
Nova: Nova's Ascension [Ongoing]

In a world plagued by darkness, Nova, an orphan boy, fights to escape his haunted past. Struggling for survival, Nova's life takes a transformative turn when he finds himself imprisoned alongside a malevolent demon. Through the guidance of unexpected allies, he unlocks a dormant power within, enabling him to confront the forces that have oppressed him. From the depths of despair, Nova rises as a beacon of hope, channeling the darkness that once entrapped him into a formidable force. However, his path is fraught with peril as he faces a diverse array of adversaries, each with their own abilities and motivations. Nova's resilience and determination are tested as he clashes with ruthless street gangs and power-hungry individuals. As Nova's abilities grow, so does his understanding of his own heritage and the responsibility that comes with it. Secrets long buried resurface, revealing the true extent of the darkness threatening his world. The choices Nova makes will not only shape his destiny but also determine the fate of those around him. In the captivating journey of "Nova's Ascension," witness a tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the pursuit of light in the face of overwhelming darkness. Join Nova as he defies his troubled past and embraces a future filled with hope, love, and the triumph of the human spirit. Prepare to be captivated by an immersive narrative that explores the depths of human emotion, the power of friendship, and the transformative journey of a young orphan boy destined to become a beacon of light in a world consumed by shadows.

Niaxxi_Writes · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

Nova: Nova's Ascension

Act-I Part 7

(Novel Chapter: 4 New Friend Chronicles Part 1 )

The next two days were spent with Master Xen teaching Nova hand-to-hand combat, focusing on improving his physicality and physical powers such as stability, stamina, durability, battle experience, vision, and battle IQ. Master Xen trained him at a basic level, ensuring that he would be able to defend himself.

The following day, as Nova woke up and got dressed, he noticed that Master Xen was not preparing for their training session. Confused, Nova mustered the courage to ask about their plans for the day. "So, what are our plans for today?" he inquired.

Master Xen looked at Nova and replied apologetically, "Ah, I'm sorry for not informing you earlier, but we're going home."

"Home? Why? Is our training over?" Nova asked, seeking confirmation.

"No, actually, I received a letter from Kenji yesterday," Master Xen explained, indicating the reason for their sudden departure.

"But what's the reason?" Nova pressed for more information.

"I don't know. Kenji mentioned that there's something extremely important that needs to be discussed face-to-face."

"Hmm, so that's why we're going home?" Nova deduced.

"Not just me," Master Xen interrupted. "Us. You're coming too." Nova was taken aback, surprised to hear that he would be joining Master Xen on this journey.

They embarked on their walk back home, and after a short distance, they arrived at their destination. They waited patiently for Kenji's arrival, passing the time with anticipation. Finally, a knock echoed through the door.

Master Xen stood up from the couch, knowing that their guests had arrived. He headed towards the door, with Nova following closely behind. As Master Xen opened the gate, Kenji stood before them.

"Hey, what a coincidence to see you here again, Kenji!" Master Xen greeted him with a series of smiles.

"I appreciate your warm welcome, Master. I'm glad to be here after such a long time. We haven't met at this house in three years. But I'm not here alone, actually, we are here," Kenji replied, scratching his head.

"Huh? What do you mean by 'we'?" Master Xen asked, a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Actually... come over here!" Kenji beckoned someone from the side.

To Master Xen's extreme surprise, a little girl appeared from the left side of the door. He instantly recognized her from the blacksmith shop, and his face showed an overwhelming sense of astonishment.

"This girl!" Master Xen exclaimed, showered with extreme surprise.

"Yes," Kenji replied to Master Xen, observing his reaction. "I'm really confused by your surprise."

"Well, I remember seeing her at the weapons market," Master Xen said, deep in thought.

"I think you saw her at the blacksmith shop," Kenji revealed.

"Yes, but how do you know that?" Master Xen's surprise grew.

"Let me tell you something, but first, can we come in, please?"

"Okay, come in," Master Xen granted them permission, stepping aside to make way. Kenji and the girl entered and settled on the couches. Nova, equally intrigued by the reappearance of the girl, joined them.

Master Xen took a seat and asked eagerly, "So, why did you ask us to come here?"

