
Nothing Accidental About Love (Nalu)

Nalu story with dragon mating, royalty, some fights, and LEMONS. SPOILERS likely! I do not own either fairy tail or the pictures. I will leave watermarks so that you may see who did the amazing work. As everyone SHOULD do! I do not give permission to copy or distribute my fanfiction. The world and characters are not mine but the story is so please respect that! If you have not watched all of fairy tail you need to hop on it! it is amazing. By the way I will not turn Lisanna or Sting into bad guys. I like their characters and do not wish to corrupt then. My updates are kind of long but they are frequent. Also this is my first fanfic I hope you all like it! I'm 27 years old and nervous about finally letting people see my writing.

Kilanna2016 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 14

Lucy's POV

As soon as we got home we started running with getting last minute items ready. I watched shocked and impressed with how quick and efficient Gray and Levy worked together. I'm not the only one who noticed either. Gajeel was always within arms reach of Levy when Gray was in the room. Maybe it's because they have been spending so much time together planning our wedding?

Juvia was no exception she was really getting under Gray's feet when I mentioned something about an ice sculpture for the buffet table. Gray lit up and started talking designs and Juvia formed them with water while he froze it. Juvia then used her water to smooth down the ice. I awed at the beauty before me. They had created a couple of life like dragons intertwined together slightly smaller than Natsu and I are. The sheer amount of detail Juvia and Gray showed was incredible.

I left them be while they created other smaller sculptures for the tables. As I'm walking away I see Mira trying to wave me over so I wave back and walk towards her.

"Where is Natsu? If he is goofing off I swear!" Erza complained next to Mira.

"He is currently doing a private dragon thing don't worry he isn't slacking off, besides he took the babies with him." I try to calm her down.

"When did he learn all of these dragon things and why didn't he behave so mature before you two mated? It's like he is someone else," I cut her off from saying anything more I barely register that my hand is clamped around Erza's throat.

"You will NOT say that again." My voice icy as I lifted her in the air. My fury white hot as my flames licked around us singeing a few of her stray hairs. Her eyes are wide as she tried to break loose of my grip.

Suddenly I feel Natsu's heat against my back. He pulls me in for a sweet hug from behind and lifts my chin up and back towards him meeting me in a ghost of a kiss. I released my hand and Erza dropped to her knees coughing.

"Mostly it's hormones," he says out loud still holding my gaze. I turn around and cuddle into his arms. "I have always known the customs of my father it was always important but not until I found a mate. You see before mating I was still considered a teenager or very young adult." His lips graze mine again but he continued talking so that they could hear him.

"When I chose my mate it is a bit like a coming of age thing my hormones twisted so that I can be what my mate needed. Not changing myself really so much as just showing another part of myself." This time he took a deep kiss barely pulling away from my aching lips.

"Like right now, she needs my arms around her and my fire inside her, " he kisses me again his very heat engulfing my body. Or was it? I might have been eating his fire. "Lucy gets cold when she is away from me for to long. I found out that it was because she is still new to being a fire dragon slayer, and we are having triplets; they consume a lot of her heat leaving her cold.

I pull Natsu back down towards me for another sweet kiss. I'm starting to get hungry for something besides food. I grin at him and flash him an image from our recent trip in the hot springs while I bit my lip. I watch as his smile turns wicked for a split second, he pulls me into his arms leaning in closer for a dangerously passionate kiss. His fire engulfing us both as I breathed him in. Swallowing every last ember.

Sated I close my eyes and lean my head against his chest his warm strong arms secure around me. I purr my contentment as I grew sleepy from the large meal of flames. I hear Natsu chuckle the reverberations vibrating through his chest my grip tightens for a moment and I feel sleep cover my eyes.

Natsu's POV

When we got back I had dropped Lucy off at the guild, I needed to see my dad. I took flight with our babies and arrived at Igneel's final resting place. I talked for a while about how I had found my mate and how beautiful she is. How we have three eggs together each the color of fire although they themselves were different.

I placed my eggs in front of him blowing it my hottest white fire at them for as long as I could. I would be tired afterwards but I needed to do this to show my father how much I have grown. When I was finally done I picked them up while they still glowed bright and cuddled them again.

