
Notes over Heels

Noah Hart. An average student, average life, overly decent musical talent and a hot body. Raven Pierce. A below average student, the school resident's bad boy, and a secret set of dancing skills behind him. What will happen when they meet each other and everything just clicks? **************************************************************** If you aren't a fan of BL content, please don't hate! Just don't read the book itself. This is a slow burning BL romance. **************************************************************** Hi guys! There will probably be some NSFW content so I will have a warning put up for y'all at the beginning of each chapter! If you're not comfortable with NSFW please just skip the chapter. Hope you enjoy! **************************************************************** Thanks to my friend who drew the cover title! I am blessed to have a friend like you!!

TheHeavensSentYou · LGBT+
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Chapter 3

After being kicked out of the classroom, Raven was still feeling a little groggy. Though his nap was refreshing, staying and being able to sleep more would of been nice. Wandering around the school was how he got through the endless hours of boredom that seemed to grow and grow each and every day. No matter the day, the class or the teacher, Raven was always outside classrooms before half the class was finished. He knew the whole school in the back of his head.

Raven didn't know where to go this morning. He went to the math building on Monday, the English department on Tuesday and the technology building on Wednesday. Raven walked aimlessly finally reaching the music building. This place was always quiet and he remembered there was supposed to be solo performances for people's assessment today from the school notices.

He hated how people tried to do well on their assessments. It was a waste of time and quite frankly, how much of the shit that they learnt in class would actually be used in the 'real world'. He really needed to chill.


After walking to the top floor of the music building, he made it to the last door, farthest away from all the other rooms. He was just about to open it when he heard the most beautiful sound coming from within. Slowly opening the door, he stood in the frame getting lost in the melody of the music.

"Wow wasn't that amazing."


"U-ummm, hi?" Noah Hart stutters as he stares at the newcomer. No one has ever heard him sing, not even his parents, not like they really cared, but he didn't want the first person who ever heard him to hate his music or his voice.


He spoke in a quiet melodious voice. It was soft, almost musical, something Raven thought could never exist except on the televisions. For the first time in a while, Raven could feel the passion coming out of someone's voice, not some half-hearted rendition of a 90's song.

The teacher did ask for him to do an end of year performance as his assessment to gain some extra credit after he decided it would be a better idea to sleep and leave his exam paper blank. He had till the end of the week to give her an answer, he was going to refuse, but after listening to this person's voice, he was going to say yes, only if this person staring at him would agree to do the performance with him.

"Meet me at dance studio No. 1 this afternoon at 4. Don't be late, and bring that guitar of yours."

Then, he slammed the door and walked away.