Kenji replied with a solemn tone, "Let me tell you something important."

"Okay, go on. I'm listening," Master Xen urged him.

"Listen, Master, this is May," Kenji introduced Master Xen to the girl.

"Hmm, so her name is May," Master Xen sighed, acknowledging her name. "So, what's next about her?"

"She's an orphan," Kenji revealed, his face tinged with sadness.

"An orphan?" Master Xen looked at the girl, his voice filled with concern.

"Yes, she's an orphan, just as you guessed," Kenji confirmed.

"But how did you find her?" Master Xen's curiosity persisted.

"She was captured by Lynx," Kenji revealed.

"Lynx? Huh!" Master Xen exclaimed, surprised by the revelation.

"Yes, Lynx," Kenji confirmed. "But why?"

"Because Lynx is running a business," Kenji explained further.

"A business? What kind of business?" Master Xen inquired.

"He kidnaps people and sells them," Kenji disclosed.

"What?!" Master Xen's shock was palpable. "How do you know that?"

"Let me explain," Kenji began.

He proceeded to recount how he had come across May. It was a scorching hot day when Kenji was returning from a neighboring town. He entered the town through the main gate and passed near the Ditch House. There, he heard voices that piqued his curiosity.

"Huh! These voices?" Kenji said to himself, his surprise evident. "Could they be coming from this house?" Kenji was perplexed by the continuous back-and-forth dialogue.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Kenji found a way to climb onto the roof and, with caution, descended into the house without making a sound. He carefully made his way through the steps, leading to doorways at the end of the stairs. The voices emanated from the second room, so Kenji entered the adjacent room, ensuring he could hear as much as possible.

"So now we have this child. I don't know what to do with her," Lynx's voice could be heard.

"Well, to be honest, our business has rules: kidnap and sell. So what are we waiting for? We've already kidnapped her, so let's sell her and make money," another voice, presumably a man, responded.

"Hmm, I think the same," Lynx agreed. He continued, "Go and negotiate with him. Meanwhile, I'll be waiting here. Just make sure I get a hefty sum."

"Ah! You think I'm making this deal for a few coins?" the man protested.

"No, I trust you. Now go and close the deal," Lynx ordered.

"Okay," the man acquiesced.

Sounds of footsteps followed, and Kenji concealed himself, realizing that two people were passing by the room. Once they were gone, he peered through the wall and saw May, tied up and alone.

"Huh! Wait, I am-" Kenji started to say, rushing into the room.

"Coming?" a voice interrupted him, and suddenly a kunai was pressed against his throat. It was Lynx.

"You want to save her?" Lynx smiled at Kenji, taunting him. "Kenji! Are you excited?" Lynx continued, provoking him further.

"I am, maybe even more than you!" Kenji retorted.

But a voice from behind Lynx caught everyone by surprise. His eyebrows shot up, followed by a frown. Lynx recognized that he was using an illusion jutsu, and behind him was Kenji. Lynx attempted to attack Kenji with the kunai, but Kenji blocked the attack with his daggers. Lynx tried to grab Kenji's hand, but Kenji delivered a punch and a kick.

Lynx, reacting quickly, jumped back and landed near the window. "You'll pay for what you've done, Kenji!" he threatened.

"If I have to, then come and make me pay," Kenji challenged, pointing his finger at Lynx.

"I will, but at the right time. You've ruined my business," Lynx seethed with hatred. "For now, Intonjutsu!" With that, he vanished and escaped, leaving Kenji frustrated.

"You brat! Escaped, huh! If I was wrong, you would have faced me and beaten me. But as always, you ran from the battlefield," Kenji muttered, looking out the window.

He returned to the room, untied May, and asked, "Hey, how are you?"

"I'm okay," she replied timidly, still recovering from the traumatic experience.

"Are you sure?" Kenji pressed, seeking reassurance.

"Yes," she confirmed.

"What's your name?" Kenji asked the girl, curious to know her name.

"My name is May," she replied, revealing her name to him.

"So, tell me, why did they capture you?" Kenji inquired.

"They kidnapped me to sell me," May revealed.

"Sell you?!" Kenji exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes, that's what they do. They kidnap people and sell them," May explained.

