
Novel Extras Survival

Kim Yong reads novels in his free time but one Novel that caught him the most in the charm of its story is the Novel "Astral Hero Return" a generic Harem novel as the Astral Hero tries to defeat the bad guy in that case the Demon King and builds his harem to an extent where you ask yourself why would they need 20 wives to live a normal life or to win somehow against the bad guy as all his wives cheer for him Kim Yong found the Story intriguing not because there was a harem but how the characters feeled so alive for him as he knows them in addition to that he longs to exist in such a world especially this one However "The Novel will take a break for Personal reason and I don't know when i will come back." The Novel he was so obsessed with so that he wrote over 30 notebooks of his theories and thoughts of how things could work or how many powers exist in the world suddenly decided to take a break at the start of the next arc 'Demon ladies' as he goes to sleep and wakes up the next day he finds himself in the exact novel he longed to live in. But he has no time to relax since he remembers he is not the only reincarnated person in addition does he will need to face the final villains to change the fate of the world and find out the truth behind his existence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors Note: Hello to the people who will try to read the first novel of mine. The first twenty chapter are pretty bad since they were my first attempt to write a novel in english and at that point the story was only a concept with no real conclusion or consequences. If you find any mistakes or bad phrased english sentences please comment under them and help me out to make the novel an enyoyable story to read. I hope some of you still will enjoy reading the novel and stay around to see the conclusion of the story.

Jokergamer_2005 · Fantasy
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187 Chs

Ardad Bardhyl, The Lightning God [3]

The next morning, Ardad feels reality returning to him and his eyes open wide.

'I somehow had a bad dream about this child threatening my children and wife'

"Oh, are you finally awake, sleepyhead"

His wife, a normal person with a bit of mana, smiled at him.

Her Blue eyes, blonde hair, and her good build body highlighted by the apron, made it for him hard not to jump into action and grant them another sibling.

"Good morning Honey"

He immediately appeared behind her, whispering it in her while hugging her.

"You really are shameless"

"If it's you, I can become a beast wanting to eat"

"Sara, Alice, Mom and Dad are having their time again!"

A boy one year younger than Kim Yong and his group, with his blond curly hair and Indigo eyes, appeared behind the couch.

"Eddy, then stop these two and don't annoy us every time!"

A girl the same age as him with blue eyes and midnight blue straight hair emerged behind the wall, two metres away from the couch.

"Sara, don't talk to your twin brother like that"

A 16-year-old girl with blond and midnight blue hair perfectly split in two parts on her head, the right side blond and the left midnight blue.

Her right eye is blue, and her left eye is neon coloured.

"You both need to enter Nexus, since Alan and Benjamin are there, moreover, get me an autograph if you do meet them"

Alice, the oldest of the children, goes to a special institute to get a chance to enter the Nexus, resulting in her seeing Alan and Benjamin fights against their respective opponent in the tournament top 16 rounds.

"Alice... you know that I can get the autograph for you, right?"

Ardad feels his pride got somehow attacked by his daughter, so he inquired, hoping his daughter doesn't find him cringe.

She looks at him, dumbfounded, before she sighed along with putting her right hand on her forehead.

"Dad, don't be angry or heartbroken... but you are too old for asking for an autograph for me"

"Ha, if it is only this"

However, before he could relax, the harsh truth comes out of his youngest child mouth.

"Alice, you told me he is too cringe for doing such things"

On Alice, her forehead emerged a vein through her skin and her mana started to leak a bit.

"Eddy, I have today enough time to train with you, don't you find it good that I am such a caring sister"


Eddy immediately jumped over the couch, rushing to the kitchen behind the stairs... but his sister is faster, grabbing his T-shirt collar and stopping him from reaching the kitchen.

"Dad help me"

Eddy raises his hands to grab his dad, despite that is his dad slowly backing away, feeling the stare of the free woman in his household on him.

'I am sorry, little one'

Ardad sat down on the chair right beside the sideboard, where a beautiful glass table is in front of him.

"Good choice, now here is your breakfast"

She whispered in his ear, making him sit straight and obediently started eating the next moment.

The breakfast is simple, a sandwich with ham and cheese, cooked eggs, potato salad, and self-made vanilla ice.

"Children come eat, or you go all with a bad mood out of this house"

The children happily ate all the food, before all went their own ways, Eddy and Sara to the pre-school of Nexus called Nextra, Alicia to her institute named Nova.

Their mother, Alice, went to the teleport station to meet her friends in Yoshego city, the city that was destroyed 8 years ago and is now a tourist city.

