
Novas - The World 3023

[SUPERPOWERS] [SYSTEM] [LEVELING] [MONSTERS] The story follows 18-year-old Aric Valen, who has long lived in the considerable shadows cast by his family's remarkable achievements: - His grandfather, Agustin, hailed as Paragon Nova is among Earth's seven mightiest individuals, endowed with extraordinary strength. His father, David, is celebrated as the planet's most brilliant mind, and his genius is further enhanced by an incredible power: Superintelligence. - His brother, Ryan, is set to continue the legacy of Paragon Nova, inheriting the same overwhelming power their grandfather, Agustin, is famous for. In a family of such exceptional figures, Aric's lack of superpower made him stand out for all the wrong reasons. Subject to ridicule and constantly overlooked, he struggled with feelings of inadequacy and invisibility until an unexpected turn of events changed his life forever. That change came in the form of C99, a mysterious being from beyond the stars, which bestowed upon Aric the Novas System. This system awakened within him the power of Mimicrion, a uniquely versatile ability. But this was just the start. The Novas System also set Aric on a path filled with missions and adventures, rapidly elevating his status among the Novas. With great power, however, came great responsibility. Aric found himself at the heart of a brewing storm that threatened to unleash devastation upon the Earth. Suddenly, the young man who longed to be acknowledged found himself carrying the weighty responsibility of world-saving.

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 4 - Mysterious Figures


The object landed precisely where he had been mere moments before. Aric was thrown aside as effortlessly as a leaf caught in the wind's grip. He collided with a rock nearby, and the noise of the impact echoed in the silence surrounding them.

A wave of pain washed over Aric. He attempted to shout, but his voice was drowned out by the overwhelming noise surrounding him.

His skin felt like it was being flayed, his bones seemed crushed to dust, and everything within and on his body felt shattered. No more screams came; the pain was unbearable.

Anyone who saw Aric now would be horrified. His condition was grotesque. His arms and legs seemed boneless, his body covered in thick, red blood.

His eyes, currently a vivid, uncommon shade of red, struggled to perceive his surroundings clearly. Despite the haze, he could discern something odd suspended in the air, casting a beam gently sweeping across the vicinity.

Aric observed with a blend of concern and fascination as the beam halted directly on him as though it acknowledged his presence. Then, suddenly, an electronic voice broke the silence, "TARGET IDENTIFIED. INITIATING THE INTEGRATION PROCESS."

1%... 2%... 3%... The numbers went up slowly but surely. 71%... somehow, Aric watched these numbers as if they were super important.

99%... A wave of panic hit him. 'What's happening? Why do I feel so weird?'

Aric was grappling with a whirlwind of unfamiliar emotions when, abruptly, a sharp pain seized him, quickly replaced by a wave of serene calmness.

His mind was assailed by an onslaught of thoughts from every direction, creating a tumultuous yet fascinating experience.

'Is this what it feels like to be on the brink of death?' Aric mused, feeling somewhat detached.

Strangely enough, his sense of hearing became incredibly acute, allowing him to catch every minor sound. However, simultaneously, he felt himself fading as if his eyelids were becoming increasingly heavy.


He was cut off mid-thought by a sudden blackout, losing consciousness.

Despite his own situation, chaos was unfolding around him. Fires blazed through buildings effortlessly, while smoke and dust obscured visibility in a wild dance.

Amidst this turmoil, a teleportation portal appeared near Aric, seemingly from a sci-fi film.

Emerging from the portal were three enigmatic figures clad in masks and robes, moving with an eerie grace. Their masks, representing a cat, a snake, and a bear, added a layer of intrigue to their appearance.

"We've got less than a minute before the Zenith hits. Let's hurry, Bear," commanded the one in the cat mask, exuding a calm authority that demanded attention.

Bear was a huge man, much taller and broader than anyone else. His nickname "Bear" was well-earned, as he was as strong as the mighty animal he was named after.

In a quiet, powerful gesture, Bear began to move. He clearly paid close attention to the scents around him despite wearing a mask. Abruptly, he stopped and pointed towards someone.

"The kid over there?" Snake asked. His voice was low and gritty, with a distinct hiss as he followed Bear's direction.

Their attention was now on Aric, a seemingly ordinary boy who had accidentally drawn their interest.

Without another word, Snake sprang into action. He transformed instantly, his legs melding into a serpent's tail, which let him slither swiftly and silently toward Aric.

Snake paused, giving Aric a piercing look that seemed to understand him deeply. His face was tense with scrutiny.

"Hey, can we speed it up a bit?" Cat said impatiently.

She was keen to complete the mission quickly because she found it challenging to work with Snake, who always irritated her.