"What? Are you certain?" Kenji sought clarification.

"Yes, I am," May affirmed.

"Well, come with me. I know someone who can take care of you," Kenji offered, extending his hand.

May stood up, and together they began making their way to Kenji's house.

"That's how I saved her," Kenji concluded, sharing his heroic act with Master Xen.

"Hmm, I understand. I trust your story, especially since Lynx escaped from the battle without even fighting a 16-year-old boy in the tournament last year," Master Xen commented, fully convinced.

"Okay, so should I leave now?" Kenji asked, preparing to depart.

"Yes, you may go," Master Xen replied, bidding farewell to his old acquaintance.

Kenji walked away and headed home. Before leaving, he turned back and asked, "Ah, what was your name again?"

"May... it's May," she replied softly.

"Ah, May, come with me. Kenji is gone, and we won't be staying here," Master Xen invited, gesturing for her to join him.

"Okay, so where are we going?" May inquired, her curiosity evident.

"You'll find out soon enough," Master Xen replied cryptically.

"Okay, let's go," May agreed, and the three of them embarked on their journey to Old Verrati.

As they walked, May couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "So, what are your names?" she asked, looking at Master Xen and Nova.

"Oh, sorry for not introducing ourselves earlier. My name is Xen, and..." Master Xen began.

"I'm Nova," Nova chimed in.

"Ohh! So what do you both do?" May inquired further.

"I have a business that I have handed over to Kenji," Master replied to her, referring to his earnings. He paused for a moment, contemplating, and then continued, "But I train people because I have knowledge in various martial arts," Master Xen answered, hinting at his extensive expertise.

"I have no such business, I'm training to become a ninja, but my family has a strong connection to Kung Fu," Nova revealed.

"And what about you? What's your background?" Master Xen asked May.

"I come from a poor family. My father was a merchant, and my mother was a housewife," May shared.

"Interesting. What kind of trade did your father engage in?" Master Xen inquired.

"He ran a weapons business," May replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

"Quite fascinating. But where?" Master Xen probed further.

"In Pirate Throne," May revealed, her tone betraying a mixture of emotions.

"Pirate Throne? That Pirate Throne?" Master Xen's surprise was evident.

"Yes, but..." May began, her voice trailing off.

"But what?" Master Xen urged her to continue.

"My mom and dad were killed by pirates for not paying taxes," May confessed, her pain palpable.

"I'm sorry. It's truly heartbreaking to hear," Master Xen expressed his sympathy.

"No problem," May replied, trying to muster a smile. "Life goes on."

"Yes, indeed it does," Master Xen agreed, realizing the strength May possessed.

With that, the trio continued their journey, each carrying their own burdens and stories. Their destination: Old Verrati, a place that would hold the answers to their questions and shape their destinies in unexpected ways.



Act-I Part 8

(Novel Chapter: 4 New Friends Chronicles Part 2)

After their walk, they finally arrived at Old Verrati. Master Xen felt a strange sensation every time he visited the place, as it held a plethora of memories. Nova loved the place but remained oblivious to the mysteries surrounding it. May was surprised to discover such a secretive location nestled within the town.

Master and Nova eagerly showed May around the place. She stared at them, finally gathering her courage to ask, "So, is this where you live?" May couldn't fathom why they would choose to reside in such an inhospitable area.

"Well, that's not entirely true, is it?" Master replied, casting a glance at Nova.

"Maybe," Nova shrugged, as if he couldn't be bothered by the question.

They entered a partially unfinished room, similar to the others in the building. One side was open, and the roof remained incomplete. They sat down to rest, and their conversation began after a while.

"So, you didn't tell me how you ended up here and what you're doing," Master inquired, his curiosity piqued about May's reason for traveling from a distant place.

"My mother and I were going to the market when suddenly a group of looters appeared. They wore masks and had a 'J' mark on their suits and upper arms," May began explaining, but Master Xen interrupted.

"A 'J' mark, huh? I don't recall anything like that, but I believe it's a gang I've heard of," Master sighed and responded.

May paused her narration, and after a moment, Master prompted, "So what happened then?"

