

Here this story is About two teenager who know to love but don't know how to express it heroine " Zoe " cute and charming girl who goes easy in her life ... more then herself.. she knows more about hero "Leo " having crush on him from childhood she decided to tell him about her love but what happened later? . . if you think it is same like other stories your in wrong way please read this story which i will be publishing every week of Saturday and Wednesday @ 7:00 clock

najanjk_7 · Teen
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15 Chs

PART:- 9


Zoe : why I'm in hospital?🙄

Lola : Zoe ....🥺

Zoe : is it my name ? by the way who r u all ...y don't i remember anything

Zoe's aunt : Zoe i am ur aunt and he is ur uncle and she is ur friend Lola

Zoe : i can't understand are can't remember anything 🥺

doctor : Zoe u have been into accident , sorry to say this you have lost ur memory 🥺

Zoe will be shocked and she will be Slient

Zoe's uncle : don't worry Zoe ...we are here for you we will take care of you🙂

Zoe : yes uncle

doctor calls Lola ,Zoe's aunt and uncle outside

doctor : don't give here more stress and don't make her to remember her past forcefully understand ...be careful.....

all of them tells yes...

(after few days)

Zoe will be in bed and Lola enters

Lola : Zoe how do you feel?🙄

Zoe : good .....by the way Lola .....why we came to city ?

Lola : city for your university application

Zoe : which college did i registered?

Lola : Mac university because ur prin.....🙄( i sld not tell her about leo ...if i tell her she will be stressed .....i should be careful 🥺)

Zoe : what my?🤔

Lola : nothing just take care of you and get well soon your classes will start within 2 months 😄

Zoe : yes😄

Lola hugs Zoe ....

Lola : ok byee...i will come tomorrow because your discharging 😁

Zoe : really ok... meet you tomorrow

Zoe's aunt : Lola ... don't forget to be early

Lola : yes aunty 😁

(morning )

Zoe and her aunt will be waiting outside

Lola : get inside the car

Zoe : yes ...

they goes to there aunt's house

Zoe's aunt: Zoe this is your room ...if u need anything just call me i will be down ok😄

Zoe : yes

Zoe's aunt goes down

Lola : that's it Zoe ....now i told everything about you from start to end ...( but only about leo ...i wish you should not remember him even if you see is face in the university )

Zoe : that's it... don't i have any crush r somthing?😁

Lola : yes u have

Zoe : who ?

Lola : it's me😁😅

Zoe : lo..... (smiles)

Lola : ok byee.....Zoe i will meet you ..soon...

Zoe : soon when?

Lola : i will be there when you will go to ur new university .....is it ok?

Zoe : ok...sure😄

(after 2 months)

Lola : come fast are else you will be late 🙄

Zoe : coming 😁

they both reach Mac university

Lola : be careful 🥺 .... understood

Zoe : s... understood mam😁

Lola hugs Zoe ( Lola in mind .....i think i did big mistake Zoe ...i did not told you about leo ....i know he is your life but please forgive me ... your more important to me ..i hope you will have a new life here😥😭)

Zoe : Lo....r u crying

Lola : i will miss you 🥺

Zoe : me tooo

Zoe hugs Lola ....

Lola : ok byee ...i need to go....it's time for my flight 😁

Zoe : bye.....

Lola leaves

Zoe : it's my new beginning in my new life 😁

i should be crazy and happy forever .....Zoe come lets go ...😅😁