
Novel Ideas DrakeGrimmhound

The dark place I put all my novel ideas after my brain stops working. To see which novel I updated go to the very start and look at the update page. Not dropping them or looking for adoption.

DrakeGrimmhound · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Ch 1 : Truck-Kun strikes again

On a random sunny afternoon a certain short green haired teenager could be seen walking down the street, he had tree golden piercings in his left ear and a vertical scar going through his left eye, right in the middle of it, going down on to his cheek from his eyebrow, it didn't seem to hinder his vision thou.

Besides that he looked quite handsome, with a strong jaw line; he was getting looks from the people that walked past him, ranging from admiration to curiousity as to why he looked like that, some people even came up to him with a happy face and said things like, "Hey! Roronoa Zoro!" While they gave him a high five, but these people were a rare sight.

That's right, the reason the teen looked like he did was because he was a massive fan of Roronoa Zoro, The Pirate Hunter, and one of the main characters of the anime, One Piece. As a fan he did things like dye his hair green, pierce his left ear, and even get scarification done on his eye and his chest to look exactly like Roronoa Zoro, all because he was such a big fan.

He was actually pretty happy today because of what he watched in one of the most recent One Piece episodes, how Zoro turned his own execution around and killed the real murder with a small seppuku blade, at the same time he also cut the building behind in half.

It was these badass moments that made him like Zoro so much.

He was actually so happy thinking about it that he didn't see the truck coming towards him, nor the drive that looked like he was out of it, like he was hopped up on drugs and they were messing with his brain.


"Huh, what happened?" He said aloud once he woke up, and in that moment feelings of hunger hit him full force.

He started desperately looking around for something to eat, it was sand and desert as far as his eyes could see, so instead of continuing to look at the desert around him he started looking closer around himself for food and as luck would have it he spotted an oddly shaped fruit in a box with packing stuff around it to stop it from getting damaged, there was also a note beside the box but his hunger won out over his common senses and he left the note alone, instead almost diving onto the oddly shaped fruit.

If his hunger wasn't occupying his every thought then he would have noticed that the fruit looked exactly like a devil fruit from the One Piece world, with spirals and nine points sticking out from the middle of those spirals but to him that didn't matter right now only filling his stomach did.

Opening his mouth wide he took a bite from the fruit, it went down to his stomach so fast that it didn't even touch his tongue and so he didn't taste the awful concoction that it was. And like that he finished the fruit in just a couple of bite's, breathing heavily he smacked his dry lips and turned back to the box and note, now that he had remembered it, he hoped it would explain why he was suddenly in the desert when before he was just walking down a normal street, maybe some rich bastards have kidnapped me and put me in their survival game for their own satisfaction? He thought to himself as he picked up the note.

As he read the note his eyes went from being tight together to wide open in disbelief and finally happiness, "HELL YEAH!!! I'M RORONOA ZORO!!!" He screamed, dropping the note down onto the empty box as he stood up in his extreme excitement.


Hello, let me start by saying sorry.

Because of a mistake one of my children made when they were practicing their illusion techniques on a truck driver, you were killed as a consequence of those actions.

I hoped to rectify that mistake by granting one of your wishes, being reborn as Roronoa Zoro in the One Piece world, don't worry you are in a world were Roronoa Zoro died in the desert before he could even make a name for himself as a pirate hunter, he died because he got lost walking around in circles and dieing from starvation, I thought that you might have wanted to know.

At this point in time you are about one year away from meeting Monkey D. Luffy, use that time to get used to your new strength and his three sword style techniques I left in your memories, you just need to concentrate on it for a second and they will be ingrained into your mind, I suggest you sit down before doing this as it will give you a headache.

I also left you a devil fruit of the mythical zoan type, the nine tailed fox devil fruit to be exact, now I could only do this because I made a copy of my powers for you to have but for them to work in your new universe they need to abide by its laws, the end result is the devil fruit next to you, it still gives you the weakness to sea water.

Have fun,

The Kitsune God.


After hopping and jumping around happily for a couple minutes he calmed down a bit and read the note again just to be sure he didn't miss read anything, smiling widely when he was sure that his eyes weren't messing around with him, "So I'm Roronoa Zoro from now on, Huh, with a devil fruit at that." He said to himself, he then folded the note up and put it in his pocket and that's when he noticed the white katana that was tied onto the right side of his hip.

"The Wado Ichimonji... " Zoro said silently to himself, thinking about its history along with the promise that was made when it was pasted on to ... well, him, "I guess I'll become the world's strongest swords man." Zoro said with a grin as he stared down at the sword.