"They wanted to rob us, but my mother and I started running for help. Suddenly, someone from the police came to our rescue," May continued, recounting the events after they were chased by the thieves.

"Hmm, that's fantastic," Master expressed his admiration for the dedicated police force.

"Not quite," May replied, dampening his enthusiasm to reveal the truth behind the police's assistance.

Master stared at her, his confusion evident, and asked, "What? But why?"

May began narrating the truth, "Because those policemen were actually after my mom for not paying taxes, and they wanted to assassinate her."

"What! I'm sorry to hear that," Master sympathized, shocked by the revelation.

"No problem," May replied with a hint of resignation.

"So, what happened next?" Master inquired.

"I started running from the police, and eventually, they stopped chasing me. Then, those masked men kidnapped me, blindfolded me, and when I finally opened my eyes, I was in the Bellmin Town weapon market."

"Hmm, so that's how your journey unfolded! It appears that you were kidnapped just a couple of days ago, and your parents were killed not long ago, correct?" Master surmised.

"Yes, that's right."

"So... do you have any relatives?" Master asked.

"Yes, I do."

"Then why didn't they help you in those situations?" Master questioned, perplexed by the lack of support from May's family.

"My uncle was the policeman who killed my mother, and my cousin killed my father," May revealed.

"What? Is this some kind of joke?" Master couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"No, it's real."

"I'm truly astonished by the reaction of your relatives towards you. At the very least, they should have sought justice or taken a stand instead of perpetuating this cycle of hatred," Master expressed his genuine concern.

"Unfortunately, that's the reality," May responded with a heavy heart. "Oh, I'm really sorry for your troubled background. This is Nova, your new friend."

"I'll be happy to be your friend," Nova said, raising his eyebrows and displaying a bright smile.

"I will be too," May replied, her voice tinged with gratitude.

They continued their conversation, gradually getting to know more about each other. Nova shared his past life, describing his years as an orphan and the struggles he faced. He mentioned his stepfather and the friends he had made along the way. May expressed sympathy for his difficult past. They talked about their motivations and life goals, and the day ended with excitement and a newfound camaraderie.

The next day, Nova resumed his regular training, and this time, Master introduced Ninjutsu to May. Days turned into weeks, and Nova learned various fighting techniques, including the use of weapons such as shurikens, knives, and swords. Master Xen also imparted defensive techniques to May.

"Hey, Nova!" Master called out, as if he had something on his mind.

"Yes, Master. What's the matter?" Nova inquired, curious about Master Xen's intention.

"What about having a sparring match between us?" Master proposed with a smile.

"Hmm, I'm quite interested in that," Nova exclaimed, showing his enthusiasm.

"Yes, I want to test your abilities and see what you're capable of," Master responded.

"Okay, let's see your fighting skills too, Old Man!" Nova playfully taunted.

"Haha, no problem, but I'll be using ninjutsu as well!" Master declared.

"What?! I wasn't expecting that," Nova expressed his surprise.

"Well, let's see how far you've come," Master challenged him.

"Yes, I'll be happy to demonstrate something good," May interjected into their conversation.

"All right, let's begin now!" Master declared.

Nova prepared to attack, running towards Master Xen. He aimed for a strike to the upper body, planning to counter with a land trap jutsu if his initial attack failed.

He leaped, intending to land an elbow strike on Master's face. However, Master swiftly evaded the attack, catching Nova and swiftly turning him to the ground. The whole sequence happened in a fraction of a second, leaving Nova shocked and May astounded by Master Xen's agility.

"What? What was that?!" Nova exclaimed, utterly surprised and confused.

"Sometimes things don't go as planned. Be patient, and I'll give you another chance," Master encouraged him, returning to his position.

Nova adjusted his strategy and decided to aim for Master's belly, hoping to distract him and create an opening for a successful attack.

"And here I come!!!" Nova announced, charging at Master Xen once again.

May held her breath, captivated by the intense display. Nova swiftly drew his knives and hurled shurikens at Master Xen, aiming to distract him. But Master Xen skillfully dodged all the projectiles.

"Earth Style: Land Trap and Release!!!" Nova executed the land trapping jutsu.

