

AJ_2810 · Fantasy
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Chapter 31

"Sooo, have you and Chris....ya know," Sky starts with a smirk, moving her hips and doing this weird danc-

     Or was it thrusting?

     The hell if I know! All I know is, she was gyrating her hips all over a loaf of bread as were walking down the food aisle in Wal-Mart.

     I laughed and grabbed some random snacks for later, putting it in the basket, "I don't even want to know what that means Sky."

     She whacks my arm with the bread, "You know damn well what that means! No teenage boy is gonna willingly give you his bank card and tell you to go crazy.... Unless he has already cracked your code, and dipped his fingers into your own banking account. You gotta be doing the hanky panky with him."

     I laughed again. Well I mean, she wasn't wrong.

     It's the weekend and Chris invited the other kids and I over for a 'sleepover' as he put it, with Sky and Bryce. When he went to give me his card I refused it at first, but then of course Sky being Sky. She snatches it up from his hand while dragging me out to the car. Leaving Christian and Bryce with all the kids. 

     What teenager has their own bank card!?

     "Couldn't we just be friends Sky? I mean, you know he could just be super sweet," I asked, yanking the now smooshed up bread out of her hands and putting it back on the wrong shelf.

     I know I know, hopefully nobody saw.

     "No you can't! Come on Am's, I told you my sex story," she whines.

     "Yeah unwillingly!" I pointed out.

     She rolls her eyes and crossed her arms, like a little kid not getting her way, "Fine, have it your way stubborn ass!"

     I smiled and also rolled my eyes at her, before sighing in defeat, "Yes we have."

     She squeals out in excitement and jumps up in down, "Awww I knew it! I knew he couldn't resist parking his big mack truck, right in your little garage," she loudly sings out terribly, pointing to the lower part of my body.

     I laughed and swatted her hand away from me. I could feel my face turn red, as a few bystanders started glancing at us weirdly. Like I've said before, you can't take this girl nowhere.

     "Sooooo.....was it good?" She continued to ask, blindly taking an item off the shelf and putting it in the shopping cart.

     I thought for a moment, thinking about what happened between Christian and I that very passionate night. Heat started rushing to my face, making her face beam with delight.

     "I can honestly say he's the best I've ever had."

     She fist bumps the air, "Booyah! I called it! I'm so happy for you Am's! It's about damn time you find someone who treats you right. Wait you guys were safe right?"

     I nodded, "You know me, I always take my birth control pills religiously cause Justin was always too careless to use one. Plus we used a condom."

     She smiles and gives me a big hug, "My baby is growing up so fast."

     I giggled and nudged her shoulder with mine, "What about you and Bryce? You two seem to becoming very comfy around each other."

     She snorts and rolls her eyes, "Please let's not even talk about that bastard. He drives me so fucking crazy! I don't know whether or not to put a pillow over his face at night and smoother him to death, or wrap my legs around his face and tell him to dig in!" She exclaims over dramatically, making everyone that was in the aisle head's turn in our direction.

     I raised my brow at her, "You two seem pretty happy from my eyes."

     "I am! He's the nicest guy I've ever been with, and that's the problem! I can't stand when things are going good, it makes me fidgety and nervous," she told me honestly, biting her lower lip.

     I smiled and nudged her shoulder with mine again, "You like him like him uh?"

     She squints her hazel eyes at me and pressed her lips together to form a thin line, "I may or may not be very fond of that bitch from time to time, but that is none of his fucking business! He doesn't need to know."

     I smiled at her and walked up to the check out line, "Whatever you say Sky."

**Christian's House**

     "WHO WANTS TO GO SWIMMING!!" We hear Bryce's manly squeal as we walked through the door.

     An uproar of overly excited squeals came from the livingroom where everyone seemed to be at.

     "I DO I DO I DO I DO!" The kids shouted in union.

     Christian comes around the corner with Ian laying on his chest and the mini version of Christian trailing behind him.

     "GIRLFRIEND!!!" Mini Chris squeaks out excitedly, running up to me and hugging my right leg.

     "That's not girlfriend, that's my mommy," Ian corrected.

     Christian smirks and leans in to capture my lips with his, "You seem to be gaining all of my brothers attention with your beauty."

     I blushed at his words. All of his brothers?

     "Bubba nooo!" The Mini Christian yells, pushing and shoving at his big brothers legs, "No kissing my girlfriend!"

     Christian smirks and looks down at his struggling brother trying to push him backwards, "But Manual she's my mate!"

     He growls cutely up at Christian, getting mad at him for kissing me, "No she's not! You always have alot of pretty girls, this one is mine!"

     Christian's black eyes widened as I raised a brow at him and pressed my lips together in a teasing manner, "Alot uh?"

     He chuckles nervously while rubbing the back of his neck, "Pssshh, I don't know what this kids is talking about. Did you know that he's adopted? Uhm here let me help you with this," he rushes out, putting Ian down and grabbing the small amount of groceries from my hands.

     I laughed before taking Ian's hand and walked into the livingroom. Only to freeze on the spot. There was a lot more children than I expected there to be, and they're all between the ages of 3 to 18. Most of them I even go to school with. Woah, ok Amy, don't be nervous, these children are part of the pack.

     In the middle was Bryce, who smiles and waves his hand at me, "Hey Amy! We're all going swimming, go change and come with us."

     My eyes widened in panic, "Swimming? Oh umm, I'm not a very good swimmer," I lied.

     I can swim, in fact I love to swim. It's just...the swim suit part I hate.

