
Nova: Nova's Ascension [Ongoing]

In a world plagued by darkness, Nova, an orphan boy, fights to escape his haunted past. Struggling for survival, Nova's life takes a transformative turn when he finds himself imprisoned alongside a malevolent demon. Through the guidance of unexpected allies, he unlocks a dormant power within, enabling him to confront the forces that have oppressed him. From the depths of despair, Nova rises as a beacon of hope, channeling the darkness that once entrapped him into a formidable force. However, his path is fraught with peril as he faces a diverse array of adversaries, each with their own abilities and motivations. Nova's resilience and determination are tested as he clashes with ruthless street gangs and power-hungry individuals. As Nova's abilities grow, so does his understanding of his own heritage and the responsibility that comes with it. Secrets long buried resurface, revealing the true extent of the darkness threatening his world. The choices Nova makes will not only shape his destiny but also determine the fate of those around him. In the captivating journey of "Nova's Ascension," witness a tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the pursuit of light in the face of overwhelming darkness. Join Nova as he defies his troubled past and embraces a future filled with hope, love, and the triumph of the human spirit. Prepare to be captivated by an immersive narrative that explores the depths of human emotion, the power of friendship, and the transformative journey of a young orphan boy destined to become a beacon of light in a world consumed by shadows.

Niaxxi_Writes · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Act-I Chapter 2

*Part 4* Training Day 1

(Novel Chapter 2: The Art of Shadows Part 1)

*Location: Bell Gate, Ditch House Rooftop*

On the same rooftop as that fateful night, two figures stood facing each other, dressed in identical costumes. Suddenly, a teenager wearing the same attire emerged onto the rooftop, having climbed from a neighboring house's roof. At that moment, a man entered through the gate, connecting the house to the rooftop.

He was accompanied by a woman wearing an open blue shirt that revealed her midriff and knee-length pants. It was Lynx. The man took a few steps and settled onto a chair made of bricks on the rooftop, while the woman joined him.

"So, any information?" Lynx inquired, addressing everyone present.

A young man, concealed in black attire, stepped forward and spoke in a thunderous voice, "As per your orders, we have gathered some information—"

Lynx interrupted, urging him to share all the gathered information.

"Well, the most important thing we've learned is that Nova is actually here to receive training from Master Xen, and he has no other connection to the Master," the young man began.

Once again, Lynx interjected, but this time with a tinge of anger. "That's not important, I suppose," Lynx snapped, striking the arm of the chair.

"Apologies for the misunderstanding, but we also managed to obtain Master Xen's address—" the young man continued.

A sudden smile appeared on Lynx's face, signaling his delight upon hearing the news. "Hmm, that's some good news. Now, let's discuss our plans for the future," he declared.

"Plans?" questioned one of the individuals present.

"Yes," Lynx affirmed, gesturing for everyone to pay attention. "We will receive reinforcements from Shogun, but until then, we have other missions to accomplish. Firstly, we need to block all the town's exits to trap the Prince. Additionally, we will keep a close watch on Master Xen."

"So, that's the mission?" inquired one of the men.

"Well, that plan is for the Prince. As for our business, we will be trading three more individuals. However, regarding that matter..." Lynx trailed off.

"But what will we do with—" the man began to ask.

"Don't worry, we will soon introduce a new member to the Xen's Squad," Lynx assured him.

"Oh, but is there any specific reason for that?" the man inquired.

"Well, we need to take precautionary measures concerning Master Xen, as I don't want any disruptions in my business," Lynx explained.

As the sun rose above the mountains, a new day began, brimming with anticipation and excitement.

Nova and Master Xen were ready to embark on their training journey.

"Shall we depart?" Master Xen asked Nova, standing before the door.

"Yes, let's go now," Nova replied, his voice brimming with excitement and confidence.

"Then let's go!" Master Xen exclaimed, swinging open the gate.

However, Nova halted, interjecting, "Wait!"

Surprised, Master Xen asked Nova to stop. "Yes?" Nova paused, turning to face Master Xen, his expression filled with curiosity.

"Where are we going?" Master Xen inquired, closing his eyes, resting his elbow on his other hand, with fingers pressed against his temple.

"What?!" Nova responded, his confusion evident. He added, "But you said we were going for training, didn't you?"

"Oh yes, let's head in that direction," Master Xen directed, pointing to the left.

The duo set off on a short walk, eventually arriving at their training destination. However, they soon noticed they were being pursued by the same individual. Master Xen, however, was aware that they were being chased.

They arrived at an ancient site, a flat area resembling a stage constructed from rocks and stones. Chairs and stones were placed on both sides of the stage. Four water drums were present, and a massive statue stood at the back of the stage. Fences enclosed the area, with distinct corners displaying barrels and boxes. A large bell hung nearby, accompanied by a sword suspended from the statue. Behind the stage, a living space was clearly visible.

