
Novel's Demon

I've died. However, it wasn't the end. Somehow... I woke up once again though not in the world I knew but in a world of a fantasy novel I've read in my first life. Unfortunately, I wasn't reborn as a Main Character, a supporting character or even an Extra... No! I reincarnated as a weak and useless Demon. However, this was not even the worst part... 'Why the fuck am I stuck in the Academy!?'

FriendlyFlame · Fantasy
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62 Chs



Putting a spoonful of warm soup into my mouth I immediately felt a comforting warmth spread through my body.

The rich flavors of the lentils, combined with the aromatic herbs and spices, made each spoonful a delight for my taste buds.

Right after our instructor let us go, I immediately made my way to the Cafeteria since I was starving. My current bank account looked bleak, which is why I was half-hungry for the past week but since the Academy Cafeteria's meals were free for students, I finally had the opportunity to indulge in a hot bowl of soup.

I also managed to find a quiet corner where I could enjoy my soup in peace, which was a rare luxury in the bustling Academy.

"It's perfect..."

Taking the last sip of my soup, I leaned back in my chair with a satisfied smile on my face. With nothing else to do, my eyes instantly shifted to my surroundings.

The cafeteria was slowly filling up with students. Some were grabbing quick meals to take back to their dorms, while others lingered at tables with friends, chatting and laughing.

I wouldn't have cared about this if not for a certain group of students who seemed to draw everyone's attention.


Their presence could be felt even from across the room.

"I wonder if it will be the same as in the novel..."

Leaning my head against my hand, I muttered and took a comfortable position to observe what was about to happen.



The doors to the cafeteria swung open, and a group of second-year students swaggered in, their Mana radiating like a beacon. The entire cafeteria turned to stare, their attention drawn to these newcomers like moths to a flame.

At the front of the group was a young man with an arrogant smirk, his eyes scanning the room with disdain. He stopped abruptly, his gaze falling upon the table where Eldric and his friends sat, their eyes locked on him without a hint of fear or deference.

The young man's smirk widened into a sneer.

"Well, well, well, it seems we have some cocky first years here."

He sauntered towards their table, the pressure of his Mana increasing with each step, causing the surrounding first-years to pale and gasp for breath.

Reaching their table, he pulled out an empty chair and plopped down with a smug grin on his face that made Arthur frown.

Seeing that no one sitting at the table bending to his pressure, the second year snickered and introduced himself, making sure everyone in the Cafeteria heard him.

"I'm Orion, a second year student..."

He said with a smug grin.

"And I'm here to extend an invitation to all of you who aren't fucking weaklings like the rest of these first years."

His words were met with silence from Eldric and his friends, but the other first years around them were visibly shaken. Orion's Mana was heavy in the air, and his presence was undeniable.

"I know you're all afraid..."

He continued, his voice dripping with disdain.

"You're afraid of what we can do to you. But I'm here to tell you that you have nothing to fear. Join us, and you'll be protected from all the garbage that infests this place."

His words were met with a mix of fear and anger from the other students. However, none of the people sitting at the table were tempted by his offer, all of them were even disgusted by his arrogance.

Orion's eyes swept across the table, landing on Luna. His gaze lingered on her, and his smirk turned into something more sinister.

"And you..."

He said, his voice low and predatory.

"You'll come with me willingly or not?"

He reached out for her, but before his hand could touch her, it froze in mid-air. A chill ran down his spine as he felt the cold blade of a scythe against his neck.

Eldric stood behind him, his eyes burning with fury.

"Try anything funny."

He growled, his emerald-green eyes burning with eerie intensity.

"And I'll make sure you never see the light of day again."

Orion's face contorted in rage. His veins bulged in his forehead, and his hands clenched into fists. He wanted to lash out, to crush these insolent first years, but he knew he couldn't.

Not with Eldric's scythe at his throat.

With a snarl, he turned and stormed out of the cafeteria, his group of other friends following behind him. As he left, he threw a menacing glare at Eldric and his friends, promising revenge.

Arthur let out a hearty laugh as Orion retreated.

"What a weakling..."

He taunted loudly, loud enough for Orion to hear, which made him grit his teeth.

"You will regret this!"

Hissing through his teeth, he stormed off into the distance.


"You shouldn't have done that..."

Looking at the back of Orion disappearing into the distance Luna turned to Eldric with a serious look.

"You're kidding? That was cool as fuck, for a goody two shoes like him to say something like 'I'll make sure you never see the light of day again'... It's a shame I didn't have a camera!"

Arthur, however, was dying of laughter.

"That was cool."

Adela also nodded with Lily raising a thumb up in agreement.

"That was badass, Eldric."

Hearing his friends' reaction Eldric couldn't help but feel his face twitch at a particular part of Arthur's statement.

"What do you mean goody two shoes..."

He took a spoon and launched it at Arthur who caught it with a smirk, flicking it back at Eldric.

"You know exactly what I mean, Luna also agrees."

Pointing toward Luna, Arthur said, while Eldric felt his mood plummet as he saw his sister nod in agreement.

"You guys..."

Taking in a deep breath, he felt frustration building up within him.

Although friends, they sometimes annoy him...
