
Nova: Nova's Ascension [Ongoing]

In a world plagued by darkness, Nova, an orphan boy, fights to escape his haunted past. Struggling for survival, Nova's life takes a transformative turn when he finds himself imprisoned alongside a malevolent demon. Through the guidance of unexpected allies, he unlocks a dormant power within, enabling him to confront the forces that have oppressed him. From the depths of despair, Nova rises as a beacon of hope, channeling the darkness that once entrapped him into a formidable force. However, his path is fraught with peril as he faces a diverse array of adversaries, each with their own abilities and motivations. Nova's resilience and determination are tested as he clashes with ruthless street gangs and power-hungry individuals. As Nova's abilities grow, so does his understanding of his own heritage and the responsibility that comes with it. Secrets long buried resurface, revealing the true extent of the darkness threatening his world. The choices Nova makes will not only shape his destiny but also determine the fate of those around him. In the captivating journey of "Nova's Ascension," witness a tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the pursuit of light in the face of overwhelming darkness. Join Nova as he defies his troubled past and embraces a future filled with hope, love, and the triumph of the human spirit. Prepare to be captivated by an immersive narrative that explores the depths of human emotion, the power of friendship, and the transformative journey of a young orphan boy destined to become a beacon of light in a world consumed by shadows.

Niaxxi_Writes · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Act-I Chapter 1

Act-I Chapter 1: Unveiling Destiny

Part 1: To the Bellmin Town

(Novel Chapter 1: Unveiling Destiny Part 1)

It was the middle of a dark night as I made my way through the long distance to reach my destination. I was headed to meet Master Xen to receive training in ninjutsu. He resided in a town called Bellmin, known for its history of fights, bloodshed, and being a battlefield.

As I entered the town, a voice called out, "It's midnight, boy." I was filled with apprehension. Who could it be? And where was the voice coming from? I cautiously looked around, scanning to my right, left, and behind, but I saw neither a human nor an animal. The street I walked along was empty, devoid of any signs of life.

The voice resurfaced, mocking me, "Who is this lonely worm before me? Wandering alone at midnight is not fit for you."

Confused and irritated, I demanded, "Who are you? And why do you insult me by calling me a worm?" I tightened my grip on my dagger.

A man who looked like a stereotypical Ninja,clad in gilded black armor which left only his eyes and the upper portion of his nose, was sitting on the rooftop of a house.

"You are not worthy of speaking to me. This is Shin, the weakest apprentice in my Order," a new voice sneered.

Suddenly, A young boy emerged from behind, taking his position obediently. "Go, handle the kid. I have things to manage," he said, a hint of excitement in his grave voice.

Lynx jumped down from the rooftop, securing Nova with a rope. "Here, this is my battleground. Let me show you the last moments of your life," he taunted.

Shin attacked Nova relentlessly, starting with his fists. As Nova stumbled, Shin continued with a barrage of kicks. Nova was badly wounded, but just as Shin was about to deliver a fatal blow, a man appeared on the rooftop.

The man was nearly in his 60s, appeared with a jacket, his suit made him look like a wrestler, he had a sword at his back.

"Wait, Master Xen! What are you doing here?"- Lynx exclaimed in surprise.

Interrupted by Master Xen"Lynx, how dare you lay a hand on this child. Now, I'll deal with you!" Master Xen's voice dripped with seething hatred.

Lynx, sensing his opportunity, said, "Hold him off, I'll make my escape. Intonjutsu!" With that, Lynx vanished using intonjutsu, just before Master Xen could strike him down.

"Nothing can save you from your impending demise, Lynx! No matter how you try to hide," Master Xen declared, his anger unabated.

"You old, deaf man! I am going to kill you!" Shin challenged.

Master Xen chuckled, amused by Shin's audacity. "Oh, really? So, the little boy from yesterday's party thinks he can defeat me? Dealing with you is no challenge at all." He removed his jacket, readying himself for combat.