Snake's eyes grew wider behind his mask without saying a word. 

"This kid... his condition is brutal. He's barely alive," he said, his voice carrying a hint of disbelief. "His arms and legs look boneless, and he's covered in blood. Yet, there's something... strange about him."

Cat was growing increasingly impatient. With determination in her eyes, she stated, "I don't really care about his condition. What's important is identifying the energy source. Is it him or not?"

Snake, on the other hand, appeared less convinced and sounded hesitant. "The thing is, this kid isn't exactly the energy source we were looking for. It's more complicated. The source seems to be... intertwined with him," he explained, his certainty wavering.

Quickly trying to rationalize his point, Snake glanced at Cat and said, "But logically, that doesn't add up. He's just a normal human kid. Humans can't contain this kind of energy."

However, Cat wasn't swayed by Snake's reasoning. Dismissing his concerns, she firmly said, "Then what's the problem? We'll just take the kid with us. Deer will sort it out." Her words left no room for argument, making it clear she expected compliance.

The air was tense as Snake, though evidently not enthusiastic, understood he had no choice but to follow Cat's directive. Even though they didn't see eye to eye, it was apparent Cat was in charge.

In a rapid move, Snake's tail whipped through the air, aiming to ensnare Aric. But a sudden, powerful kick to Snake's right cheek threw him off balance. This unexpected move came from an unidentified individual.

The kick had enough strength to send Snake flying, causing him to crash among the ruins of what used to be Rumera Hill. The scattered rubble cushioned his fall, preventing him from sliding further.

As Snake lay among the debris, a striking figure approached Aric.

This newcomer was a tall, muscular young man wearing the distinctive uniform of the Zenith Union's Novas, signaling his membership and exuding an air of commanding presence.

An orange badge on his left shoulder indicated his rank as a Zenith Major. This position put him on par with a Vanguard Nova. Yet, what indeed drew attention was his appearance.

The person who arrived bore an uncanny resemblance to Aric, so much so that it was impossible to miss.

Calling out with worry and haste, he exclaimed, "Aric!" as he hurried over to where Aric lay still.

Frantically checking for any signs of life, he felt for Aric's pulse and listened for breathing. His anxiety turned into fear until, unable to cope alone, he yelled, "Amanda! Quick, I need your help here!"

Soon, three people dressed in the unmistakable outfits of the Zenith, marked by vivid yellow badges that showed they were Zenith Captains, a rank just below Ryan's.

Amanda stood out among them. She was known for her warmth, smarts, and glasses, which often slipped down her nose.

She raced to Aric's side. Kneeling next to him, she placed her hands on his chest. A bright green light surrounded him, signaling the activation of her healing abilities.

Seeing the family resemblance, Amanda asked Ryan softly, "Is he your brother?"

Ryan, who had been intensely watching the enemies, affirmed with a simple nod, his focus unbroken, bracing for the impending arrival of unknown threats.

"What do you want from us?" Ryan inquired, his voice steady, masking the anxiety churning within him.

"Ah, Vanguard Nova Ryan, your reception is quite fascinating," Snake jeered, stepping out from the wreckage. His damaged mask partially exposed his scaly, yellow-green skin.

"Oh, you're Ryan? My apologies, but you hardly live up to your grandfather's legacy," Cat commented mockingly, revealing their sinister motives.

Ryan looked severe and determined as he warned, "I suggest you leave now, or you're not going to like what happens next." His firm voice showed he was not going to back down.

Cat laughed coldly in response. "We'll just have to see, won't we? We've got our orders, and we're not leaving without the kid."

Ryan stepped forward, clearly ready for whatever was coming next. "Big mistake," he said, his voice full of confidence.

The air was tense, everyone feeling the anticipation of the impending confrontation.

Beside them, Bear stood calmly, his large presence somehow more intimidating because of his quiet demeanor. Although his calmness puzzled many, Ryan saw it as a reason to be more strategic and careful.

Ryan was highly respected for his Super Strength and widely recognized among those following the Novas Union and Zenith Union developments. 

He then turned to his team. "Ralph, stay sharp," he said. "Be ready to respond if something's wrong. Your protective dome must be strong. I'm relying on you to ensure everyone's safety."

"Act swiftly when they least expect it. I'll lead the charge," he stated. This instruction is intended for Jaclyn.

Ryan turned his attention to Amanda, concern threading through his voice as he asked, "Amanda, how's Aric doing?"

Amanda replied quickly, "He's just left for a bit, but there's something odd going on with him."