"So, this is where you will train me in ninjutsu?" Nova exclaimed, captivated by the location's charm and surprised by its significance.

"Yes, you guessed correctly. This is where I will train you," Master Xen confirmed, gazing at the place in awe.

They entered the area, hanging their bags and settling in. Nova couldn't help but inquire about the place.

"Let me tell you something. This is where I fought Titan in the Battle of Bellmin," Master Xen revealed.

"You fought Titan in the Battle of Bellmin? Wow!" Nova exclaimed, astonished by the revelation.

"Yes, the Battle of Bellmin took place approximately 16 years ago," Master Xen informed him, scratching his head.

"16 years?" Nova inquired, a sense of coincidence arising within him.

"Yes, precisely 16 years ago," Master Xen confirmed.

"I was born 16 years ago, on May 19th," Nova disclosed.

"Exactly! That's the day the war began, and I fought him on May 23rd at this very location. By May 28th, he had been defeated," Master Xen recounted.

"Wow, so you defeated him?" Nova inquired eagerly.

"Not exactly. He surrendered, though it wasn't me alone. The demons played a part in our inability to secure victory," Master Xen admitted.

"The demons?" Nova queried.

"Yes, created by Titan himself. However," Master Xen paused.

"But what?" Nova pressed for more information.

"Let me share something crucial with you," Master Xen requested.

"Alright, go ahead," Nova consented.

"There are 7 known demons," Master Xen revealed.

"7 demons?" Nova repeated, taken aback.

"Yes, 7 demons. One of them occurs naturally, while the others were created by Titan," Master Xen clarified.

"Titan created them? How?" Nova inquired.

"That's not something I'll disclose right now," Master Xen replied.

"So, what are you going to tell me, then?" Nova persisted.

"Alright, alright," Master Xen yielded. "You've been kept in the dark about many things."

"Hey, can you please be quiet for a minute?" Master Xen requested, hoping to regain control of the conversation.

"You old man, tell me!" Nova persisted.

"Now, listen carefully. One of the demons possesses a Shadow Nature," Master Xen explained.

"A Shadow Nature demon?" Nova questioned, his curiosity piqued.

"Yes, a Shadow Nature demon. It can transform you into a giant shadow, granting you the Shadow Nature. However," Master Xen paused for effect.

"But what?" Nova inquired anxiously.

"You won't have control over your own body," Master Xen revealed.

"What?!" Nova exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yes, until the demon is once again sealed within your body. This is the only demon that can be sealed in both a body and an artifact," Master Xen explained.

"So, the other demons can't be sealed inside a human body?" Nova sought confirmation.

"I'm not certain, but I can tell you that the other 6 demons are sealed within artifacts, not human bodies," Master Xen clarified.

"Then who possesses these 7 artifacts?" Nova asked, perplexed. "And how do these artifacts work?"

"I don't know who possesses these 7 artifacts. However, Titan seemed to possess them last time, but I believe he no longer has them," Master Xen speculated.

"Furthermore, each artifact seals a specific demon," he continued.

"Which artifact seals the one inside me?" Nova inquired.

"The Eternal one," Master Xen revealed.

"The Eternal one?" Nova repeated, eager to learn more.

"Yes, it is the most powerful one," Master Xen confirmed.

"So, how can I access that seal?" Nova asked, eager for guidance.

"By becoming strong enough to defeat Titan through your training," Master Xen advised.

"Alright, so you think I should start my training?" Nova questioned, prepared to begin his journey.

"Yes, let's begin with the basics," Master Xen agreed.

"Basics? Oh no, I want great power, Old Man," Nova protested.

"Hahaha, I won't teach you basic techniques. Instead, I'll teach you necessary and powerful techniques. However, you still need to learn the basics of Ninjutsu," Master Xen assured him.

"Yes, that's what I want to learn," Nova acknowledged.

"First and foremost, Ninjutsu refers to the techniques employed by ninjas," Master Xen explained.

"I already know that," Nova responded.

"You must have an excellent memory. Well, the well-known Ninjutsu techniques include Taijutsu (unarmed combat), Kenjutsu (sword techniques), Bojutsu (stick and staff techniques), Sōjutsu (spear techniques), Shurikenjutsu (throwing weapon techniques), Hensōjutsu (disguise and impersonation), Shinobi-iri (stealth and infiltration methods), Sui-ren (water training), Intonjutsu (escaping and concealment), and Hojojutsu (rope techniques)," Master Xen listed.

"So, which jutsu is most important for me?" Nova asked, seeking guidance.