Master Xen found himself trapped, providing Nova with an opportunity to strike. However, Master Xen defended himself using his kunai.

"Well, this time you've proven yourself. I'm impressed by your fighting tactics," Master acknowledged, impressed by Nova's skills.

Nova released the land trap and stepped back. Master challenged him to employ defensive techniques this time, defending against Master's attacks.

"Hey, Nova, why not focus on defense this time?" Master suggested.

"I think that's a good idea," Nova agreed.

Master Xen advanced, attempting to attack from above, but Nova swiftly defended himself with his knives. He punched Master Xen in the belly and delivered a kick to his knee, successfully bringing him down. Master Xen was impressed by Nova's combat skills.

Now it was time for Nova to showcase his ninjutsu. Master warned him that he wouldn't go easy on him.

"So, are you ready to delve into the realm of Ninjutsu?" Master inquired.

"I'm thrilled about it," Nova responded, excitement evident in his voice.

"Well... let's see who comes out on top," Master challenged.

"I will show you what I'm capable of, Master," Nova declared confidently.

"Water Style: Water Manipulation!" Master performed the water manipulation technique.

Nova swiftly countered with "Earth Style: Earth Wall Jutsu!"

He defended himself, preventing the water from engulfing him. Master wasn't deterred. He unleashed his next move, "Earth Style: Earthquake Technique!"

The ground trembled, and Nova, unable to maintain his footing, fell to the ground, realizing the extent of his defeat.

"No problem. You will learn how to overcome such setbacks. Just don't lose your courage," Master reassured him.

"Okay, Master. But I believe there's still much more to learn before entering the tournament," Nova expressed his determination.

"For now, it's enough. You just have to showcase your abilities in the tournament," Master advised.

"I will! I'll prove myself to everyone watching, dispelling any doubts they may have," Nova vowed with unwavering resolve.

The next day, as the sun ascended above the majestic mountains, they gathered for breakfast. It was the eve of the tournament. After breakfast, Master Xen requested Nova and May to venture into town and deliver their clothes to the washerman, retrieving them once they were dry.

They embarked on their journey, walking ahead towards the town. Curiosity brimming within her, May inquired, "How long will it take, Nova? I'm unsure of the duration required for us to return."

"Well, I can't say for certain, but it might take us the entire day," Nova speculated, conveying his uncertainty.

"What?! The whole day?" May exclaimed in disbelief, her voice betraying her concern. "But it's not safe for us to roam the town alone all day!"

Nova attempted to allay her fears, assuring her, "No, it'll be fine. We can defend ourselves if necessary."

"But where will we spend the day?" May persisted, her apprehension still lingering.

Pausing for a moment, Nova's face lit up with excitement as an idea dawned upon him. "Hmm, that's a valid question, but I know of an intriguing place where we can spend the entire day."

Their conversation commenced with enthusiasm, both of them relishing the opportunity to engage with one another. The exchange continued, each word captivating their interest.

"What does this place look like?" May inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Well... I think I shouldn't reveal its true nature until we arrive," Nova teased, opting to keep the destination a secret.

"But why?! Why won't you tell me? Huh!" May raised her voice in frustration, taking a step closer to Nova. She clenched his collar and warned, "Tell me, or I'll make you regret it!"

"Ugh, okay, I'll tell you, but it will spoil the surprise," Nova relented, hesitant to divulge the secret.

"So you won't keep me in suspense?" May realized that he wouldn't budge and began retreating. "At least tell me what kind of place it is."

Sighing, Nova started walking along the road. "Well, it's a restaurant."

"A restaurant?" May's disappointment was palpable, wondering why he hadn't disclosed this earlier.



Act-I Part 9

(Novel Chapter: 4 New Friend Chronicles Part 3)

The sun's golden rays illuminated the path that stretched before them, leading to the grand Bell Gate. However, there was a diverging path, concealed from their sight, which beckoned them towards the humble abode of the washerman. As they walked, their conversation filled the air, oblivious to the hidden eyes that watched their every move.

Unbeknownst to Nova and May, three shadowy figures perched atop the trees, concealing their sinister intent. "Look at these fools, strolling along the road with nary a care in the world. Is there no one who can protect them?" one of the men whispered, his voice dripping with malevolence.