Shin attempted a punch, but Master Xen effortlessly caught his hand, as if it were nothing more than cotton. With a swift kick to Shin's foot and a powerful punch, Master Xen sent him rolling across the rooftop. Shin sustained some scratches from the fall.

While the two adversaries fought, Lynx observed their clash from the ground, hidden behind the wall of a nearby house, "I was lucky to escape for now, but I can't fathom why Master Xen is here at midnight to save this kid. Something seems amiss," Lynx contemplated silently.

With determination, Shin got back on his feet, slowly advancing toward Master Xen. He brandished his kunai, hoping to land a blow this time. Shin managed to dodge Master Xen's attack and wounded him on the hand.

Shin, desperate to gain the upper hand, tried to push Master Xen off the roof. However, Master Xen swiftly caught him and delivered a powerful kick to the rear of Shin's knee, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground with a thud. The impact proved fatal, and Shin's life was extinguished in that very moment.

Breathing heavily, Master Xen stood in shock, witnessing the turn of events. "Uh! Is he dead?" he murmured, a tinge of sadness evident in his voice.

Master Xen approached Nova, concerned etched on his face. "Are you okay, kid?" he asked, extending a hand towards Nova.

Nova nodded, still in disbelief. "Yes, yeah, I'm good. Are you Master Xen?" he inquired.

A smile crossed Master Xen's face. "Yes, I am. But who are you, and what were you doing-"

"I am Nova. I was coming-" Nova began explaining, interrupted by Master Xen.

"Nova? Ah, you should've come here during the daytime. This place is hell for newcomers," Master Xen chuckled.

Nova's confusion deepened. "Hell?" he questioned.

Master Xen's laughter subsided. "Well, perhaps I spoke too much. Never mind," he said, dismissing the topic. "Come on, let me give you a hug."

"Hug me?" Nova hesitated.

Without further ado, Master Xen enveloped Nova in a warm embrace, treating him like his own child. "Let's go home. It's late, and we can talk more tomorrow. Your wounds must be hurting," he said, his voice filled with compassion.

"Yes, the wounds are quite painful," Nova admitted.

"No worries. I'll bandage them when we get home. It will ease the pain," Master Xen assured him.

Arriving at Master Xen's residence, he offered Nova a cup of hot tea. "Drink this. It will help you feel better," he said kindly.

Nova accepted the tea gratefully. "Thank you, Master. How are you feeling? Is it still hurting?" he inquired.

"No, it's not. I'm feeling better now, not as much pain," Nova replied, relief evident in his voice.

Master Xen smiled, giving Nova a thumbs-up. "That's good to hear. Well, I think we should rest now. Tomorrow, we'll talk more. Rest will aid your recovery," he advised.

"I think so too," Nova agreed. "Okay then, I'll be ready tomorrow. Goodnight, Master Xen."

"Goodnight, Nova," Master Xen bid him farewell, and Nova settled in for a much-needed rest.



*Part 2* Around the Town

(Novel Chapter 1: Unveiling Destiny Part 2)

The day began, and everyone woke up according to their own routines. Nova was still asleep, while Master Xen was somewhere outside.

Finally, Nova woke up late in the morning and noticed breakfast waiting on the table beside his bed. He went to the bathroom, washed his face and hands, brushed his teeth, and combed his hair.

As he returned from the washroom, he poured himself a glass of water and began his breakfast. Afterward, he went down to the kitchen and the hall, but he couldn't find Master Xen. Just as he was about to head back upstairs, the door opened, and Master Xen entered. Nova descended the stairs upon hearing the door.

"Oh! You woke up," Master Xen exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, yeah, I'm good. I had some moments for breakfast," Nova replied.

"Well, you should take a bath. It's already afternoon, and today we'll go out for lunch," Master Xen suggested as he walked into his room.