The little pier I had set up by Igneel's grave had sparked a fire. It could have been a stray spark from myself but I doubt it. This was dragons fire it was rich and deep. I walked over and place my eggs onto the pier allowing them to bathe in the fire. It wasn't long before the fire went out leaving uncharred kindling under my babies. I smile and shed a few tears; Igneel was still looking out for me.

I say my goodbyes and tuck my babies safely away before taking flight again this time heading home. I was over Magnolia when I felt my mates rage kindle. I let out a breath and flew to the guild. I walk in and head directly over mate. Wrapping my arms around her I bring her chin up so I could graze her lips with a light kiss. Letting my fire enter her as I did.

"Mostly it's hormones," I say out loud I had gleaned from Lucy's memories what had been going on, stilling holding my mates gaze. She turns around and cuddles into my arms. "I have always known the customs of my father, it was always important but not until I found a mate. You see before mating I was still considered a teenager or a very young adult." My lips graze hers again I feel her need washing over me but I continued talking so that they could hear me.

"When I chose my mate it is a bit like a coming of age thing; my hormones twisted so that I can be what my mate needed. Not changing myself really, so much as just showing another part of myself." This time when I kissed her need started to fill me as well. It was harder to pull away from her trembling lips. I still did, replacing my lips with fire that she seemed to barely notice as she consumed them.

"Like right now, she needs my arms around her and my fire inside her, " I released my fire so that those watching could see Lucy as she ate my flames. Her eyes half lidded as she did so. "Lucy gets cold when she is away from me for to long. I found out that it was because she is still to new to being a fire dragon slayer, and we are having triplets; they consume a lot of her heat leaving her cold." I coat her body in my fire making sure she has plenty of warmth.

Lucy pulls me down and starts kissing me sweetly forgetting that we are being watched I deepen the kiss. It is dangerous to be near us as our fire rages around us Lucy swallowing the flames whenever she came up for air. She sent me an image from the Inn's hot springs that turned my eyes dark with lust. The kiss only lasted moments more before I feel Lucy getting tired. My flames having sated her hunger, she must have been full. I extinguish myself not letting any more flames spring forward as she swallowed the last trailing embers.

To say it turned me on to see her swallow my flames is a sadly conceived understatement. I was practically boiling with need but I extinguished it too when I felt her dosing off in my arms. I chuckled a little gripping her firmly to my chest before she passed out. I kiss her forehead and pick her up like the queen she is. I carry her into the infirmary setting her down in the bed. I tuck her in gently making sure the covers are toasty and tuck a stand of her hair out of her face and behind her ear. I lean down and kiss her on the forehead again before getting up to leave. I had decided to continue to carry the babies around so their bag was still around my neck. I check over my shoulder one last time before closing the door behind me.

I sigh out loud, I can't help but feel like I'm drowning in my love for her. One thing after another makes me love her more how am I going to take it? I gently pat my head against the door frame not making any nose so I don't wake Lucy up. I take a deep breath and walk towards our friends again.

I walk up to Erza who flinches as I check around her neck for any signs of bruising. Thankfully there wasn't any. "Your lucky Lucy was able to maintain control there isn't even a imprint left behind."

Erza blanched, "That was control?" It is a little amusing to see her so pale just thinking about my mate. That should teach everyone else to stay away. She is mine.

"Well yeah, if she would have lost control well..." I let my sentence hang there. I run my hand along the back of my neck a little. "Hormones you know?" I ask her instead. Erza and Mira nodded their heads.

"So what can I help with? I want everything perfect for her," I give them my biggest smile that Lucy loved more than anything. Lucy, my mate soon to be my bride.

This shook Mira out of it. She directed me to do all sorts of things from helping to carry benches around to tables and putting down the carpet that Lucy would walk down, she even had me help move the ice sculptures not actually touching it if course. When Mira was finally done with me Gray popped up.

"What's up?" I ask waiting for the next job. Instead of answering me he drags me away with Loke and Gajeel. I'm hesitant but I follow them thinking it was something to do with the wedding.

We walked for several minutes in silence out of town until I see a small house in the distance. I stop, "What's going on?" I refused to move again until they tell me.

"Flame brain it's your bachelor party, remember? Don't worry there's not any strippers" Gray spoke up at last getting me to move.