Ardad went straight to Nexus, the floating island, hoping he could meet the disciples from the lightning Emperor.

'I hope he really has the talent to be the disciple of The personification of lightning'

The lightning hissed through the air, just leaving a blue trail behind him.

"I hope it is not Benjamin... my daughter has even a picture of him in her room"

He hissed at the thought again, his daughter would never choose such an unknown person, as her boyfriend.

Unbeknownst to him, is above him an Ice bird also called Crystal birds because the wings of them look like beaming crystals.

They have a small crystal on top of their head, looking like a crown, which indicates a contract between them, making them adorable and fierce to have.

'Who can even tame such beings?'

He forgets the existence of the Silva family for a second.

He reminded himself, that he will soon be on the same level as them... taming a Thunderbird.

"Ray slow down!"



The sudden stop of the bird in front of him, Ardad knows if he crashes in the bird, and it dies... he couldn't live a normal life.

So he uses lightning travel and teleports to the nearest connection to lightning.

"Benjamin, swing your swords a bit more. Kim Yong, all your attention on controlling the flow of lightning"

"Aight" "Understood"

^Boom^ ^Boom^ ^crack^

'what the' ^Boom^

He feels weird watching them, all their lightnings are already precise as well as deadly... yet they both don't stand a chance at the lightning emperor.

"Do you want to be embarrassed and almost killed like in the dungeon!"


"Then control your breathing rhythm and use the inherited ability of these dual blades"


Lightning intended to strike him down, but it magically changed direction to the ground.

"Continue to manipulate the lightning flow like that"


The child with blue hair suddenly got faster, meanwhile shot white lightning out of his swords, blinding Ardad.

^swoosh^ ^Bam^


The sword emerged behind the Lightning emperor, yet he easily dodged the trajectory of the sword, punching in the stomach with a right hook.

^crack^ ^crack^

Blue lightnings slice through the air, heading to the lightning emperor moreover targeting his vital spots.

"Good idea, Kim Yong, put more strength behind the fake ones"

'Fake ones?'

Ardad didn't understand until he heard someone clicking his tongue... it was Kim Yong, almost getting hit by black lightning.

'He used these lightnings to force the black lightning to protect their master... nonetheless, The lightning emperor saw right through it'

Ardad started to learn while watching them fight. The blue hair boy, with sea blue eyes, seems to grow a horn on his forehead.

The white lightning intensely clashed with the black lightning.

"Good, You two are improving at a fast rate"

^crack^ ^crack^

The two children realized his plan and rushed both at him, forming orbs of lightning at the same time.

"You two realized it fast...however"


"Not fast enough"

Ardad couldn't believe his eyes, the lightning emperor compressed his lightning on his body even more and simply released it... yet.

'How can the force resulting be so strong and easy to manipulate, who he hits?'

Ardad tried to comprehend what he did... but he hit a wall, it felt sturdy and didn't move an inch.

The wall slowly turned in a mountain, with him slowly getting drowned by the snow.

"Hey, who are you?"

Benjamin, the blue hair child, stood in front of him. Eyes shining like diamonds as he feels he has a strong bond with lightning and the daggers on his sides.

"Are you a dagger user?"

Ardad did not understand this child, he got beaten up to a pulp a second prior, yet he is fine after receiving such an attack.

"He is Ardad Bardhyl... I guess the new lightning god, and learns the five-star art [Velocity collapse]"

Kim Yong shared his knowledge about Ardad, which surprised him a bit... since he even knows what he practised.

"Yeah, he is your new Instructor, so please don't cause him too much trouble"

'What does he mean by that?'

"Oh come on, Master, you act like we destroyed an arena"

The lightning emperor simply raises an eyebrow, Benjamin immediately realized that they in fact, almost destroyed the arena in Lojodon.

"Sorry, Barak, but it wasn't our intent to destroy all these barriers... and the viewer seats"

The lightning emperor is glancing at Kim Yong for a second, his golden eye is shining even brighter than before.

"Kim Yong, get some sleep and stop to strain your body"

Kim Yong, again, clicked his tongue while leaving the training room.

Ardad couldn't understand, his eye has still the purple hue along with his hair being lightly purple too.

"Mr. Luno didn't you"

Black lightning struck right between his legs... at a speed faster than a lightning should be.

"Talk more and I let you experience hell"

The voice erupted in his head like a bomb, he feels dizzy, furthermore, his vision becomes blurry.

Ardad is perplexed and mortified, he couldn't understand why he protects someone so suspicious.

He is the future lightning god, yet he is less worth as a child who has some unknown power.

'My time here hopefully will be... good'