
Nothing Is Certain

“OK to start, you like the house, correct?” Leo asked. “I love it.” I replied as I looked in his eyes. “You love surfing right?” he asked. “Yes.” I replied. “Well you already seen the private beach. So you can go surfing there anytime you wish.” he replied to that. “Did you accept the job offer last night?” “Yes I did.” I replied as I heard my mother cheering that I got a job with Leo to William. “Well I work at home a lot and since you will be working under me, what is better than staying here with me. I’ll count all the hours you spend in my office as your surprivised hours along with the ones you spend at the office building.” Leo said which made me smile at the idea of getting my hours done faster. “That sounds really good.” I replied. “Last but not least,” he said with a giant smile on his face as he looked at my outfit then back at my eyes, “Do you know that you are wearing a pair of my sweats?”

Navy10v3 · Urban
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99 Chs


Once we made it to my driveway, I noticed that all the lights in the house were on; which was unusual for this hour. Leo also seemed to be on edge as he parked next to a familiar looking Rolls Royce.

We exited the vehicle quietly as it clicked who the car belonged to. I slipped off my heels as Leo mouthed to me asking why I was suddenly pissed off. I just passed him my heels as I silently stalked to the front door and peered through the glass.

I could see my mother with William tied up on the couch. I could also faintly hear Maya screaming that she didn't know where I was. I could see brief glimpses of my father pacing the living room, with his back towards the game room. I decided that the best plan of attack would be if I was to enter through the secret door for the game room from the hallway and then go from there.

I sent Leo a text asking him to call the police and to cut the power so that I would not be see in the reflection of the windows. Once I heard him start to walk towards the garage, I slipped inside. I crouched low to the floor as I made my way to the secret door.

As I was about to push it open, I caught William's eye. I pointed to the game room then to my father. He nodded a slight bit then I pointed to the lights and made a slicing motion with my hand across my neck, hoping he would understand that the lights were going to go out.

To my luck he slightly nodded again then returned his gaze to my father then back to me as he nodded once more, letting me know that he will keep him distracted for me to act out my plan.

I smiled as I slipped into the game room and grabbed the baseball bat that was in the corner of the room. Then I ran over to the door leading to the living room and listened to what my father was saying as I waited for the lights to go out.

"WHERE IS TAE? OR should I call her Hannah now?" my father sneered again for the fifth time since I've been in the house.

"Hey Kaiden." William said emphasizing my fathers name making the man actually growl. "Why should we tell you where Tae is? What has she done to receive so much hate from you?"