
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Ch 2 : It Begins

"Mummy!" A little girl about the age of 8 or 10 shouted as she ran up to a tail woman with long, straight black hair.

The woman being called "Mummy" smiled happily as she watched the little girl run up to her, right into her legs where the little girl gave her a hug, holding on as tightly as she could.

"How was school sweety? Did you have fun with your friends?" The woman asked the little girl as she took her hand and they then began walking along down the busy street, weaving around the people that seemed to be in a great hurry.

The little girl had long hair just like her Mother, just that hers was a lovely shade of red, she must take more after her Father for her hair colour, but she looked more like her Mother for the rest.

A straight nose and soft but sharp jawline and then she also had her mother's deep brown eyes, at a glance you could tell that the two were mother and daughter.

The Mother was beautiful, like her daughter she had the straight nose and sharp jawline but without the baby fat on her face she struck a strong and confident image, someone that was sure of themselves and their lives.

She was obviously very happy with her life if you looked at the smile on her face, "So it was a good day then?" She asked her daughter, as she smile down at her.

The little redhead nodded her head quickly to her Mother, "When is Dad going to be back today?" She asked the tall woman she was holding hands with.

"Hmm? Oh, he should be back soon, he even said he had a gift for you, are you excited for his gift?" She asked the girl, smiling even more as she watched her daughter's excitement rise.

"Yeah, I can't wa-!"

"Help!!! Arrrr! He's biting me!" Someone screamed in extreme pain from farther down the street; from where they were just heading.

The little girl stopped talking suddenly when the scream rang out, she looked to her Mother worried about what was happening ahead, "Mummy what's that?"

The woman looked on with her brows furrowed, she could see people ahead running about around a small area the screams were coming from, "Don't worry we'll just go around it." She gave her daughter another smile albeit being slightly strained, she then walked them down a side street that would lead them away from the screaming and to a local park that if walked through would lead to their home, but it would take slightly longer to walk home then from the street.

They walked in silence with the woman holding her daughters hand tightly so she wouldn't lose her if something happened again, like the attack that happens ahead of them on the road.

Nothing happened when walking through the park so the woman calmed down a bit more thinking that they would be back home safely soon.

After another minute of walking they began to hear strange sounds ahead of them, if they paid some more attention they would have spotted the black smoke that was slightly hidden by houses ahead of them as well.

"Huh? What's that?" The woman said quietly to herself as she listened to the sounds coming from around the next corner.

"Oh no... "


"Damn it, damn it, damn it!!!" A muscular, red haired man shouted to himself as he ran down the street looking around for something or rather someone frantically.

The street looked like a riot had passed through, broken and crashed cars everywhere, fires burning continuously in places and even blood stains on the roads and path's but there was no body's in sight which was odd for the amount of blood painting the streets.

The red haired man looked like he had just gone through a war zone, dirty and ripped clothes like he had been grabbed by a bear and tossed around until the bear got bored.

He also had blood stains on his clothes, mostly on his arms and hands, a bit seemed to have splattered across his face, already dried, so you could tell he had looked like this for awhile.

In the man's hand was a large machete, caked in blood and what looked like hair and brain matter.

"Damn it, where the hell are they?!" The man screamed, panicked and desperate.

He continued to run along the war torn street, coming around a corner that he was unable to see around he ran straight in to something that made him take on a defeated expression, but not all hope left his eyes.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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