"Except for you stripper," I tease him.

What he did next scared me; he gave me a crooked grin and then asked, "Is that a request?" I shiver and hid a little behind Gajeel in mock horror.

"No, just no," Gajeel grabbed me by the collar and dragged me the rest of the way to the little house. Inside there was a small buffet of party food and several fishing lines. Gajeel and Gray picked up the table of food and Gajeel pointed at the fishing lines for me to grab. We walked like this for a few minutes until we came to a small lake.

They sat the table down near the edge and to my surprise Happy came flying at me. I dropped the fishing poles as he knocks the air out of me and we land on my back. "Hey buddy," I say when I finally get to breathe again. I held him close in my arms for a while. "Are you ready for your baby brothers or sisters?" I ask him.

He looks up at me now with huge teary eyes and a large smile, he nodded his head and rubbed his head into my chest.

"Time to relax!" Gray yelled out. Gajeel snorted and I laughed. That's when I notice that Loke had brought out my other guy friends; Elfman, Gildarts, Master, Romeo and pretty much all the men from the guild and even Sting and Rogue with their exceeds as well. We all set our lines and ate on the party food thankfully there was more than the one table. We spent a good four or five hours out there. Relaxing and hanging out. This was nice, I think to myself sending fire at my babies every now and again.

Lucy's POV

When I wake up in the infirmary instead of at home I was confused. "What's going on?" I mumble to myself. I walk out of the infirmary still rubbing the sleep from my eyes and look up.

I see Levy with a huge grin on her face. "Lucy's awake it's time to go!" She screams out. All of a sudden I'm surrounded by all the women of the guild plus several from other guilds that I call friends. They grab a hold of me and drag me along with them.

"My babies?" I mumble pulling away from them.

"It's okay, Natsu has them." Levy tells me grabbing my hand again pulling me along. Erza and Mira on either side of me and Cana and Lisanna following close behind giggling

What going on? I think to myself clearly confused but if Natsu and my babies are safe and my instincts told me that they were then I guess it's okay. I give a small smile when I feel my babies eat. Natsu is taking good care of them. I sigh out content to follow them for a while at least.

Soon enough we are at the Magnolia local spa. It's not nearly as devine as The Water Dragon Den Inn but that one seemed geared towards dragons in particular. We walk in and Mira and Levy beam at the male workers and tell them we are the bachelorette party and have a reservation. News to me but I smile anyway.

"This way please," The more toned one said leading the way through the halls to a large room lined with tables. "Please remove your clothes and put into the bags at the end of your table your masseuse will be in shortly." He left the room again.

I was then stripped of my clothes and given a towel while the rest of the ladies did the same they each got onto a table leaving the closest one for me. Why not? I smile and climb up my own table being between Levy and Juvia. We start to talk and giggle and when the men walk in I cringe but Levy tells me they are only here to work. I try to relax as they work on us. We spent several hours there, I wasn't able to keep track.

Overall I really enjoyed my time with them but I needed Natsu. I needed him now. I felt a cold chill run through me. "Are you cold miss? I can turn down the air?" My worker asked. All the ladies freeze up.

"Are you cold Lu-Chan?" Levy asked me quietly. I nod my head a little starting to get dizzy. "All of you out now we are leaving!" Levy orders the men. They were confused but did as they were told I was given my clothes back and another cold chill came and a shiver ran through me. I started blowing into my hands and rubbing them together. It didn't work. "Cana! You know where the boys are don't you?" Levy asked. She nodded and lead the way.

"I don't understand why is it so bad that Lucy is cold? Yukino asked.

"You really don't want to know," Erza responded rubbing her neck. "It's not good for anyone around her."

I frown, "When did I?" I stop when I look at her. "Oh, I really am sorry about that." I don't really have words to say.

"Let's just get you to Natsu," She ran ahead not looking at me.

I look at Mira, "How bad was it?" I ask her softly.

"You don't remember?" Mira asked surprised. I shook my head. "You kind of picked her up by the throat when she was talking about Natsu." Mira tried to keep smiling.

I smile, "Is that all?" I ask hopefully. She nods a little taken aback. "I remember that, for a moment I was worried." I sighed out. At this both Mira and Erza stepped away, I smiled anyway. I was really worried for a second. I was following close behind Cana who was starting to run out of breath but otherwise showed no signs of letting up.

