

a new life was something the albino had fought for. not looking back, but thanking those who helped him get a new chance to be happy. After 6 years his old life will return, but now a widower and with a daughter. he was not prepared for "them" to come back in his life. be a challenge to face so that your daughter is not harmed. the man with the plan had to come back.

Zenagames_G · Realistic
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14 Chs

episode 11

Nightmare or memory

Hunger is what his stomach and body were crying out for, it was not a craving or because he just wanted to eat something delicious, no, he needed it, he had been hungry where he used to be called home, he ate at least oatmeal in the mornings and sometimes, some delicacies that his angel gave him with all good will. Now he just wanted to eat to survive, the land looked appetizing, but to his bad luck it would hurt him.

He was alone, lost, being that he had never set foot in this city before. He only knew when it was night because everything turned black and dark, tomorrow because of the songs of the birds, together with the appearance of light. He did not remember exactly the last time he had eaten and how it was possible that he was walking.

One thing he really knew was that he was hungry.

Only using rags, which were previously his clothes that he normally wore, he searched the streets for any sign of food, but since everything was dark, it was difficult for him to see.

There was nothing left in the trash, since I had already checked it hours ago. Sitting down to rest in an alley, he covered himself with the papers that were in that place, damaged posters, newspapers and among other things, it was the only heat he could have.

The cold of the night was painful, causing his thin body to shake to the bone.

_ Boys look, a dwarf tramp! _ Opening his eyes, that boy who they mistook as a quite old homeless man, because of his white hair, looked at his visitors in the alley, they were just young teenagers drunk because of the aroma of alcohol in them.

_ I'm a little stressed out that it matters if we hit him a bit, in the finals, who cares _ the shortest of the boys and perhaps the most drunk than his partner, crashed his fist against his palm, taught that they were not in joking, Lincoln when he heard it, he knew he had to escape now, getting up quickly, he tried to run only to fall to the ground due to physical effort, not eating was devouring his energy like muscles, that caused the stumble.

Opportunity in hand, one of the boys gave a tremendous kick to the boy's stomach. Taking the air and saliva out of him by the force of that blow, coughing on the floor, forcing himself to breathe since he could not, he received another kick, which sent him further into the alley, he felt one of his ribs break and the pain shone in his brain, he had no time to react and scream, when he was kicked again.

Breathing hard, he was able to get to his knees, only to be grabbed by one of the subjects, who held them by his arms and immobilized him.

_ hold it there, Fred _ the dwarf of the group began to walk towards the old tramp. Preparing his fist to break some bones to that aberration of society.

Feeling that his life was possibly in danger, he tried to escape, even so his attempts were in vain, he fought again and again, not wanting to close his eyes, he wanted to live.

Gathering all the strength he could obtain, the albino bit the hand of the subject who was holding him and was able to taste some food, causing his brain to fill with ecstasy, since he had not eaten something so delicious in days maybe even weeks, only He was able to taste all that crimson delicacy. It was disgusting, at the same time delicious and juicy, a very appetizing nectar.

Everything became a dark blur, only shouts, pleading, mercy and help could be heard.

But everything was erased by a strange feeling of disgust. Something that made him feel very good. Feeling his tears coming out of their sockets, he regretted it, those acts he was committing, what he was feeding on.


Sweating profusely, the albino woke up from the nightmare he had had, he almost screamed from the fear of seeing it so real, as if he had actually done that, yet he did not remember such an act of aberration. He felt nauseous and ran to his personal bathroom, expelling the previously digested food from his body, vomiting into the toilet.

He felt the smell of iron in his nose, the liquid so thick and hot, that taste so delicious but disgusting.

Remembering the nightmare a little, he vomited again, staying for a while in the bathroom, someone knocked on the door of his room and as he received no response, he entered out of concern.

Leah when seeing that her father was not in her bed, she heard a noise in her bathroom, going there, she observed her father flushing a viscous liquid to the toilet. She was more concerned to see him suffer.