The second man nodded in agreement, his tone filled with disdain. "Indeed, my friend. In this town, everyone is preoccupied with their own troubles, and the streets remain sparsely populated."

Amidst the tense atmosphere, a familiar voice cut through the silence. Lynx, with a hint of amusement, chimed in, casting a derisive glance at his companions. "Ah, these fools. They are blind to the truths that surround them, lost in their own ignorance."

The first man, perplexed, turned his gaze towards Lynx, demanding an explanation. "I beg your pardon, Lynx. Are you referring to us or to them?"

Lynx let out a weary sigh, his voice laced with condescension. "Oh no, my dear friend. I speak not of you two, but of these oblivious souls before us. They lack the capacity to comprehend the plans I have set in motion. And mark my words, they shall pay for their ignorance."

Caught in the web of curiosity, the second man probed further, seeking clarification. "So, you plan to exploit these children as pawns in your grand scheme? But what guarantee do we have that everything will unfold as planned?"

With a cunning grin, Lynx revealed a glimpse of his master plan. "Fear not, for my plans always come to fruition. However, there is one obstacle that may thwart our endeavors-the legendary Chi Master. Ah, Master Xen, a man of great virtue and power. He alone possesses the potential to disrupt our carefully laid plans."

As the conversation unfolded, Nova and May continued on their journey, their laughter and animated discussion shielding them from the unseen dangers lurking in the shadows. Oblivious to the intricate web of deception that surrounded them, they arrived at the doorstep of the washerman's shop after what seemed like an eternity.

Nova glanced at the door, uncertainty etched on his face. "I believe this is the place, May," he stated, his voice tinged with hesitation.

Amused by his lack of confidence, May chuckled and replied with playful sarcasm, "Oh, so you're not entirely sure, are you? But you seemed so certain just moments ago."

Nova scratched his head, his face betraying a mix of confusion and remembrance. "Well, I remember Master Xen bringing me here once, but the memory is a bit hazy. Still, I have a feeling it's the right place."

Lost in their banter, May stepped back, her eyes drawn to the vast expanse of the sky above. "I suggest we knock on the door, Nova. It seems like the logical thing to do, doesn't it?"

Before Nova could respond, a voice interrupted their deliberation, sending shivers down their spines. "What are you two naughty kids doing here?! Hey are you Nova?" The voice was both eerie and menacing, emanating from a portly figure that materialized behind them.

Startled, Nova and May stumbled backward, barely maintaining their composure. May mustered a feeble "Eeeoo!" while Nova managed to confirm his identity. "Yes, I am Nova," he stammered, his gaze fixed on the mysterious figure.

With an unsettling grin, the man continued, his voice oozing with a mix of curiosity and familiarity. "Ah, so you must be the Nova boy. Master Xen sent you my way, didn't he?" His laughter reverberated through the air, sending shivers down their spines.

Relieved yet still on edge, Nova and May sighed in unison, their fear subsiding. They turned to face the man, finally realizing that he was none other than the washerman himself.

Once inside, they handed over the clothes that Master Xen had entrusted to them. An air of anticipation filled the room as they inquired about the drying time.

"Well, it will take some time, my young friends. Return in the evening, and your garments shall be ready," the washerman informed them.

Acknowledging his words, Nova and May bid him farewell and embarked on their next adventure-to the Noodle Shop, Nova's favorite restaurant in town. As they walked, May sought clarification on their plans for the day.

"Nova, where exactly are we going now?" she inquired, her eyes brimming with curiosity.

A smile danced upon Nova's lips as he replied, brimming with excitement, "We're heading to my beloved restaurant in town. A place where flavors mingle and dreams come true."

"But are we planning to spend the entire day there, waiting for our clothes?" May questioned, her desire for reassurance evident.

Nova nodded, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "Indeed, my friend. It is the only place I know of where we can bask in comfort and indulge in delectable delights while the hours slip away."

Eagerly, they arrived at the Noodle Shop, its inviting façade capturing May's attention. Unable to contain her enthusiasm, she urged Nova to enter.

"Come on, Nova! Let's step inside and savor the aroma of tantalizing noodles that beckons us."

