
Novel Extras Survival

Kim Yong reads novels in his free time but one Novel that caught him the most in the charm of its story is the Novel "Astral Hero Return" a generic Harem novel as the Astral Hero tries to defeat the bad guy in that case the Demon King and builds his harem to an extent where you ask yourself why would they need 20 wives to live a normal life or to win somehow against the bad guy as all his wives cheer for him Kim Yong found the Story intriguing not because there was a harem but how the characters feeled so alive for him as he knows them in addition to that he longs to exist in such a world especially this one However "The Novel will take a break for Personal reason and I don't know when i will come back." The Novel he was so obsessed with so that he wrote over 30 notebooks of his theories and thoughts of how things could work or how many powers exist in the world suddenly decided to take a break at the start of the next arc 'Demon ladies' as he goes to sleep and wakes up the next day he finds himself in the exact novel he longed to live in. But he has no time to relax since he remembers he is not the only reincarnated person in addition does he will need to face the final villains to change the fate of the world and find out the truth behind his existence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors Note: Hello to the people who will try to read the first novel of mine. The first twenty chapter are pretty bad since they were my first attempt to write a novel in english and at that point the story was only a concept with no real conclusion or consequences. If you find any mistakes or bad phrased english sentences please comment under them and help me out to make the novel an enyoyable story to read. I hope some of you still will enjoy reading the novel and stay around to see the conclusion of the story.

Jokergamer_2005 · Fantasy
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187 Chs

Welcome Party of the Nobles [3]

A futuristic plane with jet propulsion, full coloured in black, appeared above the building of the Silva.

The building is huge and grand, with many mana cores formed in crystals, as not one is below the S Rank, normal black walls that have a slight silver hue to them.

In the plane is Lilith and Kim Yong talking about a countermeasure. The room looks like a normal one from a military plane, where they put tanks and all kind of goods in.

"Lilith, I will do this alone... since it is my mistake they ended up like that"

Kim Yong explained, his entire right arm is pitch black with small stars emerging on it.

"You are in no condition to do it alone"

Lilith responded with an angry tone, the worry is easy to hear out of her voice. She pulls him back... or tries, as her entire arm starts to rot.

"Tsk, damn curses"

Kim Yong's' right eye is purple, a dangerous energy, along with his hollow eyes, emerges in Lilith in her vision.

"I was able to cure her... but I am currently in a state where I could explode at any moment"

Kim Yong stated the facts, his body is filled to the brim by chaorkness energy, furthermore, is it filled by an area of darkness he didn't learn.

"This is, exactly why you shouldn't do it alone"

They both are people who care more about people than about themselves, which is why he only called Lilith to get the plane and get him.

"Lilith, you understand it better than anyone else... why I need to do it alone"

Lilith wanted to refuse... but with the plan, he came up with, was it important that he does this now alone.

"If the plan doesn't work... Then I will kill you"

Lilith remained calm and went back to the patients to treat the remaining corruption.

His stoic face, and devoid of any emotion, made it clear that this is the only path he can take. 

"I hope Lilith holds herself on the plan"

He feels the presences below him on the ground, the door slowly lowered to let him out of the plane, the night sky illuminated his body.

"Hunting Demons in such a state... I am dumb for doing it"

He lampooned, watching through his shadows, the demons getting confident in their sneak attack.

"A rank, 10 C rank, and 30 D rank"

'In my state, I can easily fight an A rank and win'

He jumps out of the plane, his shadow slowly creeping up the walls of the building.

"Keep your energy release at the bare minimum, until the monster go on a rampage!"

A demon with black hair, brown eyes, blood-red horns of a goat on his head, and a red skin tone. He barked out one order after another, moreover is he repeating a certain one continuously.

"Take Hela Silva and deliver her to our prince... she is chosen to become our prince his woman"

Kim Yong feels a bit annoyed by it, but he is sure this isn't his emotion, so he continues to follow them from the shadow, meanwhile his shadow created a dome above the building.

His shadow covered the entire building as well as the area ten metres around it.

"Leviathan, come out and eat"

Through the insight of the dungeon and the absorption of the related energy to darkness, he understood how to create a sentient shadow being.


The roar was so loud, it burst some eardrums of the demons.


The huge leviathan consumed 15 D rank Demons, before they could scream. It moves through the shadows like it is water, nothing could escape it.