It was at this moment that a new legend began, back from the dead, powers from a god and the drive to make his new dream become a reality.

The air around him seemed to pulse with excitement, just as much as he was, but it settled back down when Zoro took his eyes off the sword, 'Let's first get to the nearest town and get some real food, once I'm full I'll investigate my new abilities.' Zoro thought to himself as he looked around himself, listening out for any sounds of civilization.

He could hear just that to his right, over a small hill of sandy brown rock's, but before he did leave he checked the box first to see if there was anything else that he might have missed, and as luck would have it, under the packing material was a another note and a small green stone, at the top of the note it said, 'Hidden Gift'.

And as he read on he just became even more shocked, "This is definitely broken!" The note detailed how to become immune to the sea water and sea stone weakness that came with eating a devil fruit, but it seemed the one downside was being unable to use your devil fruit powers for a time.

"It seems that it takes one to two years collectively to get a full immunity, that means that I can do the resistance training on and off, not having to just consistently do it and not have my devil fruit abilities." Zoro said to himself putting the hidden gift note in his pocket along with the other one and he then reached down and grabbed the green stone in the box, as soon as he did he felt extremely weak, coming down onto his knees, "This must be the sea stone I need for the resistance training." He said weakly as he slowly moved his hand to his pocket and then he dropped the stone in, once he did he quickly regained his strength back.

"I feel like I just ran a marathon." Zoro said getting back up and walking slowly into the town next to him, he really need food now.


After Zoro had gotten some food with the small amount of beli he had on him, he went to the nearest pub, on one of the walls was bounties for pirates and criminals, he walked up to the wall and looked it over.

He grabbed all of the bounties, giving himself a small stack of them, he then folded them up and tucked them into his green haramaki. Everyone around watched him quietly, most of them thinking that he was just a kid that was way in over his head, but others saw his eyes and they could tell from experience that it wasn't as simple as that, a lot of blood would be spilt in the future.


Some time had past and he had gotten a job as a guard on a merchant ship that had been selling supplies to the desert island he had just been on.

In the guards sleeping quarters Zoro was meditating, surrounded by other sleeping guards for the merchant ship, he was preparing his mind for the sword techniques that would be ingrained into it soon.

Once calming his breath and settling his heart beat he focused on the sword techniques he had seen Zoro use in the beginning of the anime.

It hit him hard, like he hadn't slept for two weeks and during that entire time he had to endure a constant annoying noise, that was how bad it was, a headache my ass!

Zoro screamed in his head as he held back from shouting out to release some of the pain that was hitting him and just only now beginning to subside.

Once his mind became clear and the pained had stopped Zoro could feel the new memories inside his head, like they had always been there, he could remember training with bigger and bigger weights in his mouth to strengthen his jaw and neck muscles, at the same time training his two sword style with bamboo swords.

He remembered countless battles against Kuina, she was his rival in everything he did but most of all rivals in strength and swordsmanship, he could remember all the experience's he got from their battles and how they made him stronger.

The memories seemed to go far beyond just the santoryu style like the fox god said, but Zoro was thankful for it, seeing more of what he now considered his past made him feel more at home in his new world and new body now, experiencing those memories made his will and mind stronger as well.

Focusing more on the outside world now and not in his mind he stood up and left the sleeping quarters so that he was now standing on the main deck, looking out into the ocean.

Zoro grabbed ahold of the sword on his hip and with a lightning fast movement he drew the sword and cut the air in front of him, just above the sea, he just as quickly returned the sword to its scabbard and with one final click it was back in place.

Almost at the same time the sea in front of him split, parting slightly making a couple meters of air down into the sea with water on both sides. The two sides then came crashing back into each other, even rocking the ship when the waves hit the hull.

"It's like I've always practiced how to use a sword, it's second nature to this body after all the constant training it's been put through." Zoro spoke aloud.

It was as this moment that Zoro heard a loud whistling noise coming at him from out at sea, in front of him.

On instinct he slashed at the object coming towards him, slicing it cleanly in half.

The first thing Zoro noticed was that he had cut a cannon ball and that it had been shot at him from a small pirate ship in front of him, the second thing he noticed was that his sword was covered in light blue flames, all along its edge.

"Is this apart of my devil fruit abilities? Spirit fire?" Zoro asked himself as he looked at the blue fire, it was almost hypnotic how the flames moved.

He couldn't help but grin as he looked at the pirate ship rushing towards him, "Let's test them out shall we."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Pat reon.com/DrakeGrimmhound


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