She ran to hug him from behind, she was crying with worry.

_ Dad, what's wrong! _ feeling the hug and the voice on his back, Lincoln tried to calm himself, his urge to vomit was high, but when he felt his daughter's tears, he tried to think of something else.

_ I'm fine, honey, I just have a little nausea _ Lincoln said, wiping a small trace of vomit with his sleeve, he turned a little to hug his daughter with one arm. Trying to reassure her, he kept himself constant.

They stayed in that position for a while, not caring about the foul smell of vomit.

_ Dad ... _ Leah spoke a little tearful.

_ Yes darling? _ the albino asked her daughter.

_ I do not want you to go with mom, stay _ the surprise at such words, made the albino suddenly calm her nausea, feeling insensitive because of how her daughter cared for her, she hugged and caressed her little girl's hair.

_ calm darling, I will always be with you, it is a promise_ making her little girl calm down, both of them lay in bed to sleep attached to a father and daughter hug.

"always with you"


In the morning, when the birds began their songs, the laughter of a little girl was so frequent and loud that it seemed that joy would be with her throughout the day. Father and daughter, they were watching a little cartoon program, accompanied by a bowl of cereal with milk, each did not mind changing their pajamas, feeling better in those outfits than the ones they used every day.

As it was her father's vacation, Leah took advantage of the time, lately they did not spend time together and that her father did not have a job, but with the arrival of her aunts things in their lives had turned 180 degrees. Not that it is to her dislike, but the time with her father had been reduced, with all that, which is better than watching television, with her favorite serial and with her father, watching anything on TV.

There was a knock on the door and the albino father got up to see who it was. It wasn't a big surprise to see her sister Lisa standing in an outfit she hadn't seen.

_ Are you still lying down? _ Lisa asked, while looking at the checkered pajamas of her brother or future fiancé. Herself being optimistic on that subject. But to see him with all disheveled and with a bored face.

_ Not really, since there was nothing to do, I thought to spend time with Leah, we are watching cartoons, you want to join us _ taking a bite of her cereal, Lincoln awaited an answer.

_ Why not, today I wanted to relax a bit _ lisa said, as she entered and took out some things from her clothes that were tightening her. And she followed her brother into the living room, where her niece was.

_ Good morning, Leah, darling _ Lisa greeted as she sat next to Lincoln, leaving the albino between the two girls.

_ Aunt Lisa, look how the rabbit escapes from that hunter _ Pointing a finger at the TV, Leah indicated a thin rabbit with long ears and a humanoid constitution escaping from a shotgun from the hunter, short and bald.

Lisa observed him and the behavior of her niece seemed tender, but being that it was early and she was tired, due to the small dark circles on her face, she placed her head on the shoulder of her lover, who, seeing that how the brunette was tired , I hug her with one arm and pull her a little towards him.

Everything seemed to be a small world for the three of them.


_ How are those pancakes going, Linki _ Lisa asked, while hugging her albino brother from behind. Being that she was going all out, she wanted to be more clingy to him.

_ They are dating, lis, tell Leah to get dressed, that Leni will come again today and wants to take her to the mall _ Lincoln replied, giving a great turn to the pan.

_ So, are we just going to stay the two, alone? _ Feeling a small chill, Lincoln turned his eyes a little to see his sister, smiling, not in a tender way as he had seen, this time she had something of her that had disturbed him for a second.

_ It seems that, what do you want to do, today _ answering Lisa's question, the albino placed the pancakes on a plate.

_ hmm… what if we go to the opera, I know a good place, there is a show, you have heard Turandot _ lisa commented, having listened to one of those a long time ago, it would be nice to hear it with her future suitor.

_ Turán's daughter, if you heard, is one of my favorites _ upon hearing that, Lisa felt once again firm for her decision to make her brother fall in love, they shared similar tastes for art, there was still a shelf of love for rap, but the opera was a time to calm down.

