
Nova: Nova's Ascension [Ongoing]

In a world plagued by darkness, Nova, an orphan boy, fights to escape his haunted past. Struggling for survival, Nova's life takes a transformative turn when he finds himself imprisoned alongside a malevolent demon. Through the guidance of unexpected allies, he unlocks a dormant power within, enabling him to confront the forces that have oppressed him. From the depths of despair, Nova rises as a beacon of hope, channeling the darkness that once entrapped him into a formidable force. However, his path is fraught with peril as he faces a diverse array of adversaries, each with their own abilities and motivations. Nova's resilience and determination are tested as he clashes with ruthless street gangs and power-hungry individuals. As Nova's abilities grow, so does his understanding of his own heritage and the responsibility that comes with it. Secrets long buried resurface, revealing the true extent of the darkness threatening his world. The choices Nova makes will not only shape his destiny but also determine the fate of those around him. In the captivating journey of "Nova's Ascension," witness a tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the pursuit of light in the face of overwhelming darkness. Join Nova as he defies his troubled past and embraces a future filled with hope, love, and the triumph of the human spirit. Prepare to be captivated by an immersive narrative that explores the depths of human emotion, the power of friendship, and the transformative journey of a young orphan boy destined to become a beacon of light in a world consumed by shadows.

Niaxxi_Writes · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Act-I: Chapter 3

(Novel Chapter 3: Bushes have Eyes & Lynx makes Spies)

*Part 6*  Capture of Spy

(Novel Chapter 3: Bushes have Eyes & Lynx makes Spies Part 1)

Master performed some hand gestures

"Water Style: Water Manipulation and Release!!!!"— Master points the right hand to the front and has the left hand under his right hand.

A lot of water was manipulated and they got wet.

Nova's eyes widened with excitement as he witnessed the power of the water-based jutsu. "Wow, that's an incredible jutsu! I want to learn it!"

"Very well, I will teach you," Master Xen replied with a smile.

"Learn it,"— Nova urged, eager to begin his training.

"Okay, could you stop for a minute, please!"— Master interrupted suddenly.

"Learn it,"— Nova insisted suddenly.

"I said stop!" The master asserted firmly, his voice filled with frustration.

"First, you need to learn the hand gestures," Master Xen instructed, demonstrating the movements.

Nova attempted to replicate the hand gestures repeatedly but failed to produce the desired effect.

"Hey, it's not working again? Maybe I'm just not cut out for this," Nova expressed his disappointment, his head hanging low.

Master Xen observed Nova's despondent state, realizing that his student's courage was not as resilient as others'. Master Xen understood the importance of courage and how it could shape one's journey.

"Courage cannot be bought or obtained through external means. It is a gift, and if you possess it, you are fortunate. Do not let it waver," Master Xen advised Nova sincerely.

The master further added "I believe in you, today and tomorrow. You have much to learn, and it would be a shame if you lost your courage along the way. One day, you will become powerful. Believe in yourself, my son." Master Xen encouraged Nova, instilling renewed confidence in him.

"Huh?" Nova looked up, his eyes fixed on Master Xen, awaiting further explanation.

"Losing your courage won't be beneficial for you. You can learn this. Go, try it, my son," Master Xen advised Nova to start his training

"Okay, Master," Nova replied, his determination reignited. He proceeded to practice the technique with newfound courage, improving with each attempt.

Unbeknownst to them, they were being observed by the spy. Master Xen patiently waited for the opportune moment to capture him and make him face the consequences of his actions.

As the spy attempted to observe them from behind the bushes, Master Xen caught him off guard, using an illusion technique to escape his line of sight.

Master Xen now stood behind the spy, a wicked smile on his face. It was the same teenager who had confronted Nova at the market.

"What's Master Xen doing standing there? I don't understand. He's motionless, like a statue," the spy uttered, bewildered by the scene.

"Curious, isn't it?" Master Xen responded from behind, surprising the spy. "What were you doing here?"

Startled, the spy began turning his head slowly, only to realize Master Xen was now standing right behind him.

"What?" the spy exclaimed, jumping back in fear. "Uh, I was...I was..."

Realizing his cover was blown, the spy bolted, running away from Master Xen.

"Do you really think you can escape me?" Master Xen taunted, giving chase to the fleeing spy.

As the pursuit continued, Master Xen executed several hand gestures while running. "Earth Style: Quake!" he declared, using the earthquake technique.

Master Xen halted his pursuit and skillfully controlled the intensity of the earthquakes, minimizing collateral damage. The spy came to a stop, paralyzed with fear, and Nova arrived on the scene, joining the chase.

"Nova, stop!" Master Xen ordered, instructing Nova to halt his pursuit.

"Okay, Master," Nova responded, taking a few steps back, his curiosity piqued.

"Nova, get down on the ground. I'm intensifying the earthquakes," Master Xen warned, his voice stern.

Master Xen increased the intensity of the quakes, causing the ground to rumble and tremble violently.

As the ground shook beneath him, the spy fell to the ground. Master Xen stood over him, ensuring his capture.

Finally, the spy was apprehended, his actions coming to light.

"Tell me, who sent you?" Master's voice thundered with rage as he confronted the spy.

At that very moment, Nova stepped forward, standing nearby, observing the intense exchange between them.

"No one sent me! I was simply passing by," the spy insisted, desperately trying to prove his innocence.

"If that's the case, then how do you know me?" Master's expression turned serious as he pressed for answers.

