
Nothing Is Certain

“OK to start, you like the house, correct?” Leo asked. “I love it.” I replied as I looked in his eyes. “You love surfing right?” he asked. “Yes.” I replied. “Well you already seen the private beach. So you can go surfing there anytime you wish.” he replied to that. “Did you accept the job offer last night?” “Yes I did.” I replied as I heard my mother cheering that I got a job with Leo to William. “Well I work at home a lot and since you will be working under me, what is better than staying here with me. I’ll count all the hours you spend in my office as your surprivised hours along with the ones you spend at the office building.” Leo said which made me smile at the idea of getting my hours done faster. “That sounds really good.” I replied. “Last but not least,” he said with a giant smile on his face as he looked at my outfit then back at my eyes, “Do you know that you are wearing a pair of my sweats?”

Navy10v3 · Urban
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99 Chs


I brushed my hair back with my free hand as I said, "Yes. I just need to talk to my mother. And I need food." I tried to lighten the mood which worked as Leo smiled.

I followed him into the kitchen. I grabbed out the ingredients for pancakes with Leo's help. I mixed up the batter then called my mother as I started to cook the pancakes. I put her on speaker which would make it easier to talk to her again. Since Leo heard the worst of my fathers ranting and since he knows what happened to me, or at least whatever my mother told him, I had no problem speaking to my mother about it in front of him.

"Hello, honey." my mother answered as I started the first pancake. "What are you doing?"

"I am making pancakes with Leo." I replied as I dished out more batter. "You are on speaker."

"Hi Mrs. Lenox." Leo shouted.

"Hi Leo. Please call me Anna." my mother replied to Leo which made him smile. "Are you two making chocolate chip pancakes?"

"Not today mom." I replied as I smiled.

"Why not? Aren't they your favorite?" my mother asked.

"Yes they are. But-" I replied but was cut off by Leo pushing me away from the batter.

"Say no more." Leo said as he dumped a bag of chocolate chips into the batter.

"You didn't have to do that." I said to him.

"Nonsense. You are a guest in my home. Now go sit down while I finish these." Leo replied as he shooed me away from the stove.

"Ok then. Anyways mom," I said as I sat down at a stool with the phone still on speaker, "I need a new phone number."

"Why honey?" my mother asked sounding very confused.

"Because 'he' called. I don't know how he got my number." I said slightly frustrated.

"Ok honey. We will get you a new one when we get back from a business trip. William is being called to Virginia for a week." she said.

"What am I doing to do till then?" I asked slightly panicked.

"You are just going to have to wait." she said.