Nova went to his room, grabbed his clothes and towel, and headed to the bathroom. He turned on the hot water and filled one-third of the tub. He tested the water's temperature with his finger, only to find it too hot. "Ouch! It's hot. I think I should fill the rest with cold water," he said, licking his finger.

He turned on the cold water and completed filling the tub. Nova then took a bath, changed his clothes, and emerged from the bathroom.

"Hey, Master, I'm ready now," he called out from the stairs.

"Well, if you are, then we are ready to go," Master Xen replied from his room.

"Ahh, you look gorgeous," Master Xen remarked while examining Nova's shirt.

"I am!" Nova replied confidently, a smile on his face.

They both went out and started walking.

"Well, I think we should start our discussion now," Master Xen suggested as they strolled down the street.

"Hey, this way!" Master Xen exclaimed, pointing to the right.

"So, how are your wounds now, Nova?" Master asked.

"The one on my foot is better now. I think I have to remove the bandage this evening. The wound on my hand will take one more day," Nova explained.

"Hmm, after lunch, I will change your bandage. It will provide you some relief. I'm glad you weren't seriously injured," Master Xen said.

"Me? No, I'm more concerned about your wounds! How are you?" Nova inquired.

"My wounds? Haha! Yes, Shin almost had me there. It's a good thing you stopped him!" Master Xen chuckled.

"No I was really curious for you as shin was going to kill you" Nova replied sarcastically

"Haha! You think fighting isn't suitable for someone my age? Haha! Well, I disagree. I haven't even shown him the power of Ninjutsu yet. I'm actually quite saddened by Shin's death. I didn't want to kill him!" Master Xen admitted.

"Hmmm, but you are a high-class Ninja-"

"A high-class Ninja? Haha! I'm not a Ninja. I'm a Kung Fu Master."

"A Kung Fu Master?"

"Yes, I am. And you, my friend, are quite the joker, if I may say so."

"No, I'm not. But tell me if-"

"If I'm not a Ninja, then how do I know Ninjutsu?"

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to ask."

"Well, it's not forbidden to learn Ninjutsu outside the Shinobi world."

As they continued their conversation, they arrived at a noodle shop and stopped talking momentarily.

"Is this the place you wanted to come?" Nova asked.

"Yes, it's my favorite place in the city," Master Xen replied.

"And then you call me a joker. I like your jokes too," Nova teased.

"Not as good as yours," Master Xen retorted.

"How dare you call me a joker?! Huh! Your mind is full of straw!" Nova exclaimed, playfully pointing his fist at Master Xen.

Master Xen moved forward, navigating through the crowd at the shop. "Hey, please make way," he requested.

"Just don't push me." Crowd*

"Okay, okay. Hey, Mister, can you please give me some space?" Master said to someone other

"Hey, who are you? Don't bother me. Hey, I ordered two cups of noodles-" Crowd*

"I'm not bothering you. Hey, Hiroshi, look here. It's Xen, Master Xen."

"Oh! Xen! Come in from the back," Hiroshi said, recognizing Master Xen.

Master Xen instructed Nova to follow him, and they made their way through the back entrance, where Hiroshi was sitting at a table with three chairs.

"Come, sit here next to me. I'm glad to see you again, Xen," Hiroshi greeted.

"Well, it's been a long time since we last caught up. I'm also happy to be here. Hey, Nova, meet Hiroshi. He's my old friend in this town," Master Xen introduced.

"Nice to meet you. It seems like you have a great friendship," Nova remarked.

"Thank you," Hiroshi replied, appreciating the sentiment. "Both of you are quite entertaining."

"What?! I guess you both are expired" Nova exclaimed, surprised by Hiroshi's response.

"Well, I am not, a 50yr old is not expired yet but your master might be, Just sit here and order your meal. I'll talk to you after this crowd clears," Hiroshi said, leading the way.

"Yes, that's a good idea. We'll have two cups of noodles and two..." Master Xen began ordering.

As Hiroshi went to the kitchen, Master Xen cleared his throat and said to Nova, "You'll enjoy the noodles. I'm a big fan of Hiroshi's cooking."

