
Not Your Current Woman

He let her die, just like that. For that, she swore for revenge. In case she can reincarnate. As old folks said, be careful about what you wish! Now, her wish came true. ::: Karin is a normal girl who operates a cafe called Black Tea and Coffee. All her life, she feels something is missing in her, but she never knew what it is. Accompanied by various nightmares every night, she keeps wondering what happened to her. Is it just a nightmare or maybe more than that? Until one day, fate brings her close to a mystery guy at her cafe. She can't understand her fright towards the man. The more she avoids him, the more frequent he comes, and the closer he brings to her. Her best friend, Jun Seo offers her protection after he realizes the man brings no good. But, Karin insists on knowing what happened between her and the guy. A meeting with a medium recommended by Jun Seo's friend revealed the whole truth. Sad and broken by the fate she faced in the past, Karin decided to seek revenge on her own. *** "I might have been your wife in the past, but not in the present. Not even in the future!" Karin tilts her head and smirks at Kitthan. The guy watches her, still keeping his calmness intact. "People changed, Karin. That's what people do," he replies. "Yeah, that's what I did. I changed." "What do you mean?" ***

anya_mac69 · Urban
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60 Chs


There's a white van that sends food supplies once every two days at the mansion. I saw the van stop right in front of the supply room, just next to the kitchen. It might take up to 2 hours to load the supply and the van driver will catch a break for 30 minutes before he leaves the mansion back to the city.

I knew this information based on my observation and some kind tips from the kitchen crew that I can trust.

It's day 8 for me here in the mansion. That means the van will arrive today. There's a chance that I might escape from this mansion, at least for a day. I plan this with Jun. I don't know exactly where I am now, but certainly not so far from the town.

How did I know that?

There's a shop that supplies fresh seafood. It's quite famous around the neighborhood. I did see the Polisterine boxes with the logo from the shop. And the seafood always comes fresh, which means it won't be stored for more than a day. If the van doesn't come from the neighborhood, at least it did make a pit stop at my neighborhood.

So I sent the information to Sweet and Hera. We're going to meet at the back alley of the seafood shop. And from there, they will send me to meet Jun at the kindergarten's playground. And send me back.

That's if I want to go back here again.

I watch the coast again and try to be super subtle while having my teatime. My eyes never leave the target. The driver is busy loading the groceries from the van into the chiller. Today the kitchen crew experienced a short staff.

What a lucky day for me!

I leave the table after I'm done. Calmly walk into my room. I open the closet and grab a backpack. Everything is ready. I smile, as I come out from the closet, and casually grab the intercom.


"Yes, Lady Karin?"

"Can someone help me?"

"What's going on, malady?"

"Send someone to change the sheet. There's a... Woman situation..." I smirk. Looking at the fake red stains on the sheet.

"Certainly, malady."

After a few minutes, a maid comes in with the fresh new sheets, pillowcases, bolster cases, and duvet. She walks in and immediately starts working. I lock the door and slowly sneak behind her.

With one knock on the neck, she falls like a dry leaf. Before she even touches the floor, I hold her in my embrace. Making a noise is a wrong move.

I drag her into the en suite bathroom, undress her, and keep her uniform in my backpack. I changed her clothes with my pajamas and let her rest for a while in the bathtub. I even put a pillow on her head.

After changing my clothes into the maid uniform, I put my former clothes into the laundry bag. I was thinking about casually walking out of the room since I was in the maid's uniform. But, for sure I'm getting caught in no time!

Let's do the Plan B!

I tie sheets and pillowcases, adding some more fabric and making a sturdy rope for me to jump out the window safely. I tie the end of the sheet to the bed, open the window, and let the rope roll down.

Okay, that's quite high! I swear I won't buy a high-ceiling house in the future!

I climb the window, reach out for the rope, and with my abseiling skill, I hop down with a breeze. Reaching downstairs without even getting caught. I duck my head down, so no one can notice. Walk slowly like a cat behind those bushes.

I can see the van clearly from my sight. It's time to move faster. I tiptoe and roll my body closer to the garage. No one attended the van.

And the driver is stupid enough not to lock the door.

I guess today is my lucky day!


"Unnie!" I immediately ran into the bakery minivan when I heard Sweet calling me. As I close the van's door, Sweet hugs me so tight. She even sobbed in my embrace.

"What's with the maid uniform, unnie? Are you doing part-time at the maid cafe?" I chuckle as I smack Hera's head from behind. She yelps in pain.

"I should changed..." I rummage through my backpack.

"We pack everything for you. No need to worry much. And..." Hera takes out something from the dashboard.

"A... Ticket?"

"We think, since this will be a first date between you and Jun oppa, we will generously treat both of you to the theme park!" they shriek in merry.

"Hold up. Guys, this is dangerous!"

Hera and Sweet exchange glances.

"Chill, unnie! Just kick back and enjoy your date!" says Sweet. I pinch her forearm, making her jump a bit from the seat.

"Ouch, unnie!!!"


Yeah. For the first time in my years knowing Sweet and Hera, I must admit.

Today, they are geniuses. I mean, finally, they did show me that they have some brilliant ideas.

