
Notes From Lily

Why do people write notes before they die?

skyislangit · Teen
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3 Chs

The End

She stood outside the empty house for a while, clutching her toga in her hand. The wind whipped at her hair and clothes, making her shiver, but she couldn't bring herself to go inside. She knew that once she stepped through that door, she would be alone, truly alone.

She had just graduated from College. Received a degree in business just like her parents wanted. She was also granted the highest honors in her class. But they weren't even there to witness that. They were never there.

Finally, she took a deep breath and pushed open the door. The sound of the latch clicking shut behind her echoed through the barren halls, a haunting reminder of the solitude surrounding her.

Standing in the foyer, she took in the lifeless walls and vacant rooms. The chilly air caused her to pull her jacket tighter around her as if trying to ward off the emptiness that surrounded her.

She moved into the living room, where the emptiness was even more pronounced. The couch was empty, the coffee table free of any clutter or personal belongings. The drawn curtains cast a dark and gloomy ambiance over the room. The stillness was suffocating, making her wonder if the house had always been this lifeless.

A sudden gust of wind rattled the windows, startling her. The creaks and groans of the house around her made her feel as if the house was alive and resentful of her presence. A chill ran down her spine, and she felt an irrational fear take hold. She shook her head, trying to shake off the feeling, but it persisted.

As she walked to the kitchen, she couldn't help but feel a sense of isolation, as if she was cut off from the rest of the world. The familiar smells of cooking and coffee were absent, replaced by a musty, stagnant odor that filled the air. She felt the sudden urge to leave, to escape this desolate house, but she knew she couldn't yet. But soon. Very soon.

Climbing the stairs, her footsteps echoed even louder. The bedrooms were just as empty as the living room, the beds unmade, the closets empty. She paused in front of one of the rooms, the door slightly ajar. For a moment, she imagined that someone was inside, waiting for her. But when she pushed open the door, there was only emptiness.

She realized that this was what it felt like to be truly alone, to have no one waiting for her, no one to greet her. The barrenness of the house reflected the emptiness inside of her, and it was a feeling that was hard to shake off. As she turned to retire to her room, she took one last look around, realizing that this house never felt like home.

As she opened the door to her bedroom, a sense of calm washed over her. It was the one place in the world where she felt truly at ease, where she could escape from the chaos of the outside world and find peace. The soft light from her bedside lamp cast a warm glow over the room, illuminating the familiar objects that surrounded her.

She kicked off her shoes and walked over to her bathroom, deciding to take a shower to wash away the stress of the day. The hot water flowed over her, and she closed her eyes, letting it wash away her worries. The steam filled the room, and the scent of her favorite body wash filled her senses.

After the shower, she walked back to her bedroom and sank into the plush mattress with a contented sigh. The blankets were warm and inviting, enfolding her in a cozy embrace. She closed her eyes and breathed in the familiar scents of her room – the lavender candles, the fresh sheets, the faint hint of her favorite perfume.

For a while, she just lay there, enjoying the silence and the solitude. It was the one place where she could be herself, without any pretenses or expectations. She reached for her favorite book, a well-worn copy of her favorite novel, and began to read. The characters came alive in her mind, their struggles and triumphs a welcome distraction from her own worries.

As she read, she felt her worries begin to melt away, replaced by a sense of calm and tranquility. The weight that had been pressing down on her all day began to lift, and she felt lighter, freer. This was her sanctuary, her haven, the one place where she could let down her guard and just be.

As the night wore on, she gradually became aware of the sounds outside – the chirping of crickets, the rustling of leaves in the wind, and the distant hum of traffic. But they were distant, muted, like the sounds of another world. In here, in her room, she was safe, secure, and at peace.

She reached for her notebook and pen and began to write on the last page, pouring out her thoughts and feelings onto the paper. As she wrote, she felt a sense of release, as if the act of putting her worries down on paper had given her some measure of control over them.

Finally, she set down her pen, feeling a deep sense of peace and contentment. She closed her notebook and whispered, "Good night, Lily," to herself before settling into the warm embrace of her blankets.

As she drifted off to sleep, she felt a sense of comfort and security, knowing that she had a place where she could be herself, where she could find solace and sanctuary. Her room was more than just a physical space – it was a reflection of who she was, a place where she could let down her guard and just be. And for that, she was grateful.

I changed the intro. I decided my thoughts would flow freely if I started with this. I will update once a week. I hope you will enjoy my story. Ciao.

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