Guiding her through the entrance, Nova led May into the restaurant. A familiar face caught his eye-the owner, Hiroshi. With a warm smile, Hiroshi called out to Nova, his voice brimming with delight.

"Ah, Nova, my dear friend! Welcome back to the restaurant. Pray, do introduce me to your charming companion."

Gesturing towards May, Nova replied, "Hiroshi, meet May. She's not only my friend but also a new student under Master Xen's tutelage."

Hiroshi's eyes twinkled with curiosity as he remarked, "Ah, Master Xen has found himself a new pupil. How intriguing! But do tell me, how is my old friend faring?"

Nova's face lit up, a mixture of fondness and nostalgia. "Master Xen is in good health and spirits, my friend. He sends his regards."

A wave of relief washed over Hiroshi's countenance, a hint of longing in his voice. "I'm glad to hear that. I hope our paths cross once again in the future."

Nova's thoughts drifted, lost in a sea of memories and unspoken words. Sensing his friend's introspection, Hiroshi quickly changed the subject, his focus now on their hunger.

"Ah, my young guests, I sense that your bellies are rumbling. Fear not, for I shall prepare your favorite noodles and fetch two glasses of refreshing juices."

While Hiroshi disappeared into the kitchen, May and Nova found themselves seated at a table, their excitement mounting with each passing moment.

With a twinkle in his eyes, Nova leaned closer to May and posed a question. "May, may I ask you something?"

Intrigued yet slightly apprehensive, May replied, "Of course, Mova. What is it you wish to know?"

A burst of laughter escaped Nova's lips, his joy contagious. "How old are you, May? It's such a simple yet important question."

Caught off guard, May's face reddened, her words stumbling over one another. "Oh, well, it's not really... I mean, it's not that important..."

Chuckling softly, May reassured him, her voice filled with warmth. "You're such a silly boy, Nova. But let me tell you, you possess an incredible heart. It's one of the things I admire about you."

Nova's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and joy engulfing his being. Still, he struggled to accept May's words, breaking the silence with a hint of doubt. "Really? Is that true, or are you merely jesting?"

May's laughter resonated through the air, a melody of affirmation. "Yes, Nova, it's true. I'm not joking. You truly are amazing."

As the evening sun painted the sky in hues of gold, Nova and May sat in the Noodle Shop, their hearts entwined in a dance of friendship and burgeoning emotions. Little did they know that their journey had just begun, and the path they walked held both peril and wonder, destined to intertwine their fates in ways they could never imagine.

Once they finished their meal at the Noodle Shop, Nova and May bid farewell to Hiroshi, the owner, and made their way to the Washerman's shop. There, they collected the freshly washed clothes and expressed their gratitude to the washerman before setting off on the familiar path that would lead them back home.

Upon returning, their first priority was to deliver the meal they had brought for Master Xen. They found him and presented him with the delicious food, ensuring he had a satisfying dinner. With the task accomplished, they then handed over the clean clothes to him, completing their mission.

As the night settled in, casting its veil of darkness over the land, they retired to their respective sleeping quarters. Nova found himself in the room adjacent to May's, while Master Xen opted to sleep outdoors, perhaps finding solace under the starry sky.

Unbeknownst to them, however, a lurking presence loomed in the shadows. Unwanted guests had silently infiltrated their surroundings, observing their peaceful slumber with unknown intentions. Hidden from sight, these mysterious onlookers watched as Nova, May, and Master Xen peacefully rested, unaware of the danger that loomed in the darkness.

~~~~~~~The Chapter Ends here~~~~~~~~

I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter let's have a look on details of the chapter:

Novel Chapter: 4 New Friend Chronicles

Total Parts: 3



Protagonist: Orphan Boy came to learn ninjutsu from Master Xen.

Master Xen-

Main Guidance: Nova's Sensei.


Main Protagonist Supporter: Orphan Girl grown by Master Xen.

Hiroshi Takahashi-

Side Supportive Character: Master Xen's friend who runs a Noodle Shop


Main Antagonist: Act-I.


Hiroshi's Noodle Shop

Old Verrati: Master Xen's Old Resthouse and Training Camp