"Yeah, I'll see about that. But I have a question," Nova said.

"A question? Huh! What kind of question?" Master Xen asked curiously.

"Can you please tell me about Lynx?" Nova inquired.

"Ahh, Lynx, that stereotypical ninja," Master Xen replied.

"Stereotypical ninja?!" Nova was intrigued.

"Yes, he's actually a traitor. He betrayed his own people," Master Xen explained.

"But how?" Nova questioned.

"It's not that interesting. He simply left his hometown and betrayed his own people, fleeing to Ivory City," Master Xen elaborated.

"Ivory City?"

"Yes, Ivory City-a city engulfed in flames," Master Xen clarified.

"Huh! But if he belongs to that city, why is he here?" Nova wondered.

"Well, I don't know the details, but I do know that a tournament is held here every year. The winner is invited by Lynx to work for him," Master Xen revealed.

"He invites them? But why?" Nova asked, curious about Lynx's intentions.

"Yes, I don't know the answer to that either. But if you participate in the upcoming tournament, we may find out," Master Xen suggested.

"Who, me? Nah, I'm not going to participate in the tournament. You should try it yourself," Nova declined.

"No, the tournament has age restrictions. Only individuals between 15 and 22 years old can participate," Master Xen explained.

"So, you're the one who's expired again!" Nova teased.

"What? Hell no!" Master Xen protested. "But don't worry, I'll train you in Ninjutsu."

"Ninjutsu? But I'm not a Ninja," Nova expressed his doubts.

"Yes, Ninjutsu. Like I mentioned before, it's not forbidden to learn Ninjutsu even if you're not a Shinobi," Master Xen reassured him.

"Well, I am interested. So, are we going to start our training today?" Nova asked eagerly.

"No, today we'll go for registration and participate in the tournament. Tomorrow, we'll start the training," Master Xen planned.

"Okay, I'm fine with that," Nova agreed.

Hiroshi returned with the cups of noodles. "Here, your meal is ready, boys," he announced.

"Boys? When did he go from 60 to 20?" Nova joked.

"You joke nicely, man," Hiroshi responded, appreciating Nova's sense of humor.

Master Xen interjected, "Yes, because he's a joker."

"No way, I'm not. Well, it smells so good," Nova remarked, capturing the aroma of the noodles.

"Yes, it does," Master Xen added, sharing Nova's sentiment.

Interrupting the exchange, Hiroshi said, "If it's really that good, I'm glad to hear such positive words from both of you. Thank you very much, Master Xen, for visiting me."

"Hey, Nova, I forgot to mention that Hiroshi's younger brother runs a butcher shop," Master Xen mentioned.

"I really didn't want to know that," Nova replied.

"Okay, I just mentioned it because he's my friend too," Master Xen explained.

They both enjoyed their meal and engaged in conversation with the chef. After finishing their meal, Master Xen changed Nova's bandage, and they left the shop together.

"Hey, this way," Master Xen directed Nova, pointing to his right.

"Okay, but how much time will it take?" Nova asked.

"Just a couple of minutes' walk, and we'll reach there," Master Xen replied.

They continued walking until they reached their destination.



*Part 3* The Shadows behind

(Novel Chapter 1: Unveiling Destiny Part 3)

Weapon Market, Bellmin Town*

Both of them arrived at the location

"Ho, look there is a big market!" Nova said in an excited voice

There was a four direction long path which further led to all over the market and the path was further divided to the all over the market

"Come'on, let's go" Master Xen replied to Nova in a asking tone

Both started walking through the main way making their way towards the tournament registration.

The crowd was always full of excitement and the noise proved it.

The two of the greats were walking and suddenly A stranger grabs Master Xen by the arm and tries to stop him. Master Xen feels that it is the hand of a young man.

