
Nothing left to ask for

Jenna Meyers wants nothing more than to live a happy life with Mathew, her son. But he is diagnosed with Lukemia and her world comes crashing down. Now she is left with no choice but to bring his father, Marshall Wayne back into their life. The problem? He has no idea that he has a son.

Ayuzawa_8141 · Urban
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2 Chs


"There has to be a way." Jenna said as she looked at Dr Powell desperately.

"I am sorry miss Meyers. It wasn't a match. We will have to start the search for a donor all over again. But please don't lose hope."

Jenna clenched her fists. Why couldn't they find a bone marrow for her son? What if they never found one? Would she lose him? The thought made it hard for her to breath. Her chest was feeling constricted. As though something was squeezing her from the inside.

"Although…" Jenna's eyes immediately flew to the doctor.

"Although what?" she asked desperately.

Dr Powell hesitated a bit.

"Say it!" Jenna all but shouted.

Dr Powell sighed. Then he looked her straight in the eyes and said, "I won't lie to you. I understand that this is a very personal matter to you. The identity of your child's father. But..."

Jenna looked at him, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"Right now, scientifically the best chance for Mathew's survival is for him to have a sibling with almost the same genetic make up as him."

Lowering his voice a little Dr Powell asked, "do you get what I am saying, Miss Meyers?"

Jenna looked at him flabbergasted. "There is no way I could do that." she said shaking her head.

"You cannot really be serious." she said shocked. But then as she walked out of the hospital dazed, she realised that not only was Dr Powell serious but also that it may very well be the only chance her son Mathew may have to survive. What was she supposed to do?

Mathew needed a bone marrow transplant to live. And they couldn't find a suitable donor till now. As per the Dr if Mathew had a sibling, he could be a suitable donor.

A sibling?

'get out of here and never try to contact me again. the manager will hand the money over to you for you to shut up. After that don't even think of trying to use last night as a way to crawl into my life. Because if you do, I will show you what true terror looks like.'

Those words, she could still hear them so clearly. A sibling, how could she possibly even think a bout it. when he had hated it, hated her so much that morning after. She couldn't do it. he would never accept her and that she could bear that. but if he rejected Mathew, how could she ever forgive him. or herself.

"Mother, please you need to let go of that piece of glass. You'll get hurt." Saud the man standing in the middle of the gigantic room which oozed extravagance from every one of it's corner. His voice smooth like caramel dripping over custurd. Yet there was an underlayer of something akin to panic in that voice. And it was understandable of course since the same room appeared to have been witnessed a cyclone for everywhere on the floor lay pieces of broken glass and pottery, the sheets and fabrics lay astray across the room, torn and stained and tablesand chairs overturned. All the servants and maids in the room were trembling, their gaze stuck to the ground not daring to even utter a single word.

"Hurt?" the woman holding the broken piece of glass to her throat said calmly. But her eyes showed the absolute madness bubbling in them which soon followed by her hysteric scream, "HURT!" She waived the piece of glass madly,"And whose fault do you think it is? How could you do this? To your own mother?!"

Marshall looked at her sadly. "How could you do this to your own son?" He asked, his voice almost a whisper.

But Narisa heard it and that seemed to enrage her even more.

"Do this to you? What have I done? All I am asking is for you to get married and have a child before that bitch's son does. Give the Wayne empire an heir. A legitimate heir. My blood. How can I sit quietly and let that woman's son get all of this. I am his wife. Rightful legal wife. That woman is just a whore he sleeps with. So why is her son getting married next week and about to be a father ahead of you."

Marshall sighed. "it's not a race mother and even if it is i do not wish to be a part of it. I don't need the Wayne group. I have built my own kingdom."

At that Narisa Wayne burst out laughing madly. "Your own empire. Who cares for that?" she said as she swung the glass around wildly. The people around them cowered in fear.

"He is mine. MINE!!" she shouted loudly. "If you won't help me hold onto him then I have no use for you." Then she suddenly sank to the floor. Marshall immediately dived to her to help her but Narisa pushed his hand away, nicking him in the arm with the piece of glass. Marshall grimaced in pain as he took a step back.

"You really should never have been born." That froze the room. Everyone looked at their feet uncomfortably. Marshall simply swallowed as he turned to face his mother.

"If only I wasn't pregnant with you…" she continued as she looked at her hands. "He would not have gone to her."

Marshall closed his eyes. It was always like this. every time he came to his mother, this was how their conversations started and ended. The same pattern repeating over and over again and yet, every time these words still hurt him.

"So all you need is an heir to stop this?" He asked, his voice suddenly cold.

If it was an heir his mother wanted, that is what he would give her. It could be the payment for bringing him into this world. Not that it would matter to her.

Jenna walked out of her car and the first thing she saw was a man donning an Armani coat standing on her porch. Jenna immediately felt the dread build in her stomach.

Mr Arthur Meyers was bad news. The man in his late fifties, with ebony hair same as hers was her uncle, only his hair had streaks of greys as well giving a hint to his age. This man was also the one who brought her to this house eight years ago. As Jenna walked towards him and stopped a few inches from him, one would assume they looked like father and daughter.

"Why are you here?" she asked, not betrayingher nerves.

Arthur gave her a crooked smile. "To take you to the party, of course?"

Jenna looked at him confused. "What party?"

Arthur narrowed his eyes. "didn't you say you were meeting Nathan today to discuss your wedding date? Did he not tell you?"

Jenna swallowed quickly. It was clear that she had lied. She didn't want Arthur to know about her visits to the hospital or the fact that Mathew was sick.

"We did. But the discussion didn't reach any conclusion." She lied, trying to sound as smooth as she could. Arthur seemed to have bought is since he didn't press the subject further. Instead, he informed her why he was there to pick her up.

"Today, this party is being held to announce Nathan's sister, Elena's engagement. And as her future sister-in-law, you need to be there as well."

"I don't feel good today. I don't think I can make it." Jenna tried to excuse herself.

"I don't remember asking." Arthur said,his voice cold, "be a good girl and act your part as Jenna Meyers. Because if you fail to do so I will have no choice but to get you arrested for impersonating a dead girl. With you in jail who will look after Mathew I wonder?"

"No!" Jenna exclaimed. "You promised me you wouldn't. you made me do this."

"Good luck proving that to the world." Arthur said nonchalantly.

Jenna grit her teeth.

"Fine I'll be there. You can leave now."

"Do you even know where you are supposed to come?" Arthur asked as he pulled on his gloves.

Jenna closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down.


Arthur paused for a moment, as he started to leave. "The Wayne mansion."

Jenna's eyes flew open as she starred at Arthur's back in shock.

"What? Why there?"

The man stopped and turned to look at her as though she was dumb. "isn't it obvious? It is because he is the man Elena Walter, Nathan Walter's sister is supposed to marry. The son of George and Narisa Wayne and the future heir to the Wayne group, Marshall Wayne."

It was like somebody had punched her in the gut when she heard that name. had she not met the man just yesterday on the balcony. Had she just not spent her way from hospital till here torturing herself with the idea of how she was going to approach him in order to save her only son. And now she was told he was getting married to somebody. What was she going to do now? What about her and Mathew? What about them?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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