
Noticed by Kren

Kani has never been noticed in her life and she would like to keep it that way. She ends up going to her first party of sophomore year with her best friend. All is well until she is caught accidentally in bed with her crush which is posted all over social media for the whole school to see. Although her supposed 'crush' isn't who he says he is. All she has to do now is survive Sophomore year. Watch as her unusual love story unfold into her fairy tale.

Krenzacole · Teen
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106 Chs


Aaron let a tear down on his face he was smiling. He was happy.

I waited for him to answer. It seemed like forever, but finally Aaron started nodding his head.

"I said yes." He laughed to himself a bit."I can't believe I said yes, now that I've done that I'm finally free,I'm finally me."

I smiled at him, although I haven't talked to Luke yet I was still happy for the both of them. That's just another problem off of my chest. Another problem I don't have to worry about.

He's happy and that's all that matters.




I sat in science class with Jason. He's always been in my science class,but he's never noticed me until now. Jason insisted on sitting next to me in as many classes we have together as possible. He wants to convince people that were dating without actually telling them.

He's an idiot, I know.

Im minding my own dang business until Jason decides to push his limits. He forcefully intertwines his hand with mine. He doesn't even make eye contact with me. Everyone around starts a loud whisper and starts taking photos.

Jason grips my hand tighter under the table. My face becomes hot, I shouldn't be like this, it's only hand holding, I'm really overreacting. The bell rings for lunch and it's the perfect plan to escape, but Jason still holds onto my hand. Soon the classroom was empty and the teacher left for his lunch break and me and Jason were alone in a room holding hands.

"You can let go of my hand now Jason." I say finally looking at his face.

"Oh I didn't even know we were holding hands,oh wow would you look at that."Jason said while looking all surprised.

I glared at him letting him know that I will kill him if he doesn't let go. Instantly he let's go of my hand. I roll my eyes and gather my things to go to lunch with Aaron.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to ride a train to poland and then fly off a moon to land on Mars." I said sarcastically."what do you think?"

"Don't be like that cupcake. We should have lunch together so people will know."


I couldn't help but fell embarrassed at his words. I swear with all this he's going to make me overheat in embarrassment.

"F-fine if we must,but we're only eating nothing else."

Jason nods his head and grabs my hand again. He leads me to the cafeteria, although I know how to navigate myself, and sits me down at a table near the window. He leaves and returns with two trays of food.

I saw Aaron and Luke sitting next to each other being all lovey dovey,Luke kept winking and blowing kisses to Aaron, I could see his whole face turn red as Luke gestures to feed him. They were too perfect for each other.

I was about to take a bite of my food when Jason brings my hand to his mouth and bites the food off of the spoon.

"Hey! I was going to eat that!" I said snatching my hand away from him. He doesn't say anything and keeps eating."Fine then, you want me to feed you? Gladly." I said while scraping another spoon full of mashed potato's and I shove them into his mouth.

He starts coughing aggressively and I start to do my loud evil laughter.He stops coughing and smiles at me."You have a really cute laugh you know."Jason said looking at me fondly. I find myself feeling swooned at his words,again.

"W-well let's talk about you and this prince thing."

Jason shot me a worried look."Uh, sure."

"Why am I really pretending to be your fake girlfriend?"

"So I don't get forced to marry someone I just met."

"So you were going to marry me instead?!"

"No, no just until I find the one, you know."

"So your not interested in me at all?"

"Course not were just friends I would never do that to a friend." Jason said smiling at me.

That hurt my heart a little. Even though we're pretending to be dating I'd almost forget that it's fake.Even if those words hurt me I'm sure I'll find someone or anyone who will like me, not as friend, buddy, or sister, but a lover, a lover they can't keep there eyes off of.

My thoughts were interrupted once again by Veronica. She had mascara on her face and her eyes were red. She's clearly been crying. She held up her phone and it was the audio of Veronica's father when her parents were being called.

"Kani Crapper you are officially the worst person ever! You and forever will be uninvited to my sweet seventeen."

Sweet Seventeen?

"What are you talking about?" I said raising my eyebrow at her.

"Ugh, you little-"

"Might I clarify that Kani is the greatest person I've ever met, she's kind, she's smart, she's pretty, what more can you ask for in a person?" Jason said budding in.

"Y-yeah." I said as I eyed Jason

"You even have my poor Jason in your mind games!"

"I hate you Kani Crapper! I hate you!" Veronica said storming off with her minions.

I swear Jason Onning will be the death of me.