When we stopped by the gas station, they instructed me to change at the toilet. They supply me with an oversized sweater, a pair of faded ripped jeans, a pair of glasses, a mask, and a pair of sneakers. When I was ready and came out of the toilet, I saw them in another car. A black mini car. So I hop in.

We arrived at the safari theme park. When we get out of the car, I notice that Sweet and Hera wear the same outfit as mine. Almost the same, even the printed. What makes a difference is the shoes. Those sneakers look different from up close. But from far, they are almost identical. Since both of them have the same size and body type as me, we almost look identical.

After 5 minutes, a jeep stops next to us. Not close but there are two parking spaces gaps between the two cars. Four men, with the same outfit, hop out from the jeep. From afar, they look almost the same. But, I recognize one of the men.

It is June.

They calmly walk towards us. Jun quickly leans closer to me and casually snakes his hand on my shoulder.

"Okay, the group has been assembling. The first tentative will be having fun at the theme park. Everyone has tickets with you, isn't it? We are going to enter now, but first, we need to buy a mask," says Wei.

"What mask?" I ask.

"For camouflage. Like, we can always wear a normal face mask, but it will look alienated because most visitors wear animal masks, like a party mask," says Jun. I nod.

"Let's go, guys!" Sweet yelps in joy.

As we enter the theme park, we gather at the entrance and wait for Wei. He came with 6 pairs of bunny masks, like the one that they wear during a masquerade party. Everyone enters the theme park after wearing the masks.

It is a joyful outing, especially when everyone is around. Since we look identical, we blend so well with the crowd. Looks like a date in the theme park isn't a bad idea after all! I have so much fun with my friends, especially with Jun.

So this is how it feels to have a secret date with a celebrity!

The group scatters around during riding games. Jun drags me to the indoor arcade, while the rest enjoy the funride outside.

"I thought you wanna ride some games?" I ask him. He just smiles and guides me to the counter. After exchanging some coins, we entered the arcade. The arcade is quite barren. Not many people but we have a lot of blind spots to hide, just in case.

"I wanna talk to you one on one. If we still hang out with them, we have no chance," Jun says. We take a seat at the spot that is a bit secluded.

"I miss you, noona..." he entwines our fingers. I look at him, feeling hopeless. He looked like he was about to cry. But later he giggles when I create some funny expression.

"Noona..." the mood changes. He puts his head down.

"Hey, why are you sad?" I ask.

"They forced me to deny the rumor. I released an official statement on the fansite yesterday," he says.

"I read that..." A gloomy feeling sips into me. The statement was made by the agency, a handwritten letter by Jun is just a formality.

"I feel bad. Calling you my so-called only friend, but the truth is you are more than that. I hate it when people force me to lie. I need to lie not only to fans and media but to myself as well," says Jun.

"You do what you have to do. Besides, your career is important now," I try my best to convince Jun that what he did was not a wrong thing to do.

"If it wasn't because of hyungs, I'd jump into the fire myself," I laugh when I see Jun acting like a child.

"You can't even cook a ramen by yourself. Yet, talking about jumping into the fire..."

"Yargh, noona! I'm being serious now!"

"Oh really? Seriously?"

"I'll do anything if it means that I can claim you as mine..." I stutter a bit when he suddenly stares at me in his serious mode. "You know me well, don't you?" he continues as he brushes my cheek with his fingers.

Jun's serious mode is not a joke. He is a maknae, but when he is in serious mode, no one can fight him. Well, except for the agency's president! I mean, even Tanya can't say anything. That mode usually comes out during work, especially during recordings. In a normal state, he never shows it.

This is the first time I saw the mode, outside the work environment.

But, me being me, knowing him well enough to prepare myself some remedies just in case he starts looking like a devil ascending from hell. As far as I know, not to brag but I might be the only one who is immune to his moody bitch attitude.

Jeez, I should be the manager instead!

"One day, I'll announce to the world that you are mine. I'll let every creature in the world know that you are my girlfriend. I'll crave your name on the moon, in the sky, on the top of the mountain. Every single corner of the world will know..." his eyes turn glassy. "But until then, wait for me. Stay by my side. Lean closer to me, Kiran noona..."

I couldn't contain my feelings anymore. I pull him tightly in a warm embrace. No one ever says that to me or loves me as much as Jun does. He has been holding those feelings for so long. My emotions mixed up; happy, loved yet sad. I feel happy and loveable, but at the same time, I pity Jun and feel sorry for him.

"I'm sorry Jun..."


"I'm sorry that I make you suffer like this..."

"Noona, I'm not!" he pulls away from me. "Loving you is not a suffering for me. My life probably is a suffer but loving you is the emotion that I treasure the most. I love you, and I'll do anything for that love. Even if it makes my life miserable," he smiles. Tears coming from his eyes, which makes me feel even worse.

I pull him into my embrace one more time. He sobs silently in my arms. I know, he is deeply in love with me. I wonder, what did I wrong in the past, that I made everyone around me suffer. I couldn't stop blaming myself and my existence now.

I feel like Destiny is laughing at me.