
Noticed by Kren

Kani has never been noticed in her life and she would like to keep it that way. She ends up going to her first party of sophomore year with her best friend. All is well until she is caught accidentally in bed with her crush which is posted all over social media for the whole school to see. Although her supposed 'crush' isn't who he says he is. All she has to do now is survive Sophomore year. Watch as her unusual love story unfold into her fairy tale.

Krenzacole · Teen
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106 Chs

Chapter*Seven: Smile More Often

Devanie's POV


It's been two weeks since Feng arrived at my school and everything's been going fine, everything was fine, except for the fact that Pryers quest for my love has been getting kind of annoying. I could honestly say that I'm getting pretty bored.

The flowers, candy, stuffed animals, were all sweet and caring, but when you get them everyday with snarky notes like 'love me now!' it can become a major headache.

What I'm trying to say is that it's not working.


I looked up from my desk and made eye contact with the teacher that had been calling my name for the last 3 minutes."Your partner will be Pryer Wyatt." I looked behind me to see Pryer smirking at me. His smirking was getting annoying. Wait, my science partner is Pryer Wyatt? That means half my grade depends on him.

"Class dismissed, have a great afternoon everyone!"

I quickly left my seat to go to Pryers desk. He had an amused look on his face while I just glared at him. The setting sun dimmed in the windows and the classroom had an evening aura.

"So about our project we should come to my house. No one's home." Pryer stands up and looks down on me. "What do you say?"

He shoves his hands into the pocket of his hoodie and half smiles at me.

It wasn't a full smile, but at least it was something.

I could instantly feel myself grow flustered and I turned away from his face so I can fan my face."Sure whatever."

"Great then let's go. Heffley picks us up in about 2 minutes." He says as he puts his arm over my shoulder.

We walked to the front of the school and wait. A few minutes go by and a black limo pulls up to the curb. I stared at it in shock. Pryer does not seem fazed at all and just opens the door.

"Yeah I know, I'm rich. Didn't Voyanne tell you anything?"

I rolled my eyes at him and climbed into the limo. I've never been in one so I immediately felt amazed and out of place. I felt like I should be in a fancy gown.

"Nervous?" Pryer asked. He was slouched in the seat across from me. His hair was begging for a haircut as it was barely covering his eyes. "You look cute being all shy. Are you really that nervous?"

I glared at him.

"No this is normal to be nervous I've never been to your house." I said and looked out the window. The limo stopped in front of gate and waited for a second before the gate opened.

We started driving towards a big white mansion with marble. There was a big entrance way with two security guards standing in the front.

Pryer wastes no time as he gets out of the car and walks towards the big double doors. I grab my backpack and follow right behind him. He opens the door and walks in.

"Home sweet hell." Pryer says as he starts walking towards a big staircase. I say nothing and follow behind him. We walk through a hallway and he stops in front of a red door.

He opens the door and walks in. He throws his bag on the bed in the middle of the room. He heads over to the couches on the left side of the room and lazily sits down.

Alright then.

"Well about the project, I brought all the notes we need. Maybe we can go and buy some materials later and-"

"How about maybe you sit down and relax?" Pryer said as he rubbed the temples of his forehead.

I walk over to him and stand in front of him.

"Relax? Pryer we have a project to do."

"Yeah a project that's do in a month."He says and stands up I step back so I can be eye to eye again with him. He ran his hands through his curly hair and laughed.

He laughed.

He smiled brightly and looked down at me."You know Devie this tension is tempting. You should stop staring at me like that with those big doe eyes of yours." He turned around and walked back to the couch.

Big doe eyes?

"You have a nice smile you should smile more."

For a moment he didn't say anything, then he spoke so quietly that I could barely hear him."Thanks."

What was that?

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure-"

"Just drop the questions Devanie."

He called me by my full name. I decided to stop being a nosy idiot and start working on the project. I walk over to the couch in front of him and pull out the notes we needed.

It was quite for a while until we heard yelling come from downstairs. I didn't react much, but Pryer instantly jumped out of hos seat and ran out his bed room door.

I slowly follow behind him and look over the railing of the stairs. There was a man with black hair and gray streaks standing in front of the door. A woman in a green dress stood a few inches away from him while holding her face.she looked like she was in pain.

I watched as Pryer basically sprinted down the stairs to stand in between the man and the woman. "Stop hurting her!" Pryer yelled in his face and stood his ground. I stayed up stairs behind the pillar so no one would see me. I didn't know what was going on.