     I'm someone who would rather miss out on the fun of swimming, than to put on a swim suit and have all these beautifully fit people see me in it. Even if they didn't stare and was polite about it, just the fact that they still saw me in it knowing how my body looks, just makes me want to crawl in a dark hole.

     Just the thought of it sent a shiver of disgust up my spine.

     "Plus I don't have a swim suit," I continued.

     Sky comes out of the bathroom they have down here already changed into her own bathing suit, while throwing a blue bag at me, "You're lucky I got your back, now go change."

     You son of a bitch...

     I plastered on a fake smile, "Grrreat," I say in a unenthusiastic tone.

     I quickly dashed into the bathroom and sat my ass straight on the toilet. Fuck! What am I supposed to do now?

     I can't go out there in this!

     I held up the black one piece bathing suit and scoffed. There's no way in fucking hell anyone is seeing me in this!

     After 10 or so minutes of contemplating many, many escape routes. Some may or may not have resorted into just telling them that I have the shits just so I could go home.

     I regretfully put on the revealing swim suit and stood up to look in the mirror, while still stretching the skin tight material out with my hands. Like it's gonna do any good!

     (KNOCK! KNOCK!)

     "Princess are you ok in there?" I hear Christian asked after knocking on the door.

     I bit into my bottom lip as my eyes scanned over my weirdly shaped body, before throwing my head back and grunting in defeat, "Uhm, is it to late to go home?"

     He was quite for a minute.

     "Why would you want to go home Princess? Are you ok!?" He asked gently, but worry was laced through his voice.

     I groaned and ran my fingers though my hair before going to open the bathroom door, "I can't go out like this!" I tell him, pointing to the suit.

     He was leaning against the bathroom door frame with arms crossed over his bare chest. I avoided his eyes and went to sit back down on the toilet. Water was on the edge of my eyes.

     I hear Christian shut the door and walk closer to me before crouching down in front of me, "Come on Princess talk to me. What's wrong?"

     I don't know why, but him being nice was starting to piss me off, "Would you stop being so fucking nice to me! I'm hideous Chris, I mean just look at me! I'm surrounded by people who are nothing but perfect and I'm just.... I'm just here, looking like an oddly shaped potato."

     "I am looking at you Princess, and I don't see anything wron-"

     I scoffed, "You don't have to keep lying to me Chris! I know what I look like, and I know how people are going to look at me when I go down there in....in this! I don't want you to be embarrassed because of me. You deserve someone more perfect..."

     I hear a deep growl come from him as a strong hand grips my throat and pulls me up to my feet. I gasped as he unexpectedly slams me up against the wall more aggressively than normal.

     Anger rose in his eyes as they bounced back and forth between violet to black.

     "How dare you Amy," he growls lowly, pressing his body even closer, lightly brushing the tip of his nose up and down my neck.

     My eyes flutter close as he quickly flips me over to were I was now facing the wall. His fingers weaved their way through the back of my hair before gripping down on it tight and yanking it back. The heat from his body on mine was so warm and welcoming, but his stance said he was domanite and in control.

     "Who are you to tell me what's classified as perfect in my eyes," he says, pressing his body even closer on mine, purposely breathing hard against me, "You can ask me to do, think or say any, any! And I would gladly do it in a heart beat," he spoke more calmly.

     But then tightens his hold in my hair and tilts my head back further, exposing the bare part of my neck to him. My body trembles and goes numb as he licks a certain spot that had me whimpering in pleasure.

     "But you will NOT tell me how I should think perfection is supposed to look like. That is not yours, or anyone else's choice," he growls lowly, tilting my head back further, "That belongs to me, that is mine."

     I couldn't help but let out a soft moan as he grazed those canine teeth across my sensitive skin. His unexpected roughness somehow seem to excite and turn me on at the same time. Normally he's all sweet and gentle towards me, but now. Now it's just like I want him to dominate me in every single way possible.

     He inhales deeply against my neck, while his hands smoothly glides over my stomach area. My face scrunches up in embarrassment and disgust.

     He moans against my skin, "I love the way your body feels in my hands. So smooth and soft."

     I gasped, startled as he spins me back around again to face him. He smirks while leaning down to grab a hold of the bottom of each of my ass cheeks, and litterally LIFTS my big ass up to his eye level!

     Out of instincts, I quickly held on to his neck as he carried me over to the long bathroom sink. He sits me down on the sturdy sink while attacking my lips with his and spreading my bare legs apart.

     I couldn't help but run my fingers through his hair as our kiss deepens with each passing second. I was addicted to his touch, it was like I wanted to bath in his touch for the rest of my life.

     "You have no fucking clue what your body does to me Princess," he groans while pressing the lower half of his body to mine.

     I moaned softly at the feel of him while closing my eyes and tilting my head back onto the mirror. Chris litters my neck with rough kisses. Nibbling at it even, which aroused me even more.

     "You are missing one thing though," he says huskily, pulling back to look down at me.

     I opened my heavy eyes and looked at him confused and beyond turned on, "Wh-what?"

     He chuckles and wraps my brown hair up in a makeshift ponytail with his hand. His eyes were litterally swirling with bright violet and black as they watched me like a predator about to claim his dinner.

     He brings his lips down on mine, only to stop them as soon as he was close enough to glide his over mine, "I said you're missing one thing to your look," he growls lowly, tilting my head further back and kissing my throat.

     "Ooh? And what's that?" Was all I could manage to say.

     I could see his long canines grow even longer than before, making my eyes grow wide.

     "My mark."