"You need to learn Taijutsu and Shurikenjutsu. However, I will begin by teaching you Intonjutsu," Master Xen revealed.

"Intonjutsu? The one Lynx used against us?" Nova recalled their encounter.

"Yes, that's the one you need for immediate escapes," Master Xen confirmed.

"Now, let me explain that some jutsu require hand gestures, while others require spells to activate," Master Xen continued.

"Spells?" Nova questioned, intrigued.

"Yes, here's the spell for Intonjutsu," Master Xen handed him the spell.

Nova focused on memorizing the spell, dedicating a significant amount of time to it. Master Xen insisted on mastering the spell before commencing training, so Nova wouldn't waste time learning the jutsu.

The first day of training concluded with Nova fully memorizing the spell for Intonjutsu, yet their pursuer remained relentless. They spent the night in the room, Nova excited to unlock the secrets of Ninjutsu while Master Xen remained focused on Lynx, suspecting him of being responsible for their ongoing pursuit.


~~~~~I hope you enjoyed the part~~~~~~

*Part 5*  The Training Day 2

(Novel Chapter 2: The  Arts of Shadows Part 2)

The day began with an air of anticipation. The great duo, Master Xen and Nova, embarked on their daily exercise routine, preparing themselves for the training that lay ahead.

As the morning progressed, they shared a hearty breakfast together. Master Xen engrossed himself in a book, while Nova focused on memorizing a spell he had been practicing. After some time, Nova approached Master Xen, brimming with excitement.

"So, what are we going to learn today?" Nova asked eagerly, unable to contain his curiosity.

Master Xen smiled and replied, "Today, you will be delving into the realm of Intonjutsu." Nova's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect.

"it is essential to have the spell firmly ingrained in your memory," Master affirmed. "Alright, you may begin the training now," he directed Nova to start his training session.

Nova took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself. With conviction, he chanted the spell, declaring the technique's name aloud with determination, "Intonjutsu!". However, to his disappointment, nothing happened. Master Xen urged him to try again.

Undeterred, Nova made another attempt, shouting the spell once more, "Intonjutsu!" This time, a dense fog enveloped him, but still, no significant outcome manifested.

Master Xen intervened, advising Nova to first unlock the Flux energy by utilizing a specific hand gesture which was necessary before performing the technique. Nova followed his guidance, and managed to unlock flux by his instructions and executed the technique once again, This time a dense fog enveloped the area, Nova couldn't escape it's clutches.

Preplexed, Nova questioned Master. "Huh? Why isn't anything happening?"  he asked, his expression a mixture of perplexity and disappointment.

"Well, perhaps it is because you are not a true ninja, which is why the technique doesn't work for you, Not every technique works for everyone" Master replied, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"What? Then what kind of technique is this? You told me it wasn't forbidden to learn! If it's like that then why are you introducing me to this technique" Nova protested, pointing an accusatory finger at his master

Master Xen sighed and placed a hand on his forehead. "Yes, I did say that, but I never guaranteed its effectiveness."

As he spoke, the fog level unexpectedly increased, Master Xen took a few steps back, observing and exclaiming, "Ah, it seems something is happening," he remarked, his eyes fixed on Nova. Meanwhile, Nova, caught off guard, shouted in confusion and managed to escape from the fog.

Breathing heavily, "Ack! What was that? I couldn't grasp it! It was just eerie," Nova exclaimed, rising to his feet and reappearing from behind the stage.

Master Xen smiled knowingly and said, "Well, it worked perfectly. Now you must practice it diligently until you master this jutsu. Once accomplished, you will possess the ability to escape to any location within close proximity."

"Anywhere I want?" Nova's eyes sparkled with anticipation

"Yes, but remember, the destination will be in close proximity to your current position," Master Xen clarified.

"That's fantastic! I will practice it right away," Nova declared, a broad smile adorning his face as he placed his hand on the back of his head

Nova immersed himself in training, practicing the jutsu repeatedly, he attempted jutsu tirelessly. With each attempt, his excitement grew, and his mind filled with fantasies of mastering the technique.

After numerous attempts and failures, Nova finally achieved stability in his execution of the Escape Jutsu. However, he still needed another day to fully grasp the technique's intricacies and rules surrounding this forbidden technique.

During a break in his training, Nova approached Master Xen with a question, "Master, how can I learn Taijutsu?"

"Well, I believe you can learn it through a Ninja School," Master Xen suggested.

"A Ninja School?" Nova responded, his interest piqued. "Can't you teach me?"

"Yes, it's a place where you can easily learn Taijutsu". Master Xen hesitated before answering, "I can teach you, but..." Master Xen trailed off

"But what? If you can teach me, then why can't you?" Nova questioned, his desire to learn Taijutsu evident.