"Where are we going?" I hear Lisanna wheeze from behind me. I was getting really cold even with all the running. I was shivering I finally stopped not able to move about anymore. My breath came out in little fog clouds. All of my friends stopped and froze staring. It was really hot out today so how was I breathing out little clouds?

I felt a sharp pain in my back and skull. I warned my friends to get away. "Run, get away!" I yell at the top of my lungs we are at the edge of town and we were heading into the forest. I crumbled and Levy, Mira and Erza kept our other friends away.

"Get back she's losing it!" Erza yelled.

"Be fair Erza it's not like she actually hurt you before," I heard Levy scold her still keeping the other girls away.

"Lucy, Natsu is with the rest of the guys they are just fishing at the lake and eating food!" I barely hear Cana yell at me. I nod weakly before I finally feel my fire, ice cold as it was, surround my body.

I go into Dragon Force letting my wings out I climb into the air as far as I could before a scream gets ripped out of my lungs. The overwhelming pain from the cold intolerable to me anymore. My fire explodes in all directions just over the tree line. Thankfully not starting a forest fire. My screams turned raw mid way through. My fire exploading again and again as my rage filled me.

"Where is Natsu? Where are my babies?" I screamed out loud aware of my friends pale complexions even being so high in the air. My fire, more smoke than actual fire, was streaming out of me; I couldn't stop it. I roared again this time more animalistic, no more dragon like. My scales glistened over my skin.

I was losing altitude and falling into the tree line as I flew in the direction of my mate. Not remembering anything Cana had told me just honing in on where I felt Natsu. I continued to roar again and again crashing through the trees not bothering to go around them. Finally I couldn't fly anymore I tucked my wings in and staring running knocking the trees over in my path. There was one tree that stood so large, I just tunneled through it. Not willing to walk the miles it would take to go around it. It was truly that large.

"Natsu!" I screamed out. My roar only distinguishable to other dragon slayers. I finally see him flying towards me, racing with our babies carrier around his neck. I sigh in relief until I see someone step in between us. He was a moderate sized man with about the same amount of magic power as what Zeref had; his features blue even the guys skin had a deadly blue tinge to it.

"Halt! Or I will kill everyone in Fiory, Don't doubt me because," I heard the strange man sing out. If this would have been before Natsu and I mated we wouldn't have had a dream of defeating him. As it was I blew my smokey fire at him which caused him to collapse from breathing it in. His body suffered third degree burns all over leaving welts and puss pockets to form. His clothes became tattered as it couldn't stand up to my flames.

But I didn't care, Natsu was right there. I slammed into him ignoring the rotting yet still living man on the ground by our feet.

Our lips met in a hungry kiss. I tried desperately to devour my lover in my arms. His fire surged around me as I swallowed him in. Our lips crashing against each other, my arms wrapped around his neck. I pulled him closer. "I need you," I moan as his hands trail down my sides.

"You have me," He pulls away and tires up the unwanted intruder and blindfolded him with some leaves and vines. He then grabbed me roughly pulling me closer to him he pulled me away from the tied up man so far there was no way he could have seen us without the blindfold, he also would have a hard time hearing us.

Natsu then gently hung our babies carrier in a tree and started stripping hanging only his scarf with our babies. My own clothes having been removed by myself in my haste, I lunged at him. Our breathing nothing more than heavy pants filling the air. My body still cold; feeling refreshed the longer I was with my mate.

He set my back gently against a tree and slid his erect member smoothly into my aching core. "Aaaaaaahhhhhh" I call out finally my empty center filled even if only temporary. I cling to him holding him still as I adjusted to his size again. It's been too long since this mornings romp at the Inn. We haven't been alone since we had gotten back.

I pull him closer, urging him to thrust as fast as he could. Our moans and screams of pleasure the only thing filling the air around us. We changed positions many times enhancing our pleasure as much as we could in what I know will only be a short time to us. The urgency in us to great to let it prolong.