_ Great! I can't wait any longer _ Lisa commented, scorching harder and getting closer to her brother's face, although she was small, she was very light and it didn't take much work to climb her brother a bit.

_ What are they doing? _ Both Lincoln and Lisa were startled to see that Leah had seemed out of nowhere, she reminded each of her sister Lucy, but the point was that she had caught them in a somewhat compromising position, in rapid movements each separated from the another, they both knew that Leah was still small and could be affected psychologically, it was not yet the time for Leah to understand the feelings that her aunt felt for her father.

_n-nothing, honey just hugged your dad, you know, the show of affection is the best way to know that someone cares about you _ explaining Lisa, she took her little niece by the hand and took her to the table to wait Your breakfast.

Lincoln on the other hand stared as they left, wondering how he would explain to his daughter, if for some reason he strengthened his relationship with Lisa. He imagined the thousands of possibilities, one where she would accept such a relationship and eventually also formalize a maternal bond with Lisa or on the contrary, where he did not want to see her again for trying to replace his biological mother, or where she hates him. .

The albino thought that maybe he was worrying too much, he was on his vacation he wanted to be relaxed and spend time with his daughter.

Then the house bell rang, indicating that Leni had come, Lisa approached and opened the door, to meet a happy and confused Leni.

_ Lisa? I think I was in the wrong house_ Confused by not understanding what Lisa was doing there, Leni looked around her and at the house, only to notice that it was the house she was looking for.

_ yes, it is Lincoln's house, I came early sister, come in that Leah is waiting for you _ interrupting her sister, Lisa indicated with her eyes to enter, what her sister did.

When Leni entered, she could see something tender, which made her think about some things; her little brother wearing an apron and serving syrup to her niece's pancakes, this being the one who smiled when she saw the delicious sweet being expressed throughout her plate. The little angel felt something she had never felt, or was ignorant of the feeling, pressing on her chest. They were confusing emotions that she didn't understand, so she ignored that and advanced towards her brother and niece with a smile.

_ Linki, Leah good morning _ with a kiss on the cheek to both of them, Leni sat next to her niece.

Leah smiled when she saw her and also greeted her, with a common and cheerful good morning. Gesture imitated by her father who proceeded to add a plate of pancakes to her sister, who thanked her.

Everything was seen by the scientist, she did not really care that Leni, had shown affection to her niece by giving her a kiss on her cheek, but she had to give it to Lincoln. Clenching her fists, lisa relaxed, as at the end of the day, she would get a more direct kiss.

Sitting next to Lincoln, lisa proceeded to take one of her hands, something that surprised the albino, but she didn't complain, guessing why she felt considerable pressure on her hand.

Breakfast passed quietly, giving a couple of jokes, anecdotes or random information.


Lisa and Lincoln walked calmly after witnessing a magnificent opera, each one walked very close to the other, holding hands giving the impression that they were a couple.

It had been a wonderful night for both of them, not caring much for Leah, who was being cared for by her sister. Que lisa admitted that she was mature enough to take up that duty.

_ I don't like saying this, but… I don't like seeing you so close to Leni _ admitting, Lisa looked at the path that was illuminated by the headlights. She feeling jealous for that kiss on the cheek that her sister gave Lincoln.

_ don't worry, I understand, go through the same with Leni_ Lincoln said, trying to talk about a topic with her, something that was something difficult to share.

_ Leni? You won't say Carol, brother _ trying to deny something was very precise and accurate, Lisa corrected her brother, hoping he was wrong.

_ Lisa ... I was in love with Leni when I was younger, clearly that feeling disappeared for different reasons, but I wanted to tell you this, I did not feel good hiding what I once felt from you _ Lincoln watched as her walk returned silent, making Lincoln feel a little worried about her.