"I saw you at the shop," the spy replied, hoping to shed light on their connection.

"The shop? Which shop?" Master interrupted, his curiosity piqued.

"The Noodle Shop. I recognized you from there," the spy clarified, attempting to convince Master of his sincerity.

"Do you take me for a fool?" Master's words dripped with suspicion, though his tone remained polite.

"No, of course not," the spy replied, his face a mix of fear and apprehension.

A subtle smile crept onto Master's face. He looked down momentarily, then gazed back at the spy, chuckling softly. "Let me tell you something. You're the individual who emerged victorious in the tournament almost two years ago."

"What?!" The spy's astonishment grew upon realizing that Master Xen hailed from Bellmin Town and possessed knowledge of his own past.

"Yes!" Master exclaimed with laughter in his voice.

"How did you come to know about that?" the spy inquired, his curiosity demanding confirmation from Master.

"That's not important. But you must be the person who earned the moniker 'Stone' in the wrestling tournament held in Montebello," Master revealed, delving into their shared history.

"What?!" The spy was taken aback by Master's mention of his past.

"Am I correct?" Master laughed once more, relishing in the surprise he had sprung upon the spy.

An overwhelming sense of curiosity and shock washed over the spy, who couldn't fathom how Master Xen possessed such knowledge about his past.

"Yes, that's me! But I'm genuinely surprised..." the spy admitted, acknowledging the truth behind Master's words.

"I, too, find it quite surprising. However, now that we have established this connection, tell me, who sent you here?" Master interrupted, redirecting the conversation to the pressing matter at hand.

"Okay, okay, but I implore you, release your grasp on my collar and allow me to sit," the spy pleaded, yearning for a brief respite.

"Very well, I shall release you. Now, disclose the identity of the one who sent you here," Master demanded, his patience wearing thin.

"I have already told you!" the spy reiterated, making another attempt to prove his innocence.

"So, you refuse to speak? Let me show you Ninjutsu!" Master warned, preparing a technique intended to elicit the truth. He performed a series of intricate hand gestures.

"Earth Style: Earth Trap Jutsu... and release!" Master declared, employing his jutsu to ensnare the spy within the earth, confining his hands and legs.

"What sorcery is this?" Fear gripped the spy as he found himself trapped, his movements restricted by the earth's unyielding embrace.

"I beg of you, release me! I was merely passing by and overheard talk of your presence, which compelled me to observe you from behind the bushes. Please!" The spy attempted to deceive the Master, appealing for mercy.

"It appears you are unwilling to cooperate," Master calmly remarked, guiding the spy's head downward towards the earth's surface.

With an air of anticipation, Master began preparing for something extraordinary. He executed a sequence of hand gestures and proclaimed, "Earth Style: Earth Golem Summoning Jutsu... and release!"

As the jutsu took effect, the ground beneath them trembled, and three colossal earth golems materialized, their towering forms advancing toward the spy. Master deftly controlled them with a mere flick of his fingertips, demonstrating his mastery over their mechanical intricacies.

"What are these creatures? Please, make them stop!" The spy's fear intensified as he witnessed the summoned golems.

"First, answer my question. Otherwise, I have other methods at my disposal," Master warned, as the golems loomed closer.

"Okay, okay, I will tell you. Just cease this madness," the spy finally relented, surrendering to the truth.

Master halted the golems in their tracks and proceeded to interrogate the spy.

"Now, first tell me, who sent you here?" Master's voice resonated with authority.

"Hmm...uhh..." The spy strained to fabricate a lie, attempting to deceive them further.

"Spit it out!" Master's stern tone sent shivers down the spy's spine.

"I was sent by Lynx to keep tabs on you," the spy confessed, unveiling the purpose behind his presence.

"Lynx... I knew he had something up his sleeve, but he has truly gone too far this time," Master muttered to himself, contemplating Lynx's actions.

"Now, reveal to me, where is Lynx? And why are you here?" Master pressed for more information.

"I don't have a specific location for him, but he meets us at night on the rooftop of Ditch Family House near the Bell Gate," the spy disclosed, shedding light on Lynx's rendezvous point.

"So, what is this 'order' you mentioned? What does Lynx seek to accomplish?" Master inquired, eager to comprehend the purpose of Lynx's organization.

"I don't possess extensive knowledge. I hold the lowest rank among them, and they keep the plans and other information hidden from me. I only know what I have shared with you," the spy explained, emphasizing his limited understanding of Lynx's organization. "Now, please, release me!"

"Hmm, it seems you are telling the truth. I will let you go. But... Fire Dragon Fist!" Master unleashed a barrage of powerful punches, using the Fire Dragon Fist technique to deliver his retribution.

"Ugh! Ugh! These are for intruding upon us," Master admonished the spy, striking him relentlessly before finally releasing his grip.

"Now, what comes next?" Nova asked, a trace of confusion evident in his voice, unable to predict the unfolding events.

"Fear not. I believe you should continue your training. I will address this matter later. There is still much more to uncover," Master declared, his mind consumed by deep contemplation.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter End~~~~~~~~~~~~


(Novel Chapter 3: Bushes have Eyes & Lynx makes Spies)

Total Parts: 1



Protagonist: Orphan Boy came to learn ninjutsu from Master Xen

Master Xen—

Main Guidance: Nova's Sensei


Side Antagonist Supporter: Act-I


Old Verrati: Master Xen's Old Resthouse and Training Camp.