Finally as my release was about to unfold Natsu cried out cuming, hot and deep inside of me, it pushed me over the edge as my orgasm rolled over me I sank my nails into his back, my teeth biting down hard on his neck, opposite of his mark. I left a clear imprint of my teeth in the base of his neck. I know I will feel bad about it later but for now I was just content. We had at some point laid on the soft grass and he cuddled me for a few minutes there.

Finally I sigh out earning kisses along my neck from Natsu which I giggled and squirmed from. "We should get back," I say not really wanting to.

He chuckled, "I guess, come to the bachelor party and we'll call Cana and let the girls know your okay." I nod at him and bury my face into his neck. I hear him growl playfully.

I laugh at him and pull away a little "I love you, do you know that?" I ask him. 'Yes I do, I hear him in my thoughts as we purred to each other. We finally got up and I healed our hickeys which Natsu quickly gave me more fire to make up for. Once dressed Natsu took our eggs again from the tree and we walked over to the burned guy. His ears seemed to be bleeding but his body still in it's otherwise sorry state. I pick him up in one hand and follow Natsu flying towards the lake.

Natsu's POV

When we arrived at the lake the guys were still there drinking and eating most had forgotten about there fishing lines much to Happy's glee since he would then get their fish. I chuckled a little at the sight.

"Hey Lucy, what are you doing here?" Asked a very drunk Master.

"Gramps, Lucy just needed some fire to hold her over," I wink at my mate.

"Is that what you kids call it now a days? When I was your age we called it getting lucky or even..." Gramps started.

"Stop!" I hear Gray shout out at Master. "We do not need to hear that!" He continued his words jumbled up and slurring as he went.

I hear Lucy giggle and turn towards her, "I'm glad your not drunk we wouldn't have had so much fun." she whispers so quietly that Gajeel only barely heard as he was walking by. I saw his face light up red as he turned and walked away again. I grin at her pulling a stray twig out of her hair. No wonder they knew, we both probably look a mess.

"What you got there Lucy?" Master asked her.

"Someone claiming he would kill everyone in Fiory, I only blew a little of my weakest fire at him and this happened," I heard her grimace as she held him up for Master to see.

That shocked him sober, he inches back and stared at me and Lucy. "Do you have any idea who that is? " We hear him croak out.

"Weak and knocked out?" I asked being a little bit of a smart ass, I know but still. The blue man was more than rude to us.

"That is Anubis, the grey mage. Like Zeref he brings death with him, but unlike Zeref he brought it in the guise of trying to help those around. That's where the saying 'never accept help from a blue man' comes from." Master lectures us.

"So does that mean the counsel has a price on his head?" I ask him. He promptly nods. I sigh out loud taking off our babies carrier and handing it to Lucy. "I'll drop him off, you go with the girls and enjoy the rest of your activities." I give her a sweet kiss. "Be safe my queen," I whisper to her at a normal human level leaving Gramps quite uncomfortable looking away.

She nods her head at me, kissing me again before I could pull away. Mavis, I love this woman. I pull out my wings and caring the man by the vines I had tied him up in and flew to the magic counsels new office. Thankful that they were close to Magnolia now. It should only take me an hour or two for a round trip.

When I arrived they had armed guards blocking my path until I announced myself as Natsu Dragneel, King of the Dragons, member of Fairy Tail, and that I had something that they claimed they wanted. When I threw the burned man at their feet they stumbled back away from him after seeing whom he was. I sighed out loud. "Can I just get the reward and go?" I ask them. "He kind of interrupted my bachelor party."

"What do you mean? There is a whole celebration and ceremony that goes for capturing this man!" One of the old guys exclaimed ignoring what I said completely.

I groaned, "I'm getting married tomorrow to my mate and I'm not going to miss my own wedding," My voice was low and threatening as my body lit up, my flames licking my skin; a welcome comfort after the awkward flight. I pulled my wings out letting my scales cover my skin again before I spoke calmly, "My bride and I will be flying through here on our way to our honeymoon. I'll pick up the reward tomorrow night." After waiting for them to nod in agreement I took off flying back to my bachelor party. If I hurry maybe I can grab Lucy and we can both ditch early?

Lucy's POV

I blew some fire at my babies as I watched Natsu fly off into the distance. I sigh out loud and asked the guys how I get back to town. Considering I was just a mass of flying hormones I don't remember much other than being cold and desperately needing my mate.

