
My Favorite Cultivation Novel



It's me

I've been wondering if-

The whole reason I thought to try my hand at writing a novel, is because I got STDs. Also known as Sickness That comes from reaDing cultivation novelS.

The tropes, the characters, the harems, the unending pursuit of rising jade dragons inside of the spear heavens universes 1000+ chapter bonanzas -it all grew very tiresome, so much so that I finally decided to take a break from it all and touch ass-grass-both. Lick stick brick kick? It's Wednesday.

I wanted to read something new, something original. A realistic perspective(at least from my pov), someone who doesn't care for faces being slapped, or growing infinitely stronger, or porcelain beauties. Not to say there aren't any such novels out there, I just haven't found them yet-

Is what I would've said last week!


Thanks to this chapter's sponsor Audible I finally found what I was looking for.

The novel is called Beware of Chicken. I listened to the first book, and I'm reading the second and third volume on royal road. If you don't feel like paying for the first volume, like I did, you can find it on other websites quite easily.

I suppose now is where I give you a brief synopsis, right?

It's pretty much everything that I've been looking for in a web novel. It really is a breath of fresh air, to me anyways.

Everyone goes through phases and cycles, maybe I'm just passing through one of my own?

No it isn't perfect, some things seemed rushed, although it may just appear that way because I was listening instead of reading.

Nonetheless, I highly encourage you to look it up and give it a listen or look.

That's all from me, for now, take care.