_ I understand, but ... did you really stop feeling that for Leni? _ an insecure Lisa asked, she already felt insecure of herself, she was not very tall and she was not very pretty or attractive like her older sister, and now that her brother has told her that at some point he felt attracted towards that person. It made her doubt that confidence she had in getting her brother's desired affection.

_ She disappeared ... I only see her as a sister, I assure you from my heart _ Lincoln took his sister's hand that had loosened a bit.

With those words, Lisa calmed down and hugged her brother, who also returned the hug.

Lincoln quietly smelled the scent of his sister, he noticed a person in front of them, behind Lisa, there was a subject; With a long brown coat, a hood that did not let her hair notice, and a clown mask, covering her face, only revealing those lunatic green eyes, she could tell that she had not slept in days.

The subject in question was tall, almost the same height as the albino himself, he was corpulent, showing that he was surely doing sports with well-developed muscles.

Before Lincoln left the hug and indicated to Lisa the subject who was looking at them from the front, he noticed how from his coat he took out a metallic object, he could not distinguish it well but when he got to take it out completely, he was terrified by both.

He quickly pushed his sister to the side, his action caused two things; One is that he let his sister get rid of a shot in the head and two, that the same bullet fell directly into his chest.


Lincoln was nervous, his heart was racing, but he was confident that his actions would have considerable success. He had the approval of the most trusted people for the girl in question.

He had in his hand a box big enough to see him take it with his whole hand, what he had in his hands was something that they entrusted to him, because he was the right person for his daughter. Because he wanted to do this too, he loved that girl.

The albino was in a place full of flowers, sitting on a bench, waiting for his blonde girlfriend. I do not notice that the environment was very favorable for his statement; the leaves were green, the birds had a very pleasant hue, and the sun was giving good lighting.

I just observe that special person walking towards him; his blonde hair danced like a stream, charming smile, beautiful eyes that could melt any frosting.

Carol Pingrey was very happy to see her boyfriend sitting, even though she was older, she didn't really mind feeling in love with him. Her great charisma, kindness, happiness, gave her the touch that she liked in a man, being that he was also very handsome, she was happy to have met Lincoln, her boyfriend.

_ Sorry for the delay, bunny _ Carol apologized, giving her boyfriend a kiss on the lips. Not very long lasting because her boyfriend had to tell her something important.

_ Nothing happens darling, come sit down _ leaving that aside, Lincoln sat next to Carol, holding hands, each looked at each other tenderly, but Lincoln was a bit serious in this situation. He had planned various things, yet he believed that he would only express the situation.

_ I know it's not been long since we became boyfriends, and you really were the best thing that happened to me Carol, I have no idea what will happen later, but I know something, is that I want to share it with you _ Lincoln preceded to kneel to one side, taking out the box that he kept in his pocket, but never letting go of his hand or the sight of his love.

Carol was completely stunned by surprise, but her surprise turned to joy, happiness, love. She had a mescal of feeling. With one hand she covered her mouth to keep from screaming with excitement and joy. Leaving also a hand with her beloved. She would have waited for this day in dreams, that for some reason, her boyfriend made it come true, her tears of emotions escaped from her eyes, sliding down her cheeks.

_ Carol Pingrey, would you marry me _ Lincoln opened the box, showing a beautiful ring with a gray diamond, wonderful in the sight of any king or queen.

Carol didn't care about the ring, all her concentration was on what it meant.

_ Yes !, a million times, yes! _ Carol jumped to her lover with a big kiss. Both showing all their affection in that simple kiss of joy.

Each felt complete, as their two souls and love would be destined to love each other forever. And everything was witnessed by the trees, animals and the sky.

Lincoln pulled something else out of his pocket and handed it to Carol, while they were still cuddling on the flower-strewn floor.

_ I want you to also have this _ Carol observed something impressive, there was a heart necklace, but not just any necklace, it was a gold one that had recognized it. It was what father gave to his mother, a tradition that his ancestors did, it was that the father of the wife, had to give that necklace to the suitor to give it to his love. She knew because her mother as father had told her.

