a total of 73 candidates who have obtained the nomination candidates this time.

But the results of their current research...

Only seventy-two.

When everyone was trying to find out who handed in the research results.

outside the hall.


An attendant brought in a thick stack of research results: "My lords, this is the research result submitted by Lin Huang from Dongfang City."

Everyone looked at the thick book held by the attendant.

Couldn't help but glance at each other.

the research results of others.

Just a few pages, and the list is complete.

But the research results of this forest...

Did you write a book?

He was the last to submit research results, it was always impossible..

Is it because there are too many to finish writing in a while?

Everyone looked strange and shook their heads.

Dispel the thought in his mind.

among the crowd.

Otto took a step forward and took over the thick stack of documents.

Look carefully.

But only for a few seconds

He was stunned on the spot.

Breathing gradually became rapid.

When the others saw Otto stunned, they also stepped forward and checked the information carefully.


It didn't take long.

Everyone's reaction was exactly the same as Otto.

He was stunned on the spot, short of breath.

As if seeing something incredible.

In the entire hall, only the sound of "swiping" was left.

All were immersed in the results of this research.

Almost every field...

All of them have opened up a new vision for them, and achieved various stage and milestone research results.

For example, in the field of space.

Lin Huang's research is ahead of the official Qin Tianjian Research Center of the Great Yan Kingdom, and has already begun to observe and calculate celestial bodies other than the Blue Star.

The distance from the sun to the blue star, the mass of the sun, and the positions of many celestial bodies were precisely calculated, and an extremely precise star map was drawn.

in the field of biological macromolecules.

Lin Huang's research was also far ahead of the official Imperial Physician of the Great Yan Kingdom.

If the analytical theory of biological macromolecules can be applied in practice..

The overall medical technology of Dayan Kingdom will advance by leaps and bounds!

in the field of new energy.

Lin Huang's concept of releasing energy from atomic energy has been deduced and calculated.

even proposed...

Atoms in the microscopic world can generate huge explosive power through corresponding energy release.

With this point, it can be used to replace fuel and other energy sources.

The energy it releases is terrifying.

Easy to carry and strong supply.

As long as the legendary atomic power station can be built, it will supply the electricity needs of half the Great Yan Kingdom!


These research theories of atomic energy also point out that its application in the field of military weapons

A cross-generational terrorist weapon will be created!

Compared with the current conventional weapons, this weapon..

It will be devastating!

in the field of economics.

Lin Huang also summed up the economic laws of Dayan over the past hundred years, and summed up the gold standard.


Various methods of manipulating the economy are proposed.

In order to drive the power of the economy and promote the development of science and technology.

in the field of mathematics.

Lin Huang himself summed up a complete set of mathematical deduction methods, and solved many unsolved conjectures proposed by the ancestors of the Great Yan Kingdom.

In the field of macrogravity..

on the main hall.

Everyone was fascinated to read these materials.

From time to time, there is a sound of sucking in the cold air.

The shocking look on everyone's face..

It never faded away.

If other people's research results make them feel that the prosperous age of science and technology in the Great Flame Kingdom is coming.

Then Lin Huang's research results

It is telling them that the prosperous age of science and technology in the Great Flame Kingdom has come!

This thick research result is a symbol of prosperous research!

Many of them are esoteric theories.

Many top research scholars, including Otto, did not understand it.

Of course.

Not all of these theories were developed by Huang alone.

He also developed many theories on the basis of the hundreds of years of scientific and technological heritage of the Great Yan Kingdom.

hours later.

in the hall.

Everyone stopped flipping through the pages.

back to their respective seats.

fell into silence.


They haven't recovered from this thick book of research."

Everyone's mind is immersed in the series of research results they have just seen.

Covers a lot of fields.

And in every field, amazing achievements have been made.

Before seeing the results of this research...

They can't believe that there are people in the world who can research so many results by themselves!

a long time.

In the main hall, someone said faintly: "Next, after reading all the research results, let's select the Dayan Award based on the degree of contribution and the impact on future technology."

Ask for flowers 0.

"The first is the economics prize.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at each other.

In this nomination of more than 70 people.

Many economic theories have emerged.

But what impressed them the most...

It is undoubtedly Lin Huang's gold standard.

Others' economic theories, although they can assist the operation of the large-scale carbon economy, lack overall planning.

on the attribution of this award

There is hardly any controversy.

The selection staff of the Ministry of Industry and Dayan Research Institute unanimously agreed to award it to Lin Huang.

"The second prize, the Physics Prize."

heard here.

Everyone swallowed again.

Physics, in fact, covers a very broad area.

Materials science, telecommunications, semiconductors, electromagnetic phenomena, etc., can all belong to physics.



This time, what impressed them the most was macroscopic physics!

Gravitational measurement of celestial bodies beyond the blue star!

This research was proposed by Lin Huang.

In his research, he also proposed an idea...

With the orbit, angle, and gravity of the blue star that he calculated around the sun, a satellite can be launched around the blue star. . . .

Ascension into space!

Because according to his estimation.

In the vast space, there are various gravitational pulls.

As long as a balanced state can be maintained, it will continue to revolve around the Blue Star cycle.

without falling.

Lin Huang's research on the field of space..

Directly introduce the physics of Blue Star into the macro level!

By comparison.

Others' research in the field of physics, although unique, has far less impact on Blue Star.

"The founder of macroscopic physics is none other than Lin Huang.

among the crowd.

Otto sighed deeply.

Physics Prize.

Without any accident, once again belonged to Lin Huang.

"Next, the third one, the Chemistry Prize.

Immediately after.

The crowd started a heated discussion.

Regarding the division of the field of chemistry, it is more broad.

But on the attribution of this award...

People from the Ministry of Industry and Dayan Research Institute summarized and analyzed all the research results in this field.

Finally found out..

The utilization of atomic energy deserves to be ranked first.

Lin Huang's theory of atomic energy.

If applied in practice, the power energy of the Great Yan Kingdom will be fully upgraded.

The terrifying new energy will make the national strength of the Great Flame Kingdom increase sharply again.

And in terms of military weapons...

In the war of conquering other worlds, there is no disadvantage!

after a brief discussion.

All members of the Ministry of Industry and Research have unanimously decided that the Chemistry Prize will be awarded

Grant Lin Huang.

"The fourth award, the Biomedical Award."


In the main hall, the discussion and research of the medical prize was launched again.

The research results of more than 70 people were compared.

Everyone once again turned their attention to Lin Huang's thick information.

"In the field of biological macromolecules, Lin Huang's theoretical achievements in the analysis of biomolecules that are more subtle than cells have a comprehensive role in promoting the development of medicine in the Great Yan Kingdom.

If we say other people's research in biomedicine, it is the research of branch of this field.

Research on Biomacromolecules of Nalinhuang

It is the overall progress of biomedicine.

Various microscopic macromolecular components such as amino acids, as well as many bacteria and viruses for disease treatment were analyzed.

Once theory is put into practice...

It will promote the progress of clinical medicine and the explosive improvement of the overall medical level. one,