
Novel's Demon

I've died. However, it wasn't the end. Somehow... I woke up once again though not in the world I knew but in a world of a fantasy novel I've read in my first life. Unfortunately, I wasn't reborn as a Main Character, a supporting character or even an Extra... No! I reincarnated as a weak and useless Demon. However, this was not even the worst part... 'Why the fuck am I stuck in the Academy!?'

FriendlyFlame · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Class B-23

Huff... Huff...

Taking in deep breaths, I sprayed myself with cold water to calm my mind.

It was happening, today was finally the day that signaled the start of the novel's plot, the Academy was officially starting.

"Just keep calm..."

Staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I saw my reflection's face filled with dread.

I was by no means excited for what was about to come, if not for the superior education and opportunities this Academy could offer me, I'd be gone in a heartbeat.

At first I thought it wouldn't be that bad but just yesterday, I finally glanced at which class I had been assigned to and... somehow, I managed to land in the one with all the protagonists.

At that time, I barely managed to control myself from launching my phone against the wall.

The very next thing I did after calming down was write a set of rules that would help me survive in this shitty situation:

1. Do no interact with the protagonists

2. Do not, under any circumstances, make eye contact with any of them

3. Do not get involved in their drama or storylines If, somehow, one of them approaches you, act normal

4. Try to blend in with the background as much as possible, they do not touch extras

5. While looking at the mirror, I quickly recited my self-made rules and straightened my posture.

"It's gonna be a long year..."

Throwing a last glance at my reflection, I picked up my keys and left my apartment, slowly walking toward the massive building in the distance.

The campus of the Sword Academy was so massive, It took me the whole ten minutes to reach the structure that housed the classrooms.

My class was B-23, which meant that I had to ascend to the twenty third floor and enter the B classroom.

There was an elevator that I could use to ascend, however, I opted to use the stairs because I didn't want to cram with many people that were already waiting for the lift.

Tap... Tap...

By the time I reached the twenty third floor, I was slightly out of breath.

Walking through the hallway toward the B classroom, I felt my face twitch.

'Here it goes...'

As I stood before a glass door with "B-23" painted on it, I took a moment to compose myself before pushing it open and stepping inside.

Entering the room I couldn't help but notice how spacious and bright it was. The room was split in three descending rows of desks arranged in a semicircle, with a large whiteboard at the front.

'Where should I sit...'

I glanced around the room for the least crowded area and spotted a vacant seat at the back corner.

Without hesitation, I quickly made my way toward it and slid into the seat, burying my head in my hands.

However, from the corner of my eye I began to scan the classroom.

My gaze was instantly attracted by two individuals sitting in the front row.

Keeping his posture straight, sitting to the left was a raven-black hair youth with piercing green eyes and a tired expression on his face. His sharp jawline and confident aura made him stand out from the rest of the students.

From where I sat, I could see some girls whispering and giggling, stealing glances at his handsome face.

I knew this guy. I've seen him a few days before.

Eldric Whitethorn, one of the protagonists of this world.

He is the only son of the Whitethorn family, who owned the largest chain of Weapon Forges in the kingdom. If you want to get your hands on the best-quality swords or armors, his family's business is the place to go.

Although he was born into a privileged family, Eldric had a reputation for being down-to-earth and humble. He kept his focus on his studies and rarely let his family's wealth affect his interactions with others.

Eldric is the perfect example of a 'Hero'.

Or as I like to call him, an 'idiot'.

Not once or twice but throughout the entire novel, Eldric was used and manipulated by others for their own agendas. If not for other protagonists that had more than two brain cells to their name, Eldric would've been a mere pawn in the grand scheme of things.

'Hero syndrome victim...'

Muttering under my breath, I shifted my attention to the person sitting next to Eldric.

For a second, I felt a strange coldness radiating from the person. With pale skin and icy blue eyes that seemed to hold the power to freeze anyone in their tracks, a woman sat next to Eldric in the front row.

Her black hair fell in sleek waves down her back, contrasting sharply with her pale complexion.

Her name was Luna Whitethorn, Eldric's sister.

From the corner of my eye, I could also see many boys taking sneaky glances at Luna, however, her cold demeanor and eerie glances that Eldric gave to anyone who dared approach her made them quickly avert their gazes.

Coming from the same upbringing as Eldric, Luna was also a humble and intelligent individual, however, she wasn't as naive or easily manipulated as her brother. She was an astute observer of human nature and possessed a cunning mind, always planning several steps ahead.

She was scary, especially to me, who was an undercover Demon.

'Ice Witch...'

Closing my eyes, I let out a heavy sigh.

I've only seen two of the protagonists so far, however, the other three were still missing.


Glancing toward the classroom door, I prayed that, somehow, the plot would change and they wouldn't attend the class or maybe get lost somewhere in the building, however, my prayer was quickly interrupted by the sound of the door swinging open.
