
Novel's Demon

I've died. However, it wasn't the end. Somehow... I woke up once again though not in the world I knew but in a world of a fantasy novel I've read in my first life. Unfortunately, I wasn't reborn as a Main Character, a supporting character or even an Extra... No! I reincarnated as a weak and useless Demon. However, this was not even the worst part... 'Why the fuck am I stuck in the Academy!?'

FriendlyFlame · Fantasy
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62 Chs


"As expected..."

Looking at the scene unfolding before me I sighed. 

The plot seemed to go in the same direction as in the novel. Orion came and provoked the protagonists, he tried to touch Luna, Eldric humiliated him in front of everyone and gained a target on his back.

Although as of yet, he doesn't know who Orion is, it will come back to bite him in the future because Orion is the son of the guild leader of the strongest guild in the Human Domain. 

He is a villain that reminds me of a mosquito.

Although he can't cause much harm, he is annoying as fuck because if you were to do anything to him, his father's influence would come crashing down on you.

"Pick your enemies carefully..."

Shaking my head, I slowly rose from my table. 

Although Eldric and Luna have a good background as well, nobody would want to go against the 'Hunter Guild'. That is simply a fight that will bring unnecessary trouble and losses.

However, that didn't concern me. This was not my problem.

I should go train rather than getting involved in this shit.


"How dare he!!"

A man with glowing yellow eyes stormed through the hallway. 

Curses and shouts flowed out of his mouth like a raging river, making the group following behind him keep quiet.

"Touching me... that fucker doesn't know who he's messing with!"

Veins popped on his forehead as he clenched his fist and slammed it against the wall, leaving a visible crack in the surface. If not for the reinforced strength of the Academy structure, the impact would have surely brought the wall crumbling down.

"Orion, calm down, somebody might see you."

A skinny guy with black-rimmed glasses and a nervous expression spoke up, trying to pacify the raging Orion.

However, that didn't seem to have any effect on Orion. Quite the opposite actually, as his anger only intensified.

Without a warning, he spun around and grabbed the collar of the skinny guy, lifting him effortlessly off the ground.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"

Before he could even stutter out an answer, Orion smashed him into the wall with a sickening thud, leaving a dent in the white marble.


The skinny guy fell to the floor, gasping for breath and clutching his throat in pain. Although this was degrading, it was not the first time it happened. Being one of Orion's 'friends' had its perks but also came with the constant fear of being at the receiving end of his explosive anger.

'If not for his fucking father...'

Hiding his seething rage, the skinny guy gasped for air.

"I will make him regret, that fucker!"

Orion, however, didn't seem to notice the emotions of his prey. 

"And that bitch..."

An image of the woman with flowing black hair and icy blue eyes flashed in Orion's mind and his face contorted into a sinister smile.

"I will make her mine!"

Soon, laughter erupted from his twisted lips, which made the skinny group and Orion's other 'friends' look at each other. They knew that this laughter meant nothing good.



Luna's hand froze as she lifted a glass of water to her lips.

"Is something wrong?"

Observing his sister's reaction, Eldric asked. Only a few minutes had passed since Orion stormed off and Eldric was still keeping a watchful eye on Luna.

Although gentle and humble, he was very protective of his sister.

"No, nothing."

Luna, however, just smiled and set the glass of water back down on the table. Deep down, she felt that something was wrong. That guy, whatever his name was, seemed too confident for someone who had such puny strength.

She came to a conclusion that he had some kind of a background, that perhaps he was not just an ordinary person.

This made her quite uneasy.

Unlike her brother, she liked to plan ahead and only then take action, however, what was done was done, and now they would have to deal with the aftermath.

'I should inform father and mother after this...'

Making a mental note, she sighed.

"Is this that time of the month? Why are you sighing so dramatically?"

Of course, Arthur couldn't help but butt in and comment on Luna's sigh, receiving a deadly stare from Lily and a heavy punch from Adela. 

"What was that for?"

Arthur hissed, rubbing his sore arm, however, seeing the intensity in Adela's eyes, he quickly realized his mistake and fell silent.

Eldric could only rub his temples, feeling a headache coming on.

"Do you want to go train afterward?"

Looking at Arthur, he suggested. Although the day has turned into chaos, at least a session of intense training might help them clear their heads and refocus their energies.

Unfortunately, Arthur wasn't the most enthusiastic about the idea.

"Nah, I'm good, I have a date with Lily."

Pointing toward Lily, he smirked while she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"I'm only going on a date with you because I lost a bet, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, you are already head over heels for me."

Observing the teasing banter between Lily and Arthur, others couldn't help but smile. 

Even though the day might be shit so far, at least they could still smile.