At first they didn't understand how I got there but then shrugged it off. That's fairy tail for you I guess. To drunk and happy to care about the details. Gildarts was actually the one to give me the best directions back to town. He looked me in the eye telling me to let him know if Natsu ever treated me wrong and that he would take care of it. I smiled, yep this is fairy tail; loyal and protective to a level that is probably a sin. I agree waving goodbye to everyone.

I took off into the air and I was able to quickly get back to town. I flinched at the path I saw torn into the forest from where I had apparently come from. There was a lot of damage. Natsu and I will have to come back and tear down the damaged trees and plants a few new ones to allow it to properly heal. I groan at the thought.

When I arrived at the edge where I left my friends I had found that they were all still waiting for me even though it had been hours. Cana saw my confusion and laughed, "My dad told us you were on l your way, we had went back to the spa to relax after that run you gave us," She elbowed me playfully.

I grin at her, "Well now I feel like I need a bath." I tried to sound disgusted with myself while I laughed with her. Erza and Mira came up to us and Juvia attacked me with a hug.

"Juvia is so sorry Juvia never thought the cold could hurt Lucy like that!" Juvia squeezed me tight. I laugh and give her a tight hug back.

"It's okay Juvia, it wasn't the actual cold hurting me it was the lack of fire," I tell her. "Well I guess it's hard to explain."

Mira laughed a genuine laugh saying, "Oh Lucy you could say you just needed to go get yourself some." She wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively and continue to laugh.

"Mira!" I exclaim joining her laughing. Soon everyone was laughing again. Several of my friend's wanted to see my wings and scales again now that I was relaxed. I agreed and even let them touch my scales; sometimes it's hard not to have any dragon slayer ladies around, because that means I don't have anyone to talk to about all the cool and weird stuff happening to me.

Wendy although sweet, was still a young girl and I dared not tell her my pervy thoughts or ideas. Thankfully my bachelorette party was adults only. If I told the men I would be sentencing them to death via Natsu and I don't want that to happen either. So this was really nice. Levy led the way to the spa again and they let us in again. Taking us this time to the bath. I could have cried from sheer joy. I waded into the deep water and sighed out in contentment.

"Hey Mira, what do you know about Anubis? I ask her.

"Stay far away! Never go near him and never take anything from him!" she almost shouted startling the surrounding girls.

"What if I accidentally burned him alive knocking him out from the massive amount of pain from third degree burns covering his entire body and possibly his lungs?" I ask her waving a hand almost nonchalantly in the air while trying to laugh, but it fell flat.

"Did you really defeat the grey mage, the blue man?" She asked in a near whisper although now everyone was listening and leaning close to hear all the details.

"Well yeah kind of," I answer before adding, "He kind of got in the way of Natsu and he threatened everyone and I just got so mad and blew some of my fire, well the kind you girls saw earlier anyway, and he just kind of crumpled over like he was dying."

Mira and Erza both took a step back mouths gaping open at me. I shrug uncomfortably before Levy and Juvia came diving at me.

"You took out a big bad by yourself Lu-Chan!" Levy squealed.

"Juvia thinks Lucy is amazing protecting her love from a rival like that!" I didn't have an answer to that but happily laughed as we all dunked under the hot water for a brief moment. We came up laughing and several of us splashed at each other before we got out. I picked my eggs up having had put them in a isolated part of the bath so they could get the benefits of the hot water as well. My friends were pretty great.

We finished out the day and went to a nearby buffet thankfully since I hadn't eaten since Natsu and I left the Inn that morning. I feel like I inhaled my food rather than ate it. A few of the girls poked fun particularly Mira and Levy. I grinned back saying it was only a matter of time now that the dragons had their King and Queen; they would be getting asked themselves which made them both blush. Mira had started to argue but I gave her my sultriest smirk and wiggled my eyebrows back at her. Her face grew red and she stopped talking about it.

We generally had fun eating our food and hanging out until I started to yawn. "Awww, it looks like Lu-Chan is almost done for the night!" Levy announced to our friends, I nodded a little embarrassed.

"That's okay, Lucy will need to be well rested for the wedding tomorrow anyway. Juvia can't wait to be in her brides maid dress!" Juvia reassured me. The rest of the girls understanding all said their goodbyes and only Levy, Mira and Erza walked me back to my house.