"You don't tell me what to do. I assume you brought another girl home I saw someone else's coat on the rack." My whole body froze as I listened their conversation.

Crap, this is really bad.

"Why don't you come on out and tell me your name. It's not like we'll have to see each other ever again." The man calls from upstairs. I step from behind the pillar and awkwardly smile at the man. I kept my eyes on Pryer while I walked down the long staircase.

Pryer looks at me with a worried expression. An expression I'm seeing for the first from him. He's the last person I'd see with a worried look.

"Uh I--I'm Devanie Cooper."

I said as I looked up at him. I stood next to Pryer who kept a worried look as he looked at me. The woman standing behind Pryer was still holding her face and kept her eyes on the ground.

"So your the girl he's been sleeping with? How weird I expected another white slut, but now standing in front of me is a black one."

Excuse me?


"I haven't been sleeping with her. She's here to work on a project. Now stop with the racist act and leave her and Devanie alone." Pryer spoke up and stared the man in his face. Looking at him I realize how much this man resembles Pryer. They both had dark brown eyes and black hair. Except Pryer had a small mole under his eye.

Then suddenly the man raised his hand and slapped Pryer across the face.

The sudden action made me gasp out loud causing the woman standing behind Pryer to start crying. "Get this slut out of my sight." The man spits angrily pointing his finger at me before turning and leaving the room. I immediately turn to Pryer who now holds a relieved expression.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm Fine."

He turns around to hold the woman in his arms. He calls over a woman who was dressed in a uniform and told her to take care of the woman that had been crying earlier. I followed Pryer upstairs quietly when he suddenly stops in his tracks with his back facing towards me."Devie could you do me a favour and not say anything about this?"


We make it back to the red door and I started gathering my things. I think I should leave as soon as possible, but part of me doesn't want to. Part of me wants to sit here and talk about what just happened with him. "Was that your dad?" I asked looking up at him. He was sitting on the couch in front of me playing with the ring on his pinky finger.



Then finally he laughed again, but this time he had a full genuine smile."That look on your face tells me that you want to ask more questions." He smiles with an amused tone as he stares at my obvious blank expression.

"I wasn't going to ask any questions." I lied to him. I had so many questions, but I was too afraid to ask. "Go ahead ask one question. Any question you want to ask I'll answer." He smirks at me and slouches in his seat. He was constantly running his hands through his hair to keep it out of his eyes.

"Was that your real dad?" It was a very rude question coming from me, but I just had to know.

"I wouldn't call him my real dad that to be honest. More like the devil. He is my dad, but he's never treated me in a way where I can call him that. But if were being logical and serious he is my father." He sighs and does a long dramatic sigh.

I finish packing my things and start walking towards his bedroom door when Pryer grabbed my arm making me to face him. I looked at him strangely, then almost gasped out loud when he leaned dangerously close to my lips. He moved his face to kiss the area right next to my lips, missing them by an inch.

"Pryer!"I hit arm when he stood straight again.He smirked at me again, but this time he just looked at me."I don't like seeing you with that frustrated and worried face. Smile more, you look way prettier that way."

I smiled at him and I noticed his ears turn a slight shade of pink.

"I will. I'll see you tomorrow." I simperedat him as my stomach had butterflies in it from seeing his smile for the first time. He had a really pretty smile with shiny teeth and all but what caught my attention was when he smiled his eyes squinted slightly.

"Uh, yeah."

And with that I quietly left his house and got dropped off in a limo from Heffley. Of course Samantha was the first one to see me get out of a limo and immediately boarded me with questions.

"How the heck did you get a limo?" Samantha asked as she helped me get inside the house. It was freakishly cold in California for no reason.

"It's not my limo it's Pryers." I said calmly as I took my shoes off at the door. Another loud gasp came from Samantha and she put her hand on her chest dramatically.

"He even lets you ride in his limo with his personal driver?"

"Sorta?" I said suddenly remembering the event that occurred at his house today.

"Where's Fryday?" I asked changing the subject. Samantha's excited expression immediately turned soft. She looked worried and scared almost.

"He works three shifts a day so I barely see him at home, but I know he comes home when he can, because the leftovers I save for him don't turn up the next day. So at least I know he's getting his meals everyday." Samantha says as she gives me a hopeful smile.

So now I won't be able to see him at all.

I wonder how this is affecting him?