She cried because of how sentimental the situation was, she could only love that man more who makes her feel these feelings.


The pupils of that albino became visible, causing the albino to wake up from that little memory. And before the albino fell to the ground, she used force her arm and to use it as a balancer, in a quick movement she was back on her feet, she looked at that subject, again pointing at her sister.

Lincoln without hesitation ran towards the attacker and in a great act of speed he was so fast that he did not let that subject press the trigger. With a big punch to the mask, the subject was sent back, dropping the weapon in passing. The albino lost his time and ran after him, ignoring his sister's screams. This time it was not fast enough to hit him again, since the subject had gotten up, deflecting the fist of the albino, who could not with difficulty dodge a leg directly to his chin.

Taking a few steps back, the albino observed, as the huge subject pulled out, he was put on guard.

_ Lisa, call the police! _ Hearing her brother's cry, Lisa recovered herself, leaving her sentimentality, took out her cell phone and began to dial the police. She looked around and saw a few people, who just stared, then again observed her brother in a fighting position, as well as her attacker.

Lincoln observed how the mask of that subject cracked and its salty blood edges, that made it clear that his attacks had caused a nosebleed. Thanks to his fall, his hood had fallen, revealing short black hair.

_ I do not know who you are, but I assure you that it will not be nice what I will do to you _ Lincoln was angry, not only because of the bullet, but he also wanted to assassinate one of his sisters and that he did not allow anyone. He hadn't trained much since his wife passed away, but he was sure he was still fit, not for nothing had he trained a variety of martial arts. Hitting the sack was a great method of releasing all his grudges against his former family, meditating for hours had caused him to mature in his actions and training made him grow strong will.

The response of the masked subject to the words was a great kick to his face, which was easily dodged, the albino advanced to the side, advancing one foot and leaving the other behind, causing a stumble of that subject and with the loss of his scepter of gravity, Lincoln took advantage and used his own force of the subject to make him fall to the ground with force.

Raising one of his leg to a 180 degree angle, the albino threw a big blow with the back of his shoe towards the mask.

But before his shoe touched his mask the subject woke up from his small state of unconsciousness, so by sheer luck he was able to dodge the attack directed at his mask.

Lisa, who was watching everything from the side, was surprised at the flexibility that her brother showed in that downward kick, she had records and images about people who could stretch excessively, but seeing it in person was very impressive. She had already called the police and indicated her position so that the reinforcements arrive to support her brother.

The masked man got up quickly to get back on his feet, although it made it a bit difficult for him to be dizzy from a huge hit against the concrete. Subject was scared and angry. Scared by the subject in front of him, he was strong and did not seem to let him go free, the instinct to kill that came out of the boy was impressive, it was making him sweat and the most creepy, he had received a direct shot in the chest and did not die. Angry for not having his revenge, for the dreams that weren't avenged, and for not killing Lisa Loud.

Lincoln was impressed when the subject who had attacked them, ran towards him as if he were an angry animal, using that to his advantage, he took the position of karate, seiken-chudan-tsuki, normal half-height punch, the most basic movement of the Japanese karate.

With a great blow using all his strength, Lincoln completely broke the mask, such a direct attack was able to completely knock out the subject, who was now on his back on the ground.

Exhaling and breathing, Lincoln recovered himself, to look at the fist that had sent his opponent to sleep, he observed it full of wood chips from that mask and a little blood came out of his knuckles, nothing serious.

Lisa to see that the fight was over, ran to her brother and hugged him tightly, while tears of concern and relief came from her eyes, Lincoln also reciprocated, he would not have imagined all the pain he would have felt when seeing that his sister had received shot and killed for it.

He looked at his chest to see, what had cushioned the bullet, the heart of gold that had given his wife Carol. It had saved his life.

"Thanks again Carol"