And he tries to defend himself in a sudden by taking his Kunai and grabbing the stranger and keeping the kunai at his neck

Nova tries to step back

While the crowd stops and sees them. Master Xen realizes it is not a stranger or enemy. It was one of the beloved students Kenji.

"Oh Kenji! Sorry for not remembering you" Master said in an apology

"No problem master" Kenji replies master at the time

"Sorry to bother you everyone, he's my student it was Just an incident" Master tells the crowd to not to worry about the moment with a calm down indication

"Is he your Student master??" Nova asked in a surprise

"Yes he is." Master replied with a smile and a hand on the back of his head

"Hey, we should talk at a corner of the road people may face problems while we stand out here in the middle of the road" Master asked them to take a side

"Sure, why not!" Kenji replies to Master

Three of them go at the side of the path where barrels were kept and sit on them.

"So, how are you here? Master?" Kenji asked master

"Well we were looking for the tournament, and"- Master Xen started explaining why they are here

"Tournament? I hope you about the Lynx's connection with the tournament" Kenji asked in a warning statement while interrupting master

"Yeah, I know that's why I wanted to know why Lynx wants these winners"

"It's still not explainable" Kenji replied to Master

"And what were you doing here ?" Master asked him

"Well I was just here to buy some weapons" Kenji replied about his presence

They both had the conversation together and after their conversation Kenji asked the master about the boy next to him.

Xen explained everything about Nova to Kenji

"So you both would still like to talk with each other? Or should I go with the Walls?" Nova said to them with an annoying face

"Hahaha, You are too funny, Your jokes through the conversation gave me chills "- Kenji was saying to Nova as the master interrupted "Yes he is-"

"Well Master Xen is also my Master just like you"- Kenji talked about his relationship with Master

"Your master?" Nova said in a surprising mod

"Yes my Master, well I am being late, All the best master" Kenji said goodbying to master

"Yes you may go now, nice to meet you and take care of yourself"- Master said while waving hand to him

"Yeah, you both should be careful of this tournament" Kenji said about the tournament while walking away

Both continued their walk after a half and hour conversation

As they were going a young boy of age 23 or 4 with a fat body collided with Nova

"Aye, who are you? You don't have eyes, big ass??" Nova said in anger

He got tempered and grabbed Nova from neck. Master Xen Took his Kunai out and pointed at his neck from behind.

Master said in a very Shrill low Voice in his ear" leave the boy, I have seen many of you and handled them with my hand only it's not a big challenge for me to deal with you"

The boy left Nova with no scratches at all. Master kicked him at his back and he fell at the front. The boy stood up and ran towards master Xen

Master dodges him and grabs him and takes him down on the ground

"I've already told you, don't try to sledge me" master warned him again

The Boy apologizes for his action and goes back to his work

The Duo continued their way as they passed by a blacksmith shop just near the tournament ground master Xen said nova to stop there and have a look to the shop for some weapons and armors

There was a man in the shop cleaning his swords, A woman was sitting in the shop along with a young girl and there were two customers

The lady appeared to be a young woman

Master Xen went to check the armor he liked,

As Nova entered the shop his eyes were at the girl. Nova was staring at the girl while master Xen checked the armor for Nova.

"Hey, Nova! You liked this one?" Master asked him while looking at the Armor

"No I don't like it" Nova said while ignoring master

"What? It's better and it will look good on you and it will fit you" master looked to Nova, he saw him staring at the girl

Nova just ignored master Xen and was only staring there, the woman stood up and passed by them. Master Xen looked at the woman he thought that she appeared to be evil and was concerned about it.

Master and Nova left the shop, they went to the ground and registered for the tournament where Nova had to win the first 3 battles to directly jump to the finals the tournament was going to start in just 20 days

"Hey Nova, I think it's too late now let's go home" Master said in an exhausted mood

"Yes I am tired too" he replied with remembering the girl only

"Well we will also buy something to eat" Master told him that they are not going to home directly

"Okay, but please no noodles this time" Nova's experience of eating heavy meals at night was very bad :) (just like the author)

"Hahaha, yeah I know it's almost night, so there are not going to be some heavy meals that may cause some destruction inside of your belly" Master again made a joke again

As they were returning, Again Nova looked at the girl and they passed from the shop.