Master added after a moment "Okay I will teach you but you need to learn the Flux Energy System first"

"Flux Energy System? What's that?" Nova asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice

"To perform ninjutsu, you need an energy reserve," Master Xen explained. "Flux Energy is a reliable and easy-to-use energy that provides greater benefits compared to other forms of energy."

"Why is that? Why do we need Flux energy?" Nova inquired, seeking further understanding

"Because, quite simply, you need energy to execute the techniques," Master Xen replied.

Chuckling, Master Xen continued, "Flux Energy is a reliable and easily accessible energy source. It offers better capabilities compared to other forms of energy, but it does require mastery over power control, Physicality, willpower, and other aspects."

Nova absorbed the information, fascinated by the concept of Flux energy.

"But how does it work?" Nova pressed for more information

"To harness this energy, specific hand gestures are utilized for each type of Flux," Master Xen added.

"Fascinating," Nova murmured, captivated by the mechanism of operating Flux Energy.

"We manipulate these techniques by transforming the energy from one form to another. The energy used to manipulate the elements and perform techniques is known as Elemental Energy, which can be utilized as Flux Energy. Remember, Elemental Energy can be employed for various tasks in any martial art, but Flux Energy is particularly suited for Ninjutsu, as it enhances a person's power," Master Xen explained, providing Nova with a basic introduction

"That's incredibly interesting," Nova remarked, his fascination with the Flux Energy system growing.

"Yes, it certainly is," Master Xen agreed. "But is it essential to learn Ninjutsu?" Nova inquired, still unsure about his path.

"But Flux is used in Ninjutsu, and Ninjutsu is considered an offensive art, isn't it?" Nova expressed his concerns, not wanting to harm others.

"Well, it depends on the martial art path you choose," Master Xen responded. "But remember, this world is filled with evil. Escaping it is not possible, so Either you prevail or you perish," Master Xen stated, emphasizing the harsh reality.

Nova was taken aback, struggling to comprehend the weight of Master Xen's words. "I...I don't know what to say. I really don't understand," Nova confessed, his confusion evident.

Master Xen looked at Nova intently and imparted his wisdom, "There are hardships in this world, that may be created by humans. To face them, you must become experienced in the ways of evil or if I state in an easy way you must gain experience and knowledge of the darkness. You will learn soon enough. For now, focus on your training for Intonjutsu. I will teach you more techniques in due time." Master Xen reassured Nova, offering guidance amidst the uncertainty.

"Okay, Master," Nova replied, his determination renewed. He returned to the stage, contemplating the conflicting thoughts in his mind. "I don't know what Master meant by all this, but I'm confused. Why would such a powerful master like him teach me this forbidden Escape Jutsu that seems unrelated to my goals or it's a Surrendering Jutsu?"

Nova made numerous attempts to master the jutsu, investing three days of diligent practice. Finally, he managed to perform the Escape Jutsu proficiently.

On the fifth day of training, Master Xen decided it was time to apprehend the spy who had been observing them. He resolved to make the spy pay for his actions.

It was another routine day of training. Today, Nova was introduced to the four essential elements and would learn to manipulate one of them.

"Are you ready, Nova?" Master Xen asked, prompting Nova's attention.

"Yes, I am," Nova replied eagerly, ready for the next stage of his training.

"Now that you have learned Intonjutsu and have been training for four days, let's delve into the elements. There are four major elements for Flux: Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire," Master Xen explained..

"Oh, so which one is the most powerful?" Nova asked, curious about the hierarchy of the elements.

"It's challenging to determine which element is the most powerful because each element possesses its own strengths and weaknesses," Master Xen explained.

"So, which one will I be learning?" Nova asked, eager to know his next challenge.

"I will teach you the water type of Basic Flux," Master Xen revealed, preparing to demonstrate the technique.

"Water Type? That sounds intriguing. How do we begin?" Nova inquired, eager to delve into the mysteries of water manipulation.

Master performed some hand gestures

"Water Style: Water Manipulation and Release!!!!"— Master points the right hand to the front and has the left hand under his right hand.

A lot of water was manipulated and they got wet.

Nova's eyes widened with excitement as he witnessed the power of the water-based jutsu. "Wow, that's an incredible jutsu! I want to learn it!"


~~~~~~~~The Chapter Ends here~~~~~~


Chapter 2: The Arts of Shadows

Total Parts: 2



Protagonist: Orphan Boy came to learn ninjutsu from Master Xen

Master Xen—

Main Guidance: Nova's Sensei


Main Antagonist: Act-I


Master Xen's Residence

Ditch House Rooftop: Bell Gate

The Old Verrati: Master Xen's Old Resthouse and Training Camp