
Prologue: A peek at my diary



Huh? Where am I?


Wait, I know this place, I'm here... again?


It's beginning to feel familiar...no, it has always been familiar even the first time I came here.


It's dark, and it feels as if I'm inside a warm water


Yet, each time I'm here, I feel so comfortable, I feel protected and warm. 

It's the kind of place I would love to stay in even if it's forever.


It feels so much like home, this is how a home should be right?

This is the kind of feeling a home should give a person right?

In the background were some voices which weren't so clear.

"Hello Gideon," a soft feminine voice said

It feels as if my ears are covered in water and I barely hear the voice, but yet, I understand every word it's saying.

"Gideon, I think by now you should already recognize." The voice continued.

"In case of next time, just know that it's your mom that's speaking OK? 

I see you're growing well and I also hope I'm not disturbing you, I hope you don't mind my weird sleeping posture.


I know you'll grow up to be a very good-looking kid, although it doesn't matter what you turn out to look like or what you turn out to be, Mom and Dad will always love you, but just for your information, I love you more.

"Hey! I love him more and you know that, stop trying to buy my son over to your side"  

I heard a masculine voice this time.

"No, you don't"

"Yes I do"

The two voices argued


"Hush, you're interrupting, I'm still talking to Gideon you know"

"Okay, fine, I'll have my turn too, I'll be back with the dinner"

"Alright, now shuu, run along" 

"Don't shuu me, I'm not a chicken" 

He said in a baby tone before his voice slowly left the background.


"He's still such a baby, so Gideon where were we?

Aha, as I was saying.

We both love you ok.

I was usually lonely before I met your dad, but after meeting him I was never lonely, it feels as if he dragged me out of solitude and made me addicted to him, I only feel bored when he's not around, even for a minute.

But the good news is that you've filled that spot.

Since having you, I've never been bored and I will never be.

You both are all I need, you're a good boy who always keeps his mom company and I'll always be there for you no matter what, it's my promise.

And dad? 

He'll protect us, or I'll give him a beating, OK?" The feminine voice said.

These words found their way to my heart, I'm not a person who usually lets his guard down, but I can't help it.

Whenever I'm here I feel like there's no need to keep my guard up, nothing can harm me.

It feels like...like, my safe zone

"I'm done, now may I have a word with my son?"

"But I've not yet finished talking to him"

"Oh, come on"

"Fine, quit whining already, you can talk to him."

"Hehe, awesome.

Hey Gideon, it's your super awesome and handsome dad.

If you have my looks, I'm sure you'll get the girls."

"Ok, that's enough I think you're done taking"

"Wait, just a minute, I'll be serious now"

"You have just a minute, I'm counting" 

~Takes a deep breath~

"Look kid, you and your mom, both of you are my reason for living, you're my only family, after all, I'm an orphan.

Your mom's my heart and you're my oxygen, if anything's to happen to any of you, I'd probably die.

So here's my promise, I'll protect you and Mom with my life until you're old enough to protect yourself.

Even then, I'll always be watching, so when you mess up, I'll step in and fight for you.

I'll be your knight in shining armor!" The masculine voice said

"Ugh, that's kind of a weird thing to say though"

"I'm sure when he grows up, he'll understand what I mean"

"Speaking of growing up, what do you want him to be, as for me I want him to be a pilot, he'd have a lot of fun."

"But he'll be vulnerable to attacks.

You know what he can be and he'll be safe forever?" The masculine voice asked


"An overpowered anime MC, he can either be Goku, Saitama, Naruto, or Luffy, then he'll never be harmed..."


"Ouch! What was that for?" 

"I've told you not to involve my son in your anime obsession"

"But he's my son too" 

"Not as long as you keep being obsessed with anime."

"Oh, come on," The man said in a sad tone

The voices faded


A smile curved up my lips.

It always puts a smile on my face, it's great to find out that I'm not the only person obsessed with anime

Those voices I hear, always makes my day, I won't hesitate to accept them as my real parents if we met.

I wonder what it will feel like being under your parents embrace.

I guess I won't be able to find out



"It's morning already?

I guess I should prepare for school then"

A young handsome man jerked off the bed, his unkempt black hair and his ocean blue eyes could make anyone lost in a daze, who's this person you ask? It's none other than me of course

My name's Gideon and I'm seventeen years old. I'm a very handsome and we'll built young man you see, so much that I can't go out without crowds of girls begging me to date them.

Yh, I'm that good looking.

But alas, I think I'm the most incomplete human being ever. Why do I say so you ask? Well, it's because I don't have any memory of the past fifteen years of my life. So memory-wise... I'm just two years old.

And what makes up a human is their memories, isn't it?

So...two years ago, I woke up in this luxurious apartment but I couldn't remember anything including except a name "Gideon"and believing it was mine, I began using it. Plus the necklace that I was wearing which looks custom made has that same name on it.

And also in the dream, they call me Gideon.

As for my surname, I like the name Maxwell so I use it. So maybe I'm living with a fake identity, but who cares right?

Strange albeit good, I seem to remember the languages, skills(vocational), and general educational knowledge –a.k.a common sense– I had.

It is an uncomfortable feeling, I feel so empty like I'm living in a shell that is for another person.

In other to get rid of this feeling, I have to regain my memory. Yh, so this is basically you going through my diary with the tale of how I will conquer my enemies and regain my memories, hehe. I already feel like a badass MC.

Now the first step to my self-recovery is adaptation. I needed to adapt to my environment, myself and human behavior in general.

So I started to look for any information I could get, no matter how irrelevant it seemed.

I know you must be wondering how I know my age right? Well, it was among the thing I seemed to know. I also found about seven money-filled brief-cases under my bed.

Weird right? But, let's set all those aside and focus on regaining my memory, if I do that, the others will come as a bonus gift, I'm grateful for whoever left the money though, because of that person I got to live a lazy life for a moment though, hehe.

From evidences –though not solid– and investigation. I have come to a conclusion that someone, likely rich and powerful, took my memory but kept me alive in a comfortable environment.

I think this is because I'm important, and killing me would have serious consequences for them, they need me. While memory loss can be faked, it's hard to prove, so there's no clear evidence against them.

It's going to be a rough ride. Come onboard to my rollercoaster of a life. Let's adventure together!