"Yeah, We should try something good for dinner" Master said to him after some moments

"Well, how would you train me ninjutsu?'

"Hmmm, that's an important question. But no need to worry I'm here with several rules & regulations to be a better ninjutsu user even if you are not a ninja"

"Yeah but I don't know anything about ninjutsu"

"Hmm if that's the case let me tell you the very basics of Ninjutsu"

"Yes tell me my ears are on"

"Well, Ninjutsu actually means 'Ninja Techniques' which is the very basic & easy meaning of Ninjutsu"

"Ohh so you mean all the techniques a Shinobi uses are called Ninjutsu?"

"Yeah but remember that not all the fighting techniques are ninjutsu"


"So I'll tell you more about Ninjutsu while training time"


Okay so where are we heading now?"

"First we will go to Hiroshi and then we'll be buying some milk"

"Okay anything else?"

"Nothing but I've to ask you something"

"Ask me something? Go ahead but not your trash jokes old man"

"Haha no not this time' actually I wanted to ask you that we are being chased"-

"Chased? Huh! Really?" He shouted

"Hey hey don't shout"-

"okay I'm not shouting"

- "and yes we are being chased and I also felt something fishy while we were at that blacksmith Shop"

"The blacksmith shop? I don't remember anything like that" Nova replies while remembering the girl he saw at the shop

"But I do, well now we left the market behind so I've a plan"-

"What plan?"

"Just do as I say"

They reached the noodle shop, it was almost night, they entered the shop and Hiroshi shouted at once when he saw them "Hey Xen!"

"Hiroshi! We are here for a good meal for tonight, but we had some friends behind us, would you like to take care of them? Until we come back?"

"Well if that's the case they are my guests for tonight! I will be very happy if I look after them"

"I was expecting that from you, well here's your money take it"-

"Ahh, it isn't that much expensive"-

"Maybe I am paying for my friends!"-

"Haha, you are such a caring friend, let me guess you are a master isn't that right? Haha"

"Yeah that's right but now I think I have to go buy some milk"

"Well don't forget to come back again"

"Hey Mister! Your meal is ready too" Hiroshi said to his customer

"So what are you looking at my face, bring it now" Customer*

"Okay okay don't be so rude, I am here!" Hiroshi said while making him calm

Master and Nova both went to the milk shop and bought the milk. And again went to the noodle shop

"Hey Hiroshi I am here!"

"Xen! Yeah come over here!" He said while giving the order to a customer on a table

"So what's the news?"

Chef told everything to the master about the appearance of the person and that he was really being chased

"Okay, thanks for your help I hope my friends might not get angry about it"

"Haha, no no they are not going to get angry"

"Well that's it have a nice sleep bye"

"Bye I wish you could come over here everyday just like that!"

Nova and Master Xen arrived at home after all of this. "So what are you going to do now??"

"Well I'll take care of it tomorrow, I think we should have dinner and fall asleep, it's almost late at night"

"Yeah I think too"

They both had dinner and after the dinner nova went upstairs and got to the bed for a better sleep

While he was continuously thinking about that girl and fell asleep.

~~~~~~~The Chapter Ends here~~~~~~~

Chapter 1: Unveiling Destiny

Total Parts: 3


Master Xen -

Main Guidance: Nova's Sensei

Nova -

Protagonist: Orphan Boy came to learn ninjutsu from Master Xen

Hiroshi Takahashi -

Side Character: Act-I

Lynx -

Main Antagonist: Act-I

Kenji -

Side Support Character: Act-I

Shin -

Side Antagonist Supporter: Act-I


Master Xen's Residence

Hiroshi's Noodle Shop

House Rooftop: Bell Gate.

Weapon Market: Southern West Bellmin Town.