"Leviathan should be enough for the D ranks, the captain should understand his situation"

Unbeknownst to Kim Yong, the Leviathan is already killing 5 C ranks along with 10 D ranks in a split second.

Kim Yong plunges in his own shadow, without any hesitation, emerging at the roof of the building.

"Leviathan, go play with the monster who went berserk and keep the ones who hold on their sanity and starving in check to continue the tournament"


The leviathan emerged out of the roof, his body towering over Kim Yong, such a terrifying monster to look at... made a sound of a cute pet like a slime or a young beast.

'This is giving me goosebumps'

Kim Yong finds the contrast between his behaviour and his appearance, a bit too extreme.

The leviathan dived in the darkness of the roof, not making any sound at all.

"How long do they need to reach the roof?"

His right arm has a claw out of pure darkness, but it isn't visible if you don't inspect his arm. He watches his right hand with a satisfied expression.


The cloak, he obtained at the dungeon along with the mask, can change form at will. He can even make the cloak his hair and the mask a ring.

He finds it fascinating how civilization from different planets achieved such an insane standard for their equipments.

His scythe, who has an anvil as a sheath, which enhances his body a bit as well as reducing his fatigue to build up... and is built out of pure energy. The flute of the death lord, absorbed by his body, resulting in him being able to use it whenever he need the undead.

And lastly, the scythe he got from the shadow lord dungeon, it can change form at will, however only its size and length of the blade, it can multiply itself so that Kim Yong would have two scythes.

Not one weapon he got from another planets' civilization is normal, they are all so much more advanced... so the question of how they could lose, even if he knew why, still lingers in his mind.

"You, Who are you!"

'Oh, they are finally here'

He is seeing 11 demons emerging in his field of vision, all of their eyes filled with horror. 


The demon on the front laughed at their opponent, Kim Yong. He watches the entire time, only the A rank demon.

"Are you sure you can stop us?"

Kim Yong didn't feel the need to answer, he thought about calling Leviathan to kill them... but at a second thought, this is a bad idea.

Kim Yong vanishes from the vision of all demons, causing panic to enter their head...well for those who still have a head on their shoulders.

'So I can use curses like this too'

Kim Yong doesn't even take an A rank demon seriously, which annoyed the demon, but then again the demon was for him a ghost.



"Wait for your turn"

Kim Yong punched the A rank straight in the face with his right fist, the curses start to flow in the demon.


'He redirected my curse to the two remaining ones'

"I will kill you!"

His demonic energy entered his sword, he summoned, and enlarged it. The two remaining demons were sucked dry off their energy.

'So he has a food chain skill... perfect for curses'

Kim Yong enlarged the scythe, all the curses flowed in the scythe so smoothly... it felt weird for the demon.

The scythe and sword were swing down, crossed paths and their energies fight for the victory.


The Demon screeches from the top of his lungs, he feels horrified by the sheer presence of the boy in front of him... His sword filled with demonic energy is breaking... while the boy hasn't a change in his expression, it was like a doll looks at him.

"Is this really all demonic energy you can muster...when I threatened your life?"

The demon feels a shiver down his spine... the tone of the voice... so monotone and... empty.

"Well, you won't die... since I still need you for"

The demon hearing failed, the curses ate away his body... until he was nothing.

"Curse of return... is pretty useful"

All demons with all their demonic energy came into existence, 41 demons and all feared the one who is a D- rank... weaker than all of them.

"You all... become the blade of death"

Some demons tried to resist the sucking force of Kim Yong in his hand, some even transformed to unleash more power... but it was no use.

All of them gathered in his hand and created a scythe out of pure death and curses.


Leviathan praised his achievement... but it didn't understand what his master created, only... that this was strong enough to guarantee death.

"Leviathan, eat this and become stronger... if it is possible, learn how to gain the form of this scythe"

"Curse of return"

All demons emerged again from the dead, now pale as ghosts.

"Please let us DIE!"

Kim Yong feed in front of their eyes, like it is a show, their energy in form of a scythe. The Leviathan roared, its energy leaking everywhere... killing the demons again.

Leviathan entered his shadow, his energy shot through the roof, it almost overwhelmed him.

"Curse of return"


Kim Yong put his foot on top of them, using his strength to break the roof and fall down on the arena.

"Then I will grant you the blessing... of death"

^Boom^ ^Crash^