Ryan, needing more information but acknowledging the urgency of their current situation, said, "Odd? We'll have to discuss this more later. For now, we have an urgent issue at hand." His gaze shifted, focusing on Cat with a mix of wariness and curiosity.

Something was unsettling about Cat. The atmosphere around her felt unusually cold, and her vibe seemed to scream danger, making Ryan instantly cautious.

"Your move, Bear," Cat announced firmly.

Bear strode forward decisively, radiating assurance. Meanwhile, Ryan remained calm and focused, ready for anything.

The air was suspenseful as Ryan and his friends—Ralph, Jaclyn, and Amanda—braced themselves.

Bear walked up to Ryan confidently, revealing a solid arm that began to change. It grew bigger, sprouted fur, and looked more intimidating by the second.

This was a clear sign of Bear's power, Werebear. He could transform into a powerful bear with enhanced senses and strength far beyond an average person's.

As Bear swung his massive arm at Ryan, aiming for a powerful blow, Ryan didn't flinch. His left hand caught Bear's arm effortlessly, showing no struggle.

When the two forces collided, it sounded like a clap of thunder, creating waves in the air around them. Everyone nearby braced themselves, readying for the impact of the immense power unleashed by the clash.

"Ha! Do you really think you're the strongest one here? It is impos—" Snake's mocking words were cut short as he witnessed the unbelievable scene unfold.

"You mean impossible?" retorted Ryan, his voice calm but laced with a challenge. Despite the oppressive tension, Ryan's confidence was evident, punctuated by the slight smirk on his lips.

With remarkable ease, Ryan countered Bear's aggressive attack with just one hand, leaving Snake dumbfounded. After all, Bear was renowned as one of the strongest members of their squad, making Ryan's feat all the more impressive.

"Think twice before you mess with me next time," Ryan said coolly, tightening his grip on Bear's wrist.

He readied himself, pulling back his right hand to punch. As he clenched his fist, something extraordinary happened—a unique aura started to swirl around him. This wasn't an ordinary aura; Ryan's energy became visible.

A bright white orb of aura surrounded his fist. He threw his fist forward with incredible speed, straight at Bear's chest.

"Cosmic Punch!" Ryan shouted as he landed a decisive blow.

The force of the punch was astonishing, producing a loud echo. Bear, a large man, was sent flying back, in the direction of Cat and Snake due to the impact.

Ryan quickly followed, not giving Bear a moment to recover. He delivered a sharp kick to Bear's head. "Cosmic Stomp!" he declared.

When Bear landed, the ground seemed to almost split apart, creating tremors that rippled through the area. Amanda, clutching Aric tightly, struggled to keep her balance. In contrast, Ralph and Jaclyn appeared unfazed by the turmoil, evidently accustomed to such chaotic situations.

Concern washed over Cat as she witnessed the scene unfold. It was clear to her that stronger measures were needed. She turned decisively to Snake, "Snake, you're up," she commanded firmly.

"Seriously? Me?" Snake responded with a mix of disbelief and irritation. Although he was not pleased about taking orders, he knew arguing was futile.

Undeterred by his recent attack on Bear, Ryan pressed forward with determination. His swift movements rapidly narrowed the gap between him and their adversaries.

As Ryan advanced toward them, Snake burst into laughter. "You really think that was enough to take down Bear? And you believe you stand a chance against us?" His scoffing was filled with mockery, yet it also contained a hint of genuine astonishment.

Everyone thought Bear was out of the battle, but, to their surprise, he jumped up and dashed in the opposite direction of Ryan, aiming straight for Aric and the rest of the team.

"Damn it!" Ryan couldn't hide his frustration. He felt fooled, believing Bear was defeated, especially after Ryan had used two of his most powerful moves against him.

These weren't ordinary moves. They were Ryan's signature Cosmic Attacks, known for their incredible, almost supernatural strength. It was said that the power behind these attacks came from the cosmos itself.

Ryan realized too late that he had been deceived. He stopped in his tracks, prepared to pivot and intercept Bear.

"Going somewhere?" Snake's voice, mocking and sudden, broke the tense silence. He had stealthily approached Ryan, unnoticed until now.

Without Ryan noticing, Snake had coiled around his left arm. Snake could change his size into different sizes of serpents, which caught Ryan by surprise. Despite this, Ryan, with his extensive combat experience, remained composed.

With a quick and agile leap, Ryan soared into the air, reaching an astonishing fifty meters, and then caught Snake's head in a strong grip with his right hand.

A shocked cry echoed across Rumera Hill, chilling to anyone who heard it.

"You were asking where I was going earlier?" Ryan's voice was steady and resolute.

"I'm about to ensure you're sent straight to the Big Boss!"

New chapter for today!

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