We walked in a comfortable silence before Erza puts her hand on my shoulder thankfully not the one my babies bag was on. I turned to met her eyes and waited for what she needed to say. Instead she pulled me in smashing by head against her breast plate in a hug. She really needs to learn how to hug properly I think to myself.

Mira and Levy saw we weren't with them and turned around to see us. Mira just smiled and Levy looked like a cat who caught herself a mouse. "I'm sorry, I was just scared and I'm not used to that." Erza tells me. "It's unforgivable that I misunderstood your thoughts and feelings at the time. You were trying so hard not to hurt me and all I saw was how much more powerful you were than I was. I was just so scared."

I sigh out loud and pull Erza in for a proper hug, " I will always protect my family I tell her. "That's the fairy tail way." I add smiling pulling away from her. "Now my babies need fire..." I started only to get hit from behind by Natsu landing on the ground.

"I can tell!" He engulfed me in a huge firery blaze kissing me deeply. "I can finally tell!" I watched as he almost cried cradling our precious eggs in his arms. My blood pumped at super human speeds as I realized what he meant.

'Don't say it out loud!' I command him with my thoughts. 'What are they?' The anticipation had been antagonizing on its own but everyday someone was asking about it hoping to be the first to hear it.

'Two girls and a boy!' He screamed into my mind. Wow, the sheer volume should have knocked me out but I had been getting quite used to it. I squealed in joy as I trapped him in a hug again embracing him as my lips met his. Thankfully his fire was still glowing hot around us.

'I want to wait to announce it until the reception,' I tell him trying to plan it out. How about a simple guessing game between our guild mates and we can announce it to everyone all at once!' I gush at him my lips still connected to his.

"Yes, I love it Luce let's do it!" He yells out loud.

"Maybe wait until we are gone?" Mira says giggling.

We both look up in surprise at her and laugh. We laugh so hard leaving our friends even more confused and more concerned than before. I swallow the flames near us realising how full I was getting but eating it all the same.

"Sometimes I forget they don't know," I confess wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Me too, Luce." Natsu had gotten up first and was holding his arm out for me to take it.

"Know what?" all three girls asked.

"You'll find out soon enough. Anyway Natsu and I want to add a game at the reception," I tell them ignoring their confused looks.

"Yeah guess the gender of our babies!" Natsu wraps his arms around me and cuddles into my neck pulling our babies out to feed them a little fire. I'm really starting to get sleepy again, I smile anyway.

"Oh my Mavis does that mean you know the genders now?" Mira screeched. Natsu and I cover our sensitive ears but continue to smile and nod our heads.

"Oh Lu-Chan that's a wonderful idea. We can set it up like a voting system, with Freed's help we can stop people from cheating!" Levy started gushing about ideas. I just laughed holding my babies tightly to me snuggling them while Natsu dropped to his knees nudging my belly with his nose. He lightly kissed me purring still holding me around my waist. Today has been full of ups and downs and curves every which way.

I kind of doze off a little because the next thing I know Natsu is carrying me bridal style Levy, Mira and Erza no where to be found. "What happened?" I asked sleepily.

Natsu flashed me his heart stopping smile, "Well while Levy was spewing things about Freed and her setting up a voting box at the entrance of the wedding and Mira was fangirling like it was a lost sport and Erza just staring open mouth at me while I kissed on your belly and you snuggled our eggs; you passed out."

"As you can see the babies are fine you had a death grip on them. I couldn't get them out of your hands that's why we are walking instead of flying home." Natsu chuckled as he talked. "Can't believe Erza is such a prude still, she knows how babies are made, I hope."

I laugh a little and kiss on our beautiful eggs giving each their much needed attention feeding them a light blue fire, as he talked. I snuggled into Natsu's arms after gently putting our babies back in their carrier and purr to him.

My voice low and my purr was laced with need. Natsu must have been able to understand because he took off flying, streaming through the air like a bullet. When we got home I quickly put our babies in the nursery lighting their fire and closed the door. I then grabbed Natsu and he dragged the two of us to bed. After several hours of us reclaiming our love